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��15�5741 <br /> Transfer of the Proper�y ar a�en�ficial Interest in Barrower.�f a�l or any par�of�he Properry or any interes� <br /> in it is s�Id ar �ransferred (or if a beneficial interes� in Borro�rer zs so�d ar �ransferred and Borrower is not a <br /> na�ural person� u�ithout Lentier's prior written cansent, Lender ma�, a� its op��on, require �mrnediate payment in <br /> ful� of a�l sums secur�d �y th�s Securxt� �nstrurnen�. Howe�er, th�s ap�ion sha11 not be e�ercised by Lender if <br /> exerc�se is prohzbited by federal Iaw as of the date af�his Securi�y�nstrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this opti�n, Lender shall gi�e Barrower notice of acce��ra�ian. The notice sha�� pr�vide a <br /> per�od of no� less than the minixnurn number of days es�ablished by Appl�cable La� fram �he dat� the noti�e is <br /> delivered or mailed v�ithin r�vhich Bflrravver must pay a11 sums secured b�this Securi�y Instrumen�. �f Barrower <br /> fa��s ta pay�hese prior t4 �he �xp�ra�ion of this period, Lender may �n�o�e any remed��s perrnitted by this <br /> Security Znstrumen�withflu�fur�her not�ce or dernand an Barro�er. <br /> Borraw�r's Right ta Reinsta�e. If Borrovver meets certa�n �ond�tians, Borrower shal� ha�e the right t� ha�e <br /> enforcement af thi� Se�urrty Instrument discanxxnued at any��me pr�or to the ear�ier of: �a} 5 days �ar such other <br /> period as Applicable Lavc�may specify for re�nsta��rnen�}befare sale af the Praperty pursuan��o a.ny pawer af sai� <br /> con�ain�d �n �h�s Security �ns�rumen�; �r �b� en�ry of a ju�gmen� enforcing this Security Ins�rument. Those <br /> cond�t�ons are �hat Barrovver: �a} pays Lender all sums v�hich�hen v��ould be due under�his Securzty Znstrumen� <br /> and tihe Con�ract as if no acce�erat�an had occurred;�b�cur�s an�defaul�of any o�her covenants ar a�reements;�c} <br /> pays a���xpenses incurred ir��nfor�ing th�s S�curity�ns��ment,in�luding,but not�iumited�o,reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees tti the e�tent permitted by 1aw; and�d�takes su�h a�tion as Lender may reasonabl�require ta assure�ha��he <br /> lien of this Security�ns�rument,Lender's righ�s�n the Property and�orrov�rer's o1�l�gatz�n ta pay the sums se�ured <br /> b�this Se�urity �nstrument shall can�Tnue unchanged. Upan reinsta�ernen�by Bor�rower, this Securi�y Instrumen� <br /> and the ob�iga��ons se�ured hereby�ha11 remaua fu�ly effec�ive a� if no a�celera��on had accurred. Howev�r, �his <br /> righ.t�o reinstate shal�na�apply xn the case of acc��eration un�.er the s��t�on��t�ed Transfer of the Property ar a <br /> Benefi�ia�Interest in Borrawer. <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances.Borro�ver shall not�ause ar perm�t�he presence,u�e,dispasai,s�ora�e, or releas�of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Pr�p�r�y.Barro�er shall nQt do,n�r allow anyone else to do,anything affec�ing <br /> �he Froperty that is in vio�atian �f any Env�ronmental Law. The pre�eding two sent�nces shal� not apply to �he <br /> presence,use,ar s�orag�on the Praperty of srna�l�uan��ties of Hazardous Su�s�ances tha�are genera�l�r re�ogni�ed <br /> t�be appropriate��normal res�dent�a�uses and�a ma�nt�nance af�the Property. <br /> Sar��wer sha��pramp�ly gi�e Lender vvrxtten notice Qf any in�es��gat�on,�lairrz, dernand,lawsuit or ather ac�ion b� <br /> any go�ernmen�al or r�gu�a�ary agency ar pr��ate par�y invol�ring the Proper�y and an�Ha�ardaus Substance ar <br /> Environmental Law of which Borraw�r has actual know�edge. �f Borrow�r learns, flr is no��f ed by any <br /> go�ernrn.�n�al ar regula�ary authority,�hat any rem�val or flth�r r.emediation of any Hazardous Substance affe�ting <br /> �h� Prope�-�y is necessa.ry, Barrovver shail promp�ly �ake aI� ne�essary rem�d�a� a���ons in accardance wi�h <br /> En�ironmenta�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardaus Subs�anc�s" are�hose su�stances defined as taxic or hazardous substa�aces <br /> by Env�ronmen�a� Law and �he follawing substances: gaso�ine, ker�sene, o�ther flammab�e ar toxic petraleum <br /> pr�ducts, toxi� pest�crdes and herbicides, volatile �ol�rents, mater�als con�ain�ng asbestos or forma�dehyde, and <br /> radioactive materials.As used in th�s paragraph, "En�ironm�n�al Law"means federal laws and�aws of�he sta��flf <br /> Nebraska�ha�relate��heal�h,saf��or environmenta�protec�ion. <br /> Accelera�ion; Remedres. Lender shal� g�ve n�tice t� �3orrflwer priar �o acceiera��ora fa��owing Bvrrower's <br /> breach of any covenant or agreement'rn�his Security Instrument or the�vntract under whx�h accelera�ian <br /> is permitted�bu� not prior to ac�eleratian under the section ti�Ied Transfer of�he Prap�rty or a Benef�ciai <br /> Interest in Borrovver, un�ess A�plicab�e Law provid�s �therw�s��. The no�i�e sha�I specify: �a�the d�fault; <br /> (b� the acti�n required �o cure �he d�fault; �c) a date, n�t less than �he min�mum number of days <br /> �s�ab�is��d by Appiicahle Lav��from�he date the notice is gi�en to Barrower,by whi�h the defaul�must be <br /> �ured; and �d� �ha� fai�ur� to cure the defauit on or before �he da�e speci�ed in the notice may resu�t in <br /> accelera�ion of the sums seGured by �his Securi�y Ins�rument and sale vf the Prop�rty. Tn �he exten� <br /> perrnit��d by law,the notice Shall further �nform Borrawer vf the right�o re�nstate after acceleration and <br /> the righ�to bring a court actYan to asser��he non-existence vf a d�faul�nr any o�her defense of Borr�wer t� <br /> ac�e�eratian and �al�, If th�defau�t is not�ured an ar bef�r�the date specif�ed in th�not��e, Lend�r a�its <br /> ❑pt'ron may require irnmedia�e payrnent �n fu�l of al� �ums secured by �his Se�ur��y Ins�rument without <br /> further demand and rnay �nvok�the power �f sale and an� other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. <br /> Ta the �xtent perrnitted by Iavv, Lender shall b� entit�ed �a �ol�ect a�l expense� in�urred in pursuing the <br /> remedies provided in�his�ect�on, in��uding,but no�limited t�, reasonable att�rn�ys' fees and costs of��t�e <br /> e��dence. <br /> If the power of sale is in�oked,Trustee sha�� record a notice of default in each county�n which any part of <br /> the Pro�erty �s la�at�d and�ha�l mail c�pi�s�f such nQtice�n�he manner prescr�bed by Appl�cab�e Law tfl <br /> Borrower and �o thQ o�her persans prescri�ed by Applicab�e Law. After the time required by App�icable <br /> Law, Tru�tee shall gi�e pub��c notice flf saie tv �he p�rsons and in the manner pr���ribed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trustee, without demand on �orrower,�hall�el�the Property a�pub���auct��n to the highes�bidder <br /> at the time and p�ace and under�he terms de5�gnated in�he r�otice of sai�in flne or more parce�s and in any <br /> order TruStee de�ermines. Trustee may postpone sale of alI ar any par�e� of the Proper�y by publ�c <br /> announcement a��he t�me and place of any prev��usly scheduled saie.Lender ar�ts des�gnee may purchase <br /> �he Proper�y a�any sale. <br /> Upfln rQ�eipt of payrnent of th� price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying <br /> the Property. 'I'he recztal5 in �he Trustee's de�d shall be prxrr�a fa��e e�vidence of th��ru�h of the statements <br /> �240�-2�14 Corr��aliar�ce Systems,In�.FD6a-C26B-24I3L2,I4.t.895 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Se��rity Tnstrument DL203f Pa�e 4 of 5 ��ww.cornplian�esysterr� <br />