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��15�5776 <br /> interest frarn the da��of di�bursement a�tihe Note rate and sha�l be paya��e,wi�h interest,upvn notice fr�m Lender <br /> �o B orrower reques�ing p aymen�. <br /> M�r�gage Insuran�e. �f Lender r� m�r�gage insurance as a conditian of making �he loan secured by �his <br /> Security�ns�rurnent,Sorrotiver sha��pay the pr�m�ums requ�red�a maintain�he m�r�gage�nsuran�e in�ffec�.If,far <br /> any reason, �he martgage insurance coverage required by Lend�r �apses �r ceases to be in effect, Borr�v►rer sha�� <br /> pay the prenv�ums required �o ob�ain caverage subs�a���a�ly equivalent �o the mor�gage insurance previousZy �n <br /> effec�, at a cost substan�iall� equxva�ent to th� cns� to �o��rotiver af�he mortgage insurance previous�y �n effec�, <br /> from an al�ernatc martgage in�urer appraved by Lender.�f subs�an�ially equivalent mortgage insurar��e caverage is <br /> nat a��a�labl�, Barra�ver shall pay �o Lender each m.anth a sum egual to orie-twelfth of the yearly mar�gage <br /> �nsuranc�prern�um being pazd�y Borrower when�he insurance cav�rage Xapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender <br /> v�rill ac��pt,use and retain�h�se paymen�s as a lass res�rve in lieu of mortgage insurance. L�ss reser�re payrnents <br /> may na longer be r�quireds at the opt�on of Lender, if rnortgage insurance coverage �i.n the amou��t arzd for the <br /> period tha�Lender r�quires}provided by an insurer approved by Lender again�aecomes a�rai�able and�s a�tained. <br /> Borro�ver shall pay�he prem�ums required ta maintain mor�gag�insurance �n effect, or�o provide a loss reserve, <br /> unti� �he requiremen� f�r mortgage insuranc� ends in accordance tiv�th any wrz�en agreement�etween B�rrQwer <br /> and Ler�der ar Applicable Law. <br /> Inspe�t�an. Lender �r its agen�may make r�asonable entries upon and�nspec�ions of the Pr�per�y. Lender shai� <br /> give Borrower no�ice at�he t�me of or priar ta an�nspection sp�cifying reasonab�e�ause for the inspection. <br /> Condemna�vn.The proceeds of any award or c�aim for damages,direct flr cansequentia�,in c�rinectz�n with any <br /> con��mna�ion ar ather taking of any pazt of�he Property, �r for can�e�anc� �ir� lieu af condernna�.an, are�ereby <br /> assign�d and shali be paid to Lender. <br /> In th� e��ent of a tota� taking af�he Prop��-ty, the pra�e�ds sha�� be applied�a �he sums secured by th�s Security <br /> Instrument, whether or no� then due, wi�h any excess paid to �orra�rer. �n �he event of a partia� taking af the <br /> Property in v�hich�he fair market va�ue af the Praperty immediately�efore the �aking i� equal to ar grea�er�han <br /> �he arnQunt of�he sums secur�d by this Security Instrumen��mmediate�y befare the ta�ing,un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lend�r otherwise agree in wr���n�,�he sums secured by th�s Se�uri�y Zn��rument shall be reduced by th�amount of <br /> �he proGeeds rnul�iplied by�he fo]�ovving fract�an: �a}the�fltal amaunt of the sums secured immedia�ely before the <br /> ta�ng, divided by �b} the fair market�ralue of the Praper�immed�ately�aefore the taking. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> paid�o Borrovver. �n�he ���n�of a par�ial tak�ing of�he Prapert�y ��.which the fa�r marke�value of the Prap�r�y <br /> xmrnedia�ely befare the �aking is Iess than�he amoun�of the sum� s�cur�d immed�ately bef�re the tal��ng, unl�ss <br /> Bnrrotiver and L�nd�r��heru��se agr�e in wri�.ng�r unless Applicable La�v otherv�rise pro�ides, the proceeds sha�l <br /> be applied ta th�surns secured by this S�curity Ins�rum�nt vcrh��hcr or no�the sums ar�then due. <br /> xf�he Property is abandoned by Barrower, or zf, af�er�o��e by Lender�a Borr�uter tha�fhe condemnQr offe�s tia <br /> make an a�vard or set��e a c�airn for damages,Barrovver fails to respond�o Lender�v�thzn�he min�mum number❑f <br /> days es�ablished by Applicabl�La�v after the date th.e na��ce is g�ven,Lender�s au�hori2ed to col�ec�and apply�h� <br /> proceeds, a� �ts op�zon, either �� res�orat�fln or repair of�he Prope�rty or to the sums secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> Ynstrumen�,u�he�her or n�t�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrovver o�herwise agree in writing, any app��cation of pr�ceeds t�pr�n�ipal shall n��ex�end <br /> ar pas�pone �he due da�e of the paym�n�s referred �o in the section ti�Ied Paymen� of Prin�ipa� and In�erest; <br /> Pr�paym�n�and La�e�harges or chang�the amoun�of such payments. <br /> Borrower No� Re��a�ed; Fnrbearan.�e By Lender No� a Wa�ver. E�t�nsion �f �he �ime for payment or <br /> mad�fzca�ion af am�r�izatian of the sums secured by�his Securi� �nstrumen� granted hy Lender �o Borrau�er flr <br /> any successor �n interes� of Borrourer sha�I not apera�e ta release the Iiabi�ity af the arig�nal Borrower or <br /> Borro�rer's success�rs in interes�. Lender shall not be requ�red�o commenc�proceed�ngs agains�any su�cessor in <br /> interest or refuse to extend t�me f�r paymen�or atherur�se mo�ify amarti�ation of th�surns secuxed by�his 5��urity <br /> Ins�rument by reasan of any demand made by the origi�al Bar�ro,wer or Borra�trer's successors in in��rest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercising any rxght ar reme�y sha�1 nat be a wa�ver of ar preclude the exer�ise of any <br /> righ�ar remedy. <br /> Successars and A��igns �ound; Jaint and Se�eral L�abili�y; A�co�mmodatinn Signers. The covenants and <br /> a�reements of�hi.s Security�ns�rument sha��bind and benefzt�he successors and ass�gns of Lender and Barrnwex, <br /> su���c� ta the provisions of s�c��on ti��ed Transfer of �he Property or a Benefx�ial In�ere�t in Borrawer. <br /> �3orrovver's ca�renan�s and agr�ements shal�be join�and s�veral. Any person wha ca-szgns�his Security Instrum�n� <br /> but da�s no� exe�ute �he Note ("Accomrnodati�n 5igner"�: �a} is c�-signing �his Security Ins�rumen� only �o <br /> m�rtgage, granf and convey tha�Accommada�i�n Signer's in�eres�in�he Prapex�y under�he�erm� of the Security <br /> rnstrument; �b� is nat per�onally ab�iga�ed t�pa����sums secured by this Secuarity�nst�nent; and�c� agrees that <br /> Lender and any ather B�rrawer may agree to ex�tend,mod�fy, f�rbear or naake any accommadat�ans with regard tfl <br /> the terms�f this Security�ns�rument�r the Note w�thaut that Ac�ornmodati.on S�gner's cansent. <br /> Loan Charges. If�he lflan secured by �h.�.� Se�urity �ns�rum�n� �s subj ec� to a iawv vvhich sets maxirnum loan <br /> charges, and�ha�Iaw is finaliy�n�erpre�ed so�ha�th� int�rest ar ather loan charges co��ec�ed a�r�a be�oilec�ed�n <br /> connectz�n w�th the iaan e�ceed �he permi�ted limits, �h�n: �a} any such loan cha.rge sha�l be reduced �y the <br /> amount necessar,��a reduce the charge to the perm��.ed��mits and�b) any sums alr�ady cal�ected from Barrau��r <br /> u�hzch exceeded permit�ed ��mi�ts will be r�fur�ded �a B�rr�wer. Lender may cho�se �o rnake �his refund by <br /> reducing the princ�pal o�ved under the Note �r by making a d�rec� payment to Barrau�er. If a refund reduc�s <br /> prin�ipal,the reduct�an�v�l�be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepaymen�withau�any prepayment charge under the N'o�e. <br /> C�2404-��t 5 CompIiance Systems,Inc.A6BC-5A4b-2D 15.3.5,1464 <br /> Car�sumer Real Estate-Se�unity�nstr�ment DL2036 Pa�;e 3 of 6 <br />
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