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��15�5774 <br /> �]EE� �F TRUST <br /> tContinued� �ag� � <br /> En►►irflnment�l Laws. Trustar �uth�rk�es I�ender and its agents t� �nter upvn the Property to m�ke such <br /> inspectivn� and tests, at Trustvr's exp�ns�, as Lender may deem ap�ropsiat� t� dete�mine c�mpliance ❑f the <br /> Property with this section af the Qeed af Trust. Any inspections ar te�ts rnade by Lender shall be fvr Lender's <br /> purposes only�nd shall nat be ca�nstrued to�reate any responsib+�ity or liahility on th�part a�Lgnd��t❑Trustar or <br /> ta any ❑ther persan. The representations�nd warranties �ontained herein�re based on Trust�r's due diligence in <br /> in�es#igating #he Property for Haza�dvus Substances. Trustor hereby �1� releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender for �ndamnity ❑r �ontriburion in the ��ent Trustar be�omes liable fvr �leanup or o�her �osts und�r <br /> any such laws; and ��y egrees ta indemni�y. defend, �nd hald harmf�ss Lender against any and a�l claims, ��5S�5r <br /> lia�i�it�es,darnages,pena�ties,and�acRenses whiGh�ender rnay di�ectly ar indirectly sustain or suffer r�su�ting f�om <br /> a breach ❑f this sectian af the Deed �f Tr�st ar as a consequen�e af any use, generati�n, rnanutacture, starage, <br /> dispasal, release ar threa#ened release occurring prior ta Trustor's ownershi�or interest in th� Praperty, rrvhether�r <br /> no� the same was or shouid ha�e been known tc� Trustor. The pra�isians of this sectRon �f the Deed af Trust. <br /> includin�the�blEgation to indemni�y and de�end,sha!!sur�i��the paymen�o�the Ind�btedness and the satisfacti�n <br /> snd r�Gan�eyance of the lien vf this Deed of Trust and sha11 nvt be a�fe�ted by Lender's acquisFtivn of any interest <br /> in the P�opsrty.whether by foreclasure vr Qtherwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1Naste. Trustar shall not cause, �onduct ar perrnit any nuisenca n�r cnmmit, p�rmit, or sufifef any <br /> stri�ping of o+r waste on or ta the Prvperty vr eny pvrtion of the Prvperty. Withvut limiting the generality of the <br /> �o��g��ng, Trustor will no'�remo��, or grant#o any �th�r party the right to remv�e, any timber, mine�als �in��uding <br /> ai�and gasy, cval, clay,scoria,st�il,gra�el or rack products withvut l.ender's�rit�r wri�ten�vnsent. <br /> Rema�a�af Impra►►ernents. Trustar sh�ll not dema�lish or rem��e any Irnpro�ernent5 from ihe Real Pr�perty without <br /> Lender's prior written �onsent. As� �onditivn to�he r�ma�al of any Imprv�ements, Lenda�may requir�Trustar ta <br /> make ar��ngements satisfactvey to Lend�r tQ r��Eace such Irnpro�ements with Impra�ements Q� a� least equa! <br /> �a�ue. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lgnder and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upan the Real Pr�pQrty at alI <br /> reason�ble times tv attend to Lender's int�res�s and to inspect the Rgai Prap��ty f�r pu�poses of Trustvr's <br /> campliance with the terms and conditians❑f this Deed�f Trust. . <br /> �ompliance with Ga�Brnmental Requtremants. Trustor shall promptly campiy with a�! laws, vrd�nances, and <br /> regulatians, naw or here�fte� in effect, af all ga�ernmental authorities appficable to the use or occupancy of the <br /> Prvperty. Trustor may cantest in g�ad faith any such rsgulation and withhold cvmpliance during <br /> any pracegding, including apprapriate appeals� so lang as Trustar has n�ti�ied Lender in writing prior to doing so <br /> and so lang�s, 'rn L�nder's sa�e opiniQn, Lender's interasts in the Prop�rty are not jevpardized. Lender may require <br /> Trusto�to post adequate 9ecurity or a suraty bond, reason�bly satisfactary ta Lende�,ta prvtect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to Pr�tect. Trust�r agrees ne�ther to abandfln vr le�ve unaEtended the Prvperty. Trustvr shal! d❑ all �ther <br /> a�ts, in addition to those acts set fvrth aba�e in th�s seGtian, which�ram the ch�raGt�r and use Qf the Pr�perty are <br /> reasanably necessary to prateGt a�nd p�eser�e the PrQperty. <br /> L7LIE QN SALE w C�NSENT Bl�L�N�3EI�. Lend�r may,at Lender's optivn,deGlare immedietely due and payable al�sums <br /> secured by�his D�ed�f Trust u�on the s�Se or trans�er, withaut Lend�r's prior written consent,of al�or anY part af the <br /> R�al Praperty, or any interest in the Real #�rQperty. A "sale �r tran�fer" me�ns the�on�eyance of Re�l Proper�y�r�ny <br /> right, tit�e �r interest in th� Real Property; wheth�r legal, heneficia3 vr equi�able; wrhether vvluntary ar in��lunt�ry; <br /> whethe� by vutright sale, deed, �nstallment sale con�ract, land contra�t► ��ntr�ct far d�ed, �easehold �nt�re�t with a <br /> term greater than three {3y years, lease-t�ptivn �a�ntra�t, or by sale, assignrn�nt, v�transfer v�f�ny b�nefiGi�� inte�est in <br /> ar�� any iand trust ho�ding title ta the Rea� Prop�rty, or by any o�her methad of ctinveyance o�an interest�n the �eal <br /> Property. Howe�er, �his op�ian sha�� not be exercised by Lender if such exercise i� prohfbtted �y federal law or hy <br /> IVebraska�aw. <br /> TAXES AND LiENS. The fo�ivwing pro�isians releting ta th� taxes and liens an the Praperty a�e part vf this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> P�yment. Trustar shaff pay when due tand in al!events priar to del�nquency� all taxes, specia�taxes, assessrnents, <br /> charges �including water and sewery, fines and imposit�c��s leviec! against ar an ac�vunt af the Pr�perty, and shall <br /> pay when due eSS cieims fa�wflrk d�n�on or for ser��ces rendered or rnateriai tusnished to the Pr�perty. Trustor <br /> shaRl meintain the �roperty free of aff liens ha�ing�riority v�er ar eq�a�tfl#h� interest of Lender under th+s Deed of <br /> Trust, except fvr the lien of tax�s and asses�ments n�t due and �xce�t as otherwise prv�ided �n this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> FtRght ta�Cantest. Trustor may withhvld R�yment vf any tax, essessment, ar claim in conneGtivn with a ga�d fai�th <br /> dispute p��r the abligatian to pay, sa�lang as Lender's interest in�he Property is nat jeapardized, f�a �ien�rises ar <br /> is #iled �s a result of nanpayment, Trust�r shall within �ifteen �15y days after �he �i�n �rises or, if a lien is filed, <br /> within rtift�en �'15y days a�ter Tr�st�� has noti�e o�the ��I�ng, �ecure th� discharge vfi the fien, or if requ�st�d hy <br /> Lender, depasit with L�nde�cash ar a sufficient cvrp�rate surety k�ond or other security satisfactory t� Lender in an <br /> amount suffi�E�nt to discharge the li�n plus any�asts and attorneys' fees,o�other charges that�vuld �cGrue as a <br /> result o�a fvreclasure or sale und�r the lien. In any cant�st,Trustar shall defend itself and Lend�r and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�+erse judgment before enfvrcement agaRnst the PrQperty. Trustvr shall name Lender�s�n addition�!obligee <br /> under any surety bond furn�shed in the contest prace�dings. <br /> Evidance of Payment. Trustor shal� upon demand#urn�sh to Lender satisfactary eviden�e af�ayment vf ths taxes <br /> or ass�ssm�nts and sha��autharizs the apprvpriate go�ernrnental afficial to deli�er tQ Lender at any time a writ�en <br /> statement af the taxes�nd�ssessrnents against the Proparty. <br /> No�i�e o#Canstructian. Trustvr shall nati�y L�nde�at le�st fifteen {15f days b�fare an�w�rk is camxnenced, any <br /> s�rvic�s are furnished. or any matec�els ar�sup�lied to the Property, if any rnechenic's�i�n, msterialmen's lien, or <br /> othet fien cvusd lae asserted on acGaunt af the w�rk, ser�i�es, �r materials and the Ga�t exceeds $"�.4��.��. <br /> Trust�r will u�on request of Lender furnish to Lender ad�ance assuran�es satisfa�tory ta Lender that Trustar can <br /> and will pay the cost of such imprauements. <br /> PRQPERTY �AMA�iE lNSURANCE. The following pro�isions relating tQ insuring the Rrvperty are a part o�this i�e�d af <br /> Trus#. <br /> 11�I��ntenance af �nsur�n�e, Trustor shall procure and maintein policies of fire snsurance with standard exter�d�d <br /> co�erage endt�rs�rnents an a replacement basis �or the fusl insurab�� �a�u� co►r�ring all lmpr��ements vn the R�ai <br /> Property in an amaunt sufficient to a��id appli�ation a# any cainsurance clause, and with � Standard mt�rtgagee <br /> clause in favar of Lender,together with such o�h�r hazard and liability in$ur�n�e as Lender may rea�sonably�equire. <br /> Policies sh�ll be written in �orrn. amaunts, Go�erages and basis r�asonahly a�c�ptak�le ta Lender and issued by a <br /> comp�ny ar companias reasonably ac�eptab�� ta Lande�. Trustor, upan request of Lsnder, will deliver tv Lender <br /> fr�m tim�to tsme the poliG�es ar certif�cates of insurance in form satisfa�tory t❑ Lend�r. ir�c�uding stipuiations that <br /> ca��rages wil!nat be cance�led or dim�nished withvut at Seast thi�ty �3�j days prior written nvtice to Lender. Fach <br /> insuran�e pvlicy alsa shall in�iude an endarsemen�p�oWiding that coverage in fa�or❑f Lender will nat t�e impasred <br /> in any way by any act, amission vr defauSt Q#Trustor or any vther pers�n. Shou�d the Real Pra�ae+rty ��Iocated in <br /> an area des�gnated by the Administ�a�or vf the Federal Emergen�y Management Agency as a special �Flaod hazard <br /> area, Trustor agrees to vbtain and maintain Federal Fl�od Insurance, i� a�a��able► for the maximum amount af <br /> Trustor's�redit line and the#u!I unpaid princi�a�baiance vf any prior liens on the praperty securing th�laan, up to <br />