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<br /> Hame Federa�Savzngs&Loan Assac�ation of IIome Federa�Sav�n�s&Loan Assoc�ation af
<br /> Grand Island Grand Island
<br /> 221 South Locust Stree� ��1 South Lacust Stree�
<br /> �Space Aba�e This Line For R�cardzng�3ata}
<br /> L�AN�RIG�NAT�R��MPANY IrTAME:Hvme Federal Savings c�z Lnan Association af�rand Island
<br /> L�AI��RIGINATDR N'AME:I��sa Mayer
<br /> D��D (�� TRiTST
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Security�ns�rurnen�"� is made vn AuguSt 17, 2415. The gran�.ors are �REG�R�'B
<br /> UHl�NIACHER and D t)RQTHY J UHRMACFIER, hu�b an d an d wife, who se address i s 18Z2 SHER.MAN
<br /> �T, GRAI�ID ISLAND,��e�raska GS8�3-251��"Barrovver"}. Borr�wer is nv�necessar��y the same as th�Persan
<br /> ar Person�u�ho sign�h�No�e.The ab�igatians of Borrourers�vha did no�sign�he No�e are e�p�aine�fur�her in�he
<br /> sec�ion ��t�ed Succ�ssors and Ass�gns Bound; J�in� and Sev�eral Liabilit�; Accommoda��on Signers. The
<br /> truste� is Arend R. I3aaCk, A�tvrney whase address �s P.�. Box 79D, �rand Is�and, Nebraska 6SSU2
<br /> ("Trustee"}. The beneficiary is H�me F`ed�ra�Sa�fngs&Loan Assoc�atian of Grand Island,�v�rh�ch is orgar�ized
<br /> and exi���ng under �he �aws of�he TJnited Sta�es �f Am�r�ca and vvhose address is Z�1 Sou�h Lacusf S�ree�,
<br /> Grand Island,I�ebraska�88U1 �"Lender"}. GREGDRY B�[JHRI�TACHER and D�R�3THY J UHRMACHER
<br /> �we Lender �h� pr�n�zpa� sum of Thirty-one Thausand Six Hundred Fifty-eigh� and 4DI1DD 1]oliar� �U.S.
<br /> $31,65S.U�},�vhich is evxden�ed by the na�e, cansumer�aan agre�men�, or similar writ�ng da�ed�he same da�e as
<br /> th�s Security Tnstrument��he "Nate"�, �v�rhich provides for periodic paymen�s �"Periad�c Pa�ments"},with the full
<br /> debt,if nat paid earlier,due an August 3a,�UZO.Thi�Securi��ns�rurn�nt secures�o Lender: �a}�he repayment of
<br /> the debt evidenced by �he Nate, wi�h interest, and a��reneWa�s, extensians and rnodzfxGa�ians af the N��e; �b� �h�
<br /> paymen� of a�l o�her sums, with �n�erest, advanced �o protect the se�uri�y of�h�s Security �nstrumen� under �he
<br /> provisians of the scctian titicd Protection of Lender's Raigh�5 �n �he Property; and �c} the perfQrmance of
<br /> B��7oti�rer'�cavenants and agreem��ts under th.is Secur��ty Instrument and�he N'a�e. For th�s purp�se,Barrourer, in
<br /> cons�dera�ion of the deb� and the tru.s� herein �rea�e�, irr�voca��y grants an� con�veys �o Trustee, in �rust, v�i�h
<br /> po�v�r af sale,�he fol��w�ng descrih�d prop�rty Iacated in the C�UNTY of HALI.�,Sta�e af N�braska:
<br /> Address: 18ZZ SHERMAI��T,GRAI.�TD ISLANI7,Nebraska�SSU3-�2519
<br /> Lega� Description: L�T TEN (1D�, IMPERIAL VII�LA�E EIGHTH SUBDNISI�N, CITY �F
<br /> T��ETH�R W�TH a1� the unpr�vemen�� nov� or hereafter erect�d or� �he praperty, and alI easements,
<br /> appurtenances, and fix�ures nativ or hereafter a par� af the pr�per�r. A��replacemen�s and additzans shaii a�so be
<br /> covered by �hzs Securi�ty �ns�rumen�. AlI of �he foregaing is referred ta in this 5ecurity �ns�z-ument as �he
<br /> "Prflpert�."
<br /> B�RR��ER��VENANTS tha�Barrovver is lawfully seised of the estate hereb�c�n�eyed and has t�e righ��o
<br /> gran� and convey �he Pr�perfiy and �ha� the Property is unencumbered, ex�ep� f�r encumbrances af record.
<br /> Borrfl��ve��t�raxran�s and vtrill d�fend generally the �it�e to the Praperty aga�ns� aIl c�aims and demands, subj ect �o
<br /> any encurnbrances af r�c�rd.
<br /> Borrawer and Lender covenan�and agree as follows:
<br /> Paymen�of Prine�pal and Intiere�t;Prepayment and I..�ate�harges.BarraWer sha�I promptly pay�rhen due the
<br /> principal of and in��res� on the de�bt evidenced b� th�Note and any prepayment and �a�e charges due under the
<br /> No�e.
<br /> A.ppli��ble Law. As used in �this Securit� Yns�rrien�, �he term "App�icab�e Law" sha�l mean all can�ralling
<br /> app��cab�� federal, ��a�e and local ��atutes, regulatians, ordinances and adminis�rative ru�es and orders ��ha�have
<br /> the effect�f la�v}as u�el�as a�l appl�cable f nal,n�n�-appeal.a��e�udicial apinion.s.
<br /> �2�Q4-2415 Compliance 5ystems,I�ic.AGBC-5A4U-2015.3.5.I�G4
<br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Security Tnstrument DL243b Page 1 of 5 www.comptiar�cesystems.com
<br />