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2� 15�5784 <br /> DEED C]F TRUST <br /> ��[�nti�ued� Page � <br /> C'amplianGe With En�irvnmental Laws. Trustar repr�sents and warrants to Lender#hat: f 1} During the perivd af <br /> Trustar's ov+rnership af the Property, there has been no use, generatian, manufacturer starage,treatment, disposal, <br /> release or thr�atened release af any Ha�ardous Substance by any person �n, under, about or firam the Property; <br /> ��} Trustor has nv knawledge af, ar reasan to befie�e tha�there has been, ex�ept as pre�iously discfosed to and <br /> ��kn�wledged by Lender in writing, �aj any breach ar �iviation af any Environm�ntal Laws, �by any use, <br /> ��eneration, manufacture, storage, tr�atrnent, dispasal, releas� or threatened releas� of any Ha�ardous 5ubstance <br /> an, under, �abvut or �rom �he Property by any prior owners or accupants ❑f �he Property, ❑r tc� any actual ❑r <br /> thr�atened litigation or claims ❑f any kind by any pers�n r�lating ta such matt�rs; and f3f Ex�ept as pre�iously <br /> d�sc[osed t�and acknowledg��f�y Lender in writin�, �a) neither Trustor nar any tenant, cvn�ract�r, agent ar other <br /> au�thori�ed user of the Prope�ty shall use, generate, manufacture, s�are, treat, dispose ❑f or release any Ha�ardous <br /> �uhstance an, under, abaut or from the Prop�rty; and �by any su�h acti�ity shall be conducted in �ompliance w�th <br /> all app��cabie '�e�eral, state, and local laws, regulatians and ordinan�es, in�luding without �imitation all <br /> En�ironrnen�al Laws. Trus�vr aufiharizes Lender and its agents t� enter upon th� Prvperty ta make such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trustor's exp�nse, as L�nder may deem apprvpriate �� de#ermine �ornpliance af the <br /> �'roperty with this section of th� Deed of Trus�. Any inspections ar tests rnade by Lender shall be for Lender"s <br /> �urposes only and shall not be canstrued to create any responsibili�y Qr liabiiity on fihe pa�t af Lender to Trustar ar <br /> t� any a'�her p�rsan. The represen�a�ions and warranties con�ained herein are based �n Trustar's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating �he Property fior Ha�ardous 5ubstanc�s. Trus�ar her�hy t 1} r�leases and wai�es any fu�ur� ��aims <br /> against L�nder#or indemnity or cantribution in the evenfi Trustor becomes liable far c�eanup or other costs under <br /> any such lar►vs; and {2� agrees to indernnify, defend, and hvEd harmless Lender agaFnst any and all claims, losses, <br /> fiaE�i�ities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender rnay directly ar indirect�y sus�ain or sufifer resulfiEng fram <br /> a breach vf this section ��the D�ed of Trust or as a �ansequence vf any use, generation, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, releas��r#hreatened release accurrin�privr to Trustor's awnership�r interest in the Property, whether ar <br /> not the same was or shvuld ha�e b�en known to Trustor. The pro�isions of this s�cti�n afi �he Q�ed vf Trust, <br /> including the abligatian to Endemnify and defiend, shall sur�i�e the payment of the Indebtedness and the satis�activn <br /> and recon�eyance�f the li�n af this Deed ❑f Trust and shall nat be affected by Lend�r's a�quisitian af any interest <br /> in the Praper�y,whether by#areclasure vr atherwise. <br /> �iuisan�e, Waste. Trustor shall not �ause, conduct or permit any nuisance nvr commit, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping o#ar was'�e on or to fihe Property vr any portian vf the Praperty, V1lithout �irniting the gen�rality of�h� <br /> ��aregaing, Trustvr will nat remo�e, vr�rant�a any vther party the right ta remo�e, any timber, m�nerals 4inc�uding <br /> vil and gas}, caal, c�ay,scvria, saii, grav�l ar raGk products withau�Lender's priar written consent. <br /> R'ernarral of Imprvvements. Trus�vr shall nat demolish ar rerno�e any lmpro�ements frvm the Real Property without <br /> Lend�r's pri�r wri�ten cans�nt. As a cvnditian t❑the rem��al ❑f any ImprQ��m�nts, Lender may requ�r�Trustor to <br /> make arrangernents sa�isfactory to Lender ta replac� such Imp�o�ements with Improvements of at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Righ�t t❑ Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and r�presen�tati�es may enter upan the Real Praperty at all <br /> r�;asanable �imes tv attend to Lender's interes�s and to inspect �he Real Property for purposes of Trustvr's <br /> carnpliance with th�terms and conditions vf this Deed af Trus�. <br /> C�vmplian�e w�th Gvr►ernrnental Requirement�. Trustar shail pramptfy Gvmply with all laws, ordinan��s, and <br /> r�gulations, now �r herea�Fter sn e�fect, of all go�ernmental authorities applicab�� �o the use ar occupancy of the <br /> P�aperty. Trusfiar may contest in good faith any such�aw, ordinan�e,or regu�ation and withhafd compliance during <br /> any proceeding, incfuding apprapriate appeals, so Ic�ng �s Trus�or has notifi�d Lender in writing p�i�r to daing so <br /> and s❑ lang as, in Lender`s�ale vpinion, Lender's interests in the Prap�rty are no�jeopardized. Lender rnay r�quire <br /> Trusto�ta past a�equate security or a surety bond, reasonabfy satisfac�ory to Lend�r,tv protect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty ta Pro�ect. Trus�or ag�ees neither tv abandan vr leave unat�tended the Property. Trustar shall do all o�her <br /> acts, in additivn�o thos�a�ts se#�or�h above in this section, which fram th�character and use of the Property are <br /> r�asanably neces�ary to pr�tecx and preser�e the Property. <br /> bUE C�N SALE-��NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lende�'s option, declare immedEately due and payable a!I sums <br /> secur�d by this Deed❑�Trust upon�h�sale❑r transfer, without Lender's prior written consen�r ❑�a�f Qr any part af the <br /> Reai Praper�y, or any interes� in the Real Praperty. A "sa�e or transfer" m�ans the �onveyance af Real Property�r any <br /> right, �itle or int�rest in the Real Prvperty; wh�th�r legal, beneficial vr equ�fiab[�, whether �ofun�ary �r in�vluntary: <br /> whether by out�ight sale, deed, installment sale �antract, land contract, cvntract for deed, leasehold int�rest wi�kh a <br /> term �reater than three t3} years, [ease-�ptian cantraGt, ar by sale, assignment, vr transfer of any beneficial int�r�st in <br /> ar to any land trus� holding ti�le to the Real Property, vr bV anY ather me�hvd of con�ey�nce afi an interesfi in the Real <br /> Property, However, �his vptivn shall nvt �e exercis�d by Lender if such ex�rc�s� is prohibited by federaf law or by <br /> Nebra�ka law, <br /> TAXE� AND LIEfVS. The �offowing p�a�isians refa�ing ta the taxes and fiens an the Pr�perty �re part of this Deed af <br /> Trust: <br /> P��yment. Trust�r shall pay wh�n�ue �an� in a1�e�ents priar�to delinquency� aff taxes, spe�ial taxes, ass�ssments, <br /> cl�arges �including water and sewery, fines and impasitions fe�ied against ar on a�caunt of the Praperty, and shaii <br /> p�y when due all cla�ms for work done on vr f�r ser�ices rendered ar material fu�nished��the Property. Trustor <br /> shal� maintain the Property free of aff liens havin� priority���r or equal to the interest of Lender under this De�d af <br /> T�ust, except fvr the fien o� taxes and assessments n�t due, excep� for th� Existing fnd�b#edness referred �a <br /> hnfow, and except as otherwise provided in this D�ed of Trust. <br /> Raght to Cvntest. Trustor may withho�d paym�n�of any tax, ass�ssmen�, or claim in conne��ian w�th a gaod�aith <br /> d�spute o�er the obligation ta pay, s�lang as Lender's interest in the Proper�y is nat�eapardized. If a iien arises or <br /> is fi�ed as a resu�t �f nonpayment, Trus�ar shall within fi'�teen ��5� days aft�T the lien arises ar, ifi a li�n is �iled, <br /> within �ifteen ��51 days a�ter Trustvr has notice o� �he fiSing, secure the dtscharge v�the [ien, or if reques�ed by <br /> Lende�,deposi�C with Lender cash or a sufficient corpvrate surety bond or ather security satisfactory tv Lender in an <br /> arnount sufficient to discharge the �ien plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, or vthe�Ghar�es�hat coufd accru� as a <br /> resu�t a�a far�closurs vr sale under the lien. I n any cantest,Trus�vr shall defend its�ff and Lender and sha1�satisfy <br /> ar7y aduerse judgrnen�befor�enfar�emen�against the Property. Trustar shai� name Lender as an additionaf o�['rgee <br /> ur�der any sur�ty bond�urnfshed in the cantest prnceedings. <br /> Euidsn�e of Payment. Trustar shai� upnn demand �urnish tv Lende�sa�isfactory e�idence of paymen�a�the�axes <br /> or�assessments ans� shall au�harixe�he appropriate go�rernmenta� ❑#fi�ial to deli�ar �a Lende� at any time a written <br /> sta#ement o#�Che taxes and assessments against the Prop�rty. <br /> N�fice af Construc�ion. Trustvr shall natify Lender a# least fi�teen (15} days befor� any work is cornmenced, any <br /> s�r�ices are furnished, or any materials are su�pli�d to the Praperty, if any mechanic's lien, materia�men's �ien, or <br /> other fien cauld be asserted an ac�ount af the work, s�rvices, or materials and the cost exc�eds $1,000.00. <br /> Trustor will upon request v� Lender furnish to L�nder ad�ance assurances satis�actary ta Lender that Trustor can <br /> and will pay the Gost❑f such imQra�ernents. <br /> PR�PERTY DAM►4GE fi�SURANC�. �he faliawing pro�isions �e{ating t❑ insuring �he Property are a part ofi this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenan�e of Insurance. Trustor shall p�vcure and rnaintain poli�ies of �ire insurance with standard ex�ended <br />