<br /> C3EED DF TRlJST
<br /> ��ontinued� Pa�e 4
<br /> any praceeding or pur�hase in lieu of candemnatian, Lender may at its el�c�ion require that afl vr any partian af the
<br /> net praceeds �f the award be applied ta the Indebtedness or the repair ar restoration o� the Praper�y. The net
<br /> p�roceeds v�the award sha[I r-nean the award after payment af all reasanable �osts, expenses, and a�torneys' fees
<br /> i��curred hy Trus'�ee or Lender in cannection with the cvndemnation.
<br /> 1MP��ITI�N �F TA�CES, FEES AN❑ CHARGES 6Y GOVERNMENTAL AUTHaRITIES. The following pra��sivns rela��n�
<br /> t❑go�rernrnental taxes,�e�s and charges are a part af this [Jeed�f Trust:
<br /> C:urrent Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request hy Lender, Trusror shall execute such documents in additian to
<br /> t�is Deed of Trust and take wha�e�er afiher a��tiQn is �equ�sted by Lender�o per#ect and continue L�nder's ��en ❑n
<br /> ���� Real Property, Trustor shalf reimburse Lender far af( taxes, as des�ribed befow, to�ether with all exp�nses
<br /> incurred in recarding, per#��ting ar continuing �this Deed of Trust, includ+ng without limitation all taxes, �ees,
<br /> dacumentary stamps, and other�harges#v�recording or regis�ering this Deed vfi Trusfi.
<br /> T'axes. The fallvwing shall consti�ut� tax�s t� whi�h this se�tion appf�es: �1 y a specific tax upon this type of
<br /> aeed a'�Tr�ist or upon all or any part of the Indebtedness s�cured by this D�ed o�r Trust; {�} a sp�cific tax vn
<br /> Lorrower whi�h Borrower is authnrized or required to deduct frvrn payments an the Indeb�edness secured by this
<br /> type�f Deed of Trust; �3� a tax an this type of Deed o�Trust �hargeable against the L�nder or�h� halder ot�he
<br /> Gredit Agreement; and t�� a specific tax on all ❑r any portion of the Indeb�edness ar an paym�nts�f principal and
<br /> ir�terest made by Borrower.
<br /> S�ubsequen� Taxe�. If any fiax to which this 5eC'tEon applies is enacted subsequen� to the date af this Deed of
<br /> T'rust, this ��ent shal� ha�e �he same effect as an E�en� of �e#ault, and L�nder may exercise any or all of its
<br /> a�ailabie remedies for an E�en� of Defauft as pro�ided b�law un�ess Trustor either �1� pays the tax before i�
<br /> b�cames delinquent, vr t�y contes�s th�tax as provided abv�e in�he Taxes and Liens se��ion and deposits w�th
<br /> Lender cash or a suf�i�i�nt corporate surety band ar�fiher security sa�isfactory to Lend�r.
<br /> SECU�ITY AGREEMENT: FINANC�NG STATEMENTS. The �olfovuing pro�isians relating to �his Deed of Trust as a
<br /> secur�ty agreem�nt a�e a part❑f this Deed of Trust;
<br /> Securifiy A�reernent. This instrument sha�� �onstitute a 5ecurity Agr�ement to the extent any vf the Property
<br /> constitutes fixtures, and Lender shall have afl of the rights af a s�cured party under the Uniform Cvmmercial Cade
<br /> as am�nded frvm time to�irne.
<br /> 5ecurity Interest. llpon request hy Lender, Trustor shall take whate�er ac�ian is re�#uest�d by Lender to perfect
<br /> and cantinue Lender's security interest in the Persona� P�operty. ln addition to recording this Deed of Trust in the
<br /> real proper�y rec�rds, Lender may, at any time and vvithaut further autharizatian from TruStor, file exe�uted
<br /> caunterparts, ca�ies or repraductions of this De�d of Trus't as a financing statement. Trustor shall reimburs�
<br /> Lender for a�l expenses in�urred in per#ect�ng ar continuing this secu�'ity interest, lJpon defauft, Trustor shall not
<br /> rf:ma�e, se�er or detach the Persona� Property �rom the Praperty, lJpan default, Trustar shal! assemhle any
<br /> Persona� Prvperty not affixed to the Praperty in a manner and a� a place reasonably c�nvenient to Trus�or and
<br /> Lend�r and make it a�ailable �to Lender within three �3� days after re�eipt �f w�i�ten demand frarn Lender �o the
<br /> extent permi�ted by applicabl��aw,
<br /> A.ddresses. The mailing addresses ❑# Trustor �debtory and Lend�r tsecur�d party� #rom which informa�ion
<br /> concerning �he se�urity int�rest gran�ed hy this ❑eed vf Trust may be abtained ��a�h as required by the LJniform
<br /> Cammercial Cvde) are as sta�ed on th��irst page of this Qeed a�Trust.
<br /> FURTF�EF� �45SL�RANCES: ATT�F�NEY-IN-FA�T. Th� �of[owing pro�isions relating to further assurances and
<br /> attarn�y-in-fact are a part afi this Deed vf Trus�:
<br /> F�arther Assurances. A�any tirne, and from time to time, upvn request af Lender, Trustar will make, execu�e and
<br /> deliver,❑r v�iff�ause t❑ be rnade, executed or deli�ered,�o Lender or�o Lender's design�e, and when requ�s�ed by
<br /> L�nder, cause t� be fifed, recorded, r��i�ed, or rerecorded, as the case may be, a�such times and in su�h o�f�ces
<br /> a�d p[aces as Lender may deem appropriate, any and al� such mortga�es, deeds of firust, seGurity de�ds, se�ur€ty
<br /> a�reements, financing s�atements, �ontinua�ian statements, instrurnents of further assuranc�, c�rtifi�ates, and
<br /> a�ther documents as may, in th�sale opini�n a�Lender, be necessary or d�sirahie in order t❑ ef��ctuate, c�mpfete,
<br /> ��rfect, �vntinue, or prese��e �'�� Barrvwer's and Trustor's abligations under the Gredit Agr�ement, �his Deed of
<br /> Trus�, and the Related Dacurnents, and {2y the liens and security interests �reated �y this Deed of Trust on the
<br /> P�-vper�y, wh�ther now owned or hereafter acquired by Trustvr. Un1�ss prohibi#ed by law or Lender agrees to the
<br /> cr�ntrary in writing, Trustor shall reirnburse Lender for a�� c�sts and exp�nses incurred �n cannectivn with the
<br /> rr�atters refierred�o in this paragraph,
<br /> Attvrney-in-Fact. If TrustQr fails to do an�of the things ref�rred ta in the preceding paragraph, Lender may da so
<br /> ft�r and in the narne af Trustar and at Trustor's expense. Far such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�aCably appvints
<br /> Lnnder as Trustor's atto�ney-in-fact for the purpose of making, executing, deliv�ring, filing, recording, and daing all
<br /> o��her things as may be n�ces�ary flr desirable, in Lender's sole opinFon, tv ac�amplish the ma'��Ce�s referred to in
<br /> tl�e preceding paragraph,
<br /> FULL E'ERF�RM►4NCE. [f BarrQwer and Trus#ar pay all the fndeb�edness vi►hen due, terminates the credi� line ac�vunt,
<br /> and Trustor o�herwise performs ai�the obliga�ions imposed upon Trustor under this ❑�ed vf Trust, Lender shaii execute
<br /> and d�li�er to Trustee a request �or full recan�eyance and shall execute and de�i�er ta Trustor suitable statemen�s af
<br /> �erminatian of any financing statement on �ile evidencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the P�rsonal
<br /> Pr�perty. Any r��on�eyanc�fee requir�d by law shall b�paid by Trustor, if perrnitted by applicable law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEF�ULT. Trus�or wili he in defauf�t under this De�d �f Trust if any af the following happen; �Ay Trustor
<br /> commits fraud or makes a materia! misrepresen�atian at any �ime in c�nne��ion with �he Credit Agreemen�, This can
<br /> includ�, ��r examp�e, a#alse statement about Bvr�ower's or Trustor's income, assets. liabilities, or any ather aspects afi
<br /> gorrvv�rer's or Trustvr's financiaf condition. =B} Borrower dves not rneet the repayment terms a�the�r�dit Agreernent.
<br /> tCy Trusfi�r's actian�r inactian ad�ersely aff�ets�he callateral or Lender's rights in the c�llateral. This can include, far
<br /> exampi�, fai(ure ta maintain required insurance, waste ar destructi�e use of the dwelling, faiiure ta pay�axes, death of
<br /> a!I persans liable �n the accQunt, transfer af title or sale o� the dweffing, creatian o� a senior lien an the dw�lling
<br /> vv€thout Lender's perrnissian, fo��cfvsure by the halder�f anQther�ien,or the use af fiunds or the dwe���n�for prahibited
<br /> purpo�es.
<br /> NtGHTS AND REIViEDIES �N ❑EFAULT. I#an E�ent af ❑efault o�curs under this Deed af Trust, at any time�her�af�er,
<br /> Trust��or Lender may exercise any an�or mvre af the fallowing rights and remedies:
<br /> Acceler�tian Upon De�ault;Addit�onal Remedies. I�any E�ent af❑efault occurs as per the terms❑f the �redifi
<br /> Agreem�nt secured her��y, Lender may deGlar� a!! Indebtedness se�ured by this Qe�d of Trust to be due and
<br /> payable and the same shall�hereupan becam�due and pa�able vvi�haut any presentment, demand, p��t�s#or
<br /> notice�f any kind. Therea�'�err Lender may:
<br /> ta� Either �n p�rson ❑r by agent, with or wi�hout bringin� any action or proceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appvint�d by a cour� and withaut regard tv the adequacy of its security, enter up�n and take passessian
<br /> af the Praperty, or any part thereof, in its own name vr�n the name af Trustee, and dv any a�ts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable ta pres�rve�he Walue, marketability ar rentability afi the Property, a�part of
<br /> �he Property vr infieres�in the Praperty; increase the income from �he Property�r pro�ect the S��urity tif
<br /> the Property; and, with or without taking pvssessivn of the P�operty, sue for ar otherwise cvflect �he
<br />