<br /> Payment of Principai and In�er�st; Dther Charges.Borrov�er sha��prornp�ly pay�h�n due�he pr�nc�pal af and
<br /> in�erest on the debt ovved under the Contraet and Iate charges or any o�her fees and charges due under�he�antract.
<br /> Applicable L�w. As used in this Security �nstrumen�, the �erm "App��cable Law" shall mean a�l cantr�lling �
<br /> app�i�able fed�ral, state and Iaca� s�a�u�es, r�gula�ians, ordinan�es ar�d adminis�ra�ive rules and order� �tha�have
<br /> �he effect of lau�}as well as all appl�cable fna�,non-appealab���udiGial opinions.
<br /> Charge�; Lie�.s. Borr�wer shal� pay a�l taxe�, assessments, charges, fines and �mposi�ions at�ributa�le to the
<br /> Praper�y which may a�tain priority o�ver this Securi�y�nstrumen�, and leasehold payxnents or ground rents, �f any.
<br /> At the request�f Lender,Borr�wer shall promp��y furnish to Lender rece�pts ev�dencing the payrnents.
<br /> Barrav�er sha��pr�mptl�dzscharge any Iien whrch has pr�or��y o�rer�his Security�nstrument unless Barrower: �a}
<br /> agrees in writing to the pa�men� of�he ob��ga��on secured by �he lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; �b}
<br /> can�ests in good fa��h �he l�en b�, flr defends agazns� enf�rcemen� �f the �ien in, l�gal proceed�ngs v�hich �n the
<br /> Lender's opinion operate �a pr��ren� the enforcement of the Iien; ar (c} �ecures from �he holder of the �ien an
<br /> agreement sa�isfac�ory ta Lender subordinating the lien ta th�s Security Instrumen�. If Lender de�erm�n�s that any
<br /> . part of the Praperty �s subj ec�to a�i�n whiCh may at�ain priority o�er this Security Instrumen�t, L�nder rnay gi�e
<br /> Borrower a notice identxfying the lien. Borr�wer shalT sa�isfy�he �zen or take one or more of,th�ac�ians set farth
<br /> abo�e vvithin 14 days of the giv�ng�f noti�e,
<br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep thc improvemeza�s zaov�exis�ing or hereafter erected an the
<br /> Pr�per�r insured aga�ns�Ioss by fre,hazards inc�uded v�ri�h��h�term"ex�ended co�erage" and any�ther hazards,
<br /> includ�.ng floads or floodYrzg; far which L�nder requ�res insurance. This Ynsurance sha�� be main�ained in the
<br /> amoun�s and for the periods�hat Len�er requir�s.The insuran�e�arrxer pr�Wid�ng the insuran�e sha.I��e chosen by
<br /> Bnrrov`rer subj ect to Lender's appro�al which shal� no� be unreasonabiy wi�hhe�d. �f B�rrower faiis to main�a�n
<br /> ca�erag� describ�d above, Lender ma�r, at Lender's ap�inn, ob�ain Cnverag� ta pro�ect Lender's rights �n the
<br /> Froperty in a��ordance wi�h section�ifled Protec�ion af Lend�r's R�gh�s in the Praper�y._
<br /> A�l insurance po�i�i�� and renewals sha11 be acceptahle �o Lender and shali include a s�andard mar�gage clause.
<br /> Lender sha�l ha�e the right to hold the policies and renewa�s. Zf Lender r�qu�res,Borrovver shall pramptly gxve to
<br /> Lender a��receipts vf paid premiums and renewa�notic�s. In the event of loss,Borrov�er shall�i�re prompt not�ce
<br /> �a th��n�urance carr�er and I.ender.Lender may make prnof�f loss�f nat made prampt�y by Borrovver.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�er o�herwise agr�e xn �rxting, insurance praceeds sha�� be applied to restarat�on or
<br /> r�pair of the Property dam�bed, if, in Lender's sole discre�z�n, the res�oratian or r�pa�r is econornical�y feasible
<br /> and Lender's se�urity is no� Iessened. If, in Lender'� sole dzscre�ian, �he rest�ra�ian or repa�r�s nat econamica���
<br /> feasible or L.ender's security wouid be Iess�ned,the insurance pr4ceeds sha�l be applied��th�sums secured by this
<br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�y �vhether flr not then due; wi�h any �xce�s paid t� Borrov�er. If Borrower abandans �he
<br /> Pr�per�y,or does no�ansvver wi�hin th�number of days pr�scrib�d by App�icab�e�aw as set f�rth�n a.nfltice fr�m
<br /> Lender to Borro�ver that�he insurance carrier has offered to se�tle a c�aim,�hen Lender rnay�o�Iect the insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use�he praceeds to r�pair or restore the Prop�rty �r ta pay sums secur�d by�h�s Securi�ty
<br /> �ns�rume�t,w�hether or not�h.en due.The period of t�me for Borrflwer�o ansvver as�et for�h in�h�nntice�TiII begin
<br /> v�rhexa the no���e i.s given.
<br /> LTn�ess Lender and Borrovver o�hen�v�se agree in u��ri�ing, any applicatian of pra�eeds to prznc�pai sha��no�extend
<br /> or postpone the due date of�he payments du� under�h���n�rac�or change�he amount�of the payments. �f under
<br /> �he s�ction tztled Accelerati�n; Remedies,�he Property is acqu�red by Lender, Bflrrower's right to any�nsurance
<br /> poi�c�es and praceeds resultin� from damage �o the Property prior�a �he acquzs�tion �hall pass�o Lender ta fihe
<br /> e�ten�of the sums secured by th�s Secur��y rnstrumen�immedia�e�y pr�or�a the acqu�sition.
<br /> PreserW��ian, Main�enanc� and Pr�tec�ion af the Prop�rty; �3orrower's L�an App�icat�on; Leaseholds.
<br /> Barr�wer sha��nat des�r�y, damage or impair the Proper�y, a��av�the Proper�y�o deteriorate, or co�nmit waste on
<br /> the Property.Borr�wer shail be in default if any forf�iture action or proceed�ng,whether civil or crim�nal,is begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's good faith judgment could resu�t �n forfe�ture flf the Property or ��herw�se ma�erially impair th�
<br /> l�en cr�a��d by �h�s Secur��y �ns�rument or Lender's security in�erest. Borrower may cure �uch a defau�t an.d
<br /> r��zzstate, as prov�ded in�ec�ion�itled Bar�-ow�r's Right to Rer�state,by �ausing th�ac�ion ar proceeding�o be
<br /> dism�ssed v�ith a ruling tha�,in Lender's good fai�h determinati�n,prec�udes farfez�ure�f th�Borrower's in�erest ix�
<br /> the Proper�y or other rna�er�al impaxrment �f the lien create�. by �his Securi�T Instrumen� or L�nder's security
<br /> ir�terest,Borrower sha�l alsa be in default if Sarrower,durinb the loan applica�ian process,ga�e material�y false or
<br /> inaccurate infflrmat�on or s�a�emen�s to Lender (or fa��ed �o pravide Lender wi�h any mater�al �nforrna�ian� in
<br /> �onnec�i�n w�th the Ioan ev�denced by the �on�ra�t. If th�s Securzty 7nstrument is on a Ieasehald, Boz7rov�er shall
<br /> �omply wi�h.aIl�he pro`risxons of the�ease. .If Borrower acquires fee�i�le�o�he Praperty,�he Ieasehold and th�fee
<br /> ti���sha�l no�merge u�less Lender agrees to the merger in wr�ting.
<br /> Pr��ecti�n of LQnder's R�ghts in �he Prope�ty. Yf Borrower fa�ls fio perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> cantazned�n this Security�ns�rument,flr there is a Iegal proceeding tha�may significan��y affe�t Lender's rights�n
<br /> the Property �such as a proceed�ng in bankruptcy, probate, far condemnat�an �r forfeiture or�fl enfnrce laws or
<br /> regu�a��ons}, then Lender may do and pay for �vha�ever is necessary to prote�t the value af the Prap�r� and
<br /> Lender's rights�n the Proper�y.Lender's a��zans rnay inc�ude paying any sum�s�cured by a li�n Whi�h has prior��
<br /> o�er this Securi�Instrumen�,appearing in c�ur�,paying r�asanab�e a�torneys`fees and enter�ng on�he Properry to
<br /> make repairs.A]though L�nd�r may�a.�e ac��an und�r this se�tion,Lender daes n�t ha�e to do so.
<br /> Any amo�znts disbursed by Lender under this se��ion shall �e�ome add��iana� debt af Borrower secured by th�s
<br /> SecurYty �nstrumen�. Unie�s Barro�er and Lender agree �o oth.er t�nns of payment, �h�se arnaunts shal� bear
<br /> C�a 24��-Zfl€4 C�mp�iance Systems,I�c.FD6Q-�2bB-2413L2.1 a.l.835
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Instrument DL2�3G Pa�e 2 of S ww�►�v.�ott3pliancesystems.com
<br />