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��15�57� 5 <br /> �C} "Lend�r" is Hame Federa� Savi ngs and Loan Assn of Grar�d Is�and <br /> Lend�r is a Sa�i ngs and Loan <br /> organized and exis�in�under the Iaws of The State of �l�hraska . <br /> Lender's addre�s is 221 5outh ��cust St �ra�d I s�and �E �88D1 <br /> Lender is the b�neficiary under thi�Security Instrument. <br /> �D� "Trustee" is Arend R Baa��, A�tt�rpey <br /> �E� "N ate" means the pramissory n�te signed by Barrower and da�ed Augu st 21, 2�15 . The No�e <br /> states tha�Borrower owes Lender �NE HU�DRED FI FTY DNE THUtJSAND F�C�R HUN�3RED <br /> E I�F�TY AND �a�144 <br /> Dal�ars�U.S. $151,48�,0� }plus �nterest, Barro�ver has promis�d�o pay �his debt in regular <br /> Periodic �'ayments and to pa�th�debt�n fu�l not Iater than S�pt�m��r 1, 2Q4� . <br /> {F� "Property" �means the praperty that is described below under the heading "Tran�fer�f Rzghts�n the <br /> P�roper�y." <br /> {C� "Lvan" means the debt e�iden�ed by the Nate, plus interes�, any prepaymen�charges and lat�charg�s due <br /> und�r the Nate, and all sums due un�.er this Securi�y Instrurnent, p�us intere��. <br /> �H� "Riders" means al l Rzders to th�s 5ecurity�nstrument that are�xecuted by Borrower, The following R�ders <br /> are ta be executed by Barrower[�heck box as app��ca�ble�: <br /> 0 Adjustable R�te Rider � �ond�minium R�der �S�c�nd Ham�R�d�r <br /> �Baila�n Ride� � Planned Unit Dev�loprnent Rid��r [� �.-4 Family Rider <br /> � VA R�der [� Biweeki� Paymen�Rxder 0�ther�s} �specify� <br /> {Ij "App�icable Law" means all con�r���ing app�icable federai, s�ate and�oca�statute�, regulations, or�inances <br /> and adrninistrat��e rul�s and Qrders �that have�he effect af Iaw} as vvel�as al� applicable fina�, non-appeaiab�e <br /> �udi�ia�apin�ons. <br /> {J� "Cvmmunity A�socia�ian Dues, Fees, and Assessments" rn.eans aii�ues, fees, assessmen�s and other <br /> �harges that are�mposed�n Borr�vver or the Prop�rty by a c�nd�m�nium assoc�ation, homeowner� <br /> association or sirni�a�r organization. <br /> ��y "Electran�c Funds Transfer" means any transfer af funds, othe�r than a�ransactian arigzna��d by Ghe�k, <br /> draf�, �r szmilar paper instz-ument, which is ini�iated t��.rough an e�ec�ronic terminal, teleph�n�c instrumen�, <br /> computer, �r magne�ic tape sa as to�rder, �ns�ru��, or au�hari2�a�inancial inst�tu��on�o de���or credit an <br /> accaunt. Such terrn includes, but �s not��mit�d ta, p�in�-af-saie transfe�5, au�amated telier machine <br /> transacti�ns, tra.nsfers�nitia�ed by�el�phfln�, wire�ransfers, and autama�ed c�earinghou�e transfers. <br /> 4L} "Escrvw It�ms" means those it�ms that are descr�hed in S�c��an 3. <br /> 4�} "M�sce��ane�us Pr�c�eds" mean�any compensa�ian, se��lemen�, award af damages, or proc��d�pa�d by <br /> an� �hird party€other than insuran�e pr��eeds pa�d under the co�erag�s d��cri�ed in Section 5) fo�: �i} <br /> damage to, ar destruct��n af, the Proper�y; (��}condemnation or other�aking�f a�1 or an3�part of the <br /> Proper�y; (i�i}�onveyance in�ieu of condemnatian; or�i�}mi�represen�ations of, or�mi�s�ans as to, the <br /> �alue andl�r��nd�tion of the Pro er� . <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famity-Fanr�i�Mael�reddie Mac UNI�Qt�M INSTRUMENT Forrr�30�8 71fl1 <br /> VMP� VMP�{NEy t13�2y <br /> Wo�ters iCluwer Financiaf Ser�ices Page�of 17 <br />