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��15�57�8 <br /> DEED �F TRL�ST <br /> Loan No: �D�288��1 ���ntinued} Page 9 <br /> considered deleted from this Deed o� Trust. Unless otherwise �equired by law, the illegality, in�alidity, or <br /> unsnforceability o� any pro�ision af�his Deed a�Trust shall nat affect th� legality, �alidity or enforceabili�y af any <br /> other pro�isian of this Qeed�f Trust. <br /> 5u�c�ssvrs and Assigns. Subje��to any [imitatians stated in this ❑eed af Trust on �ransf�r af Trustor's in�erest, <br /> this Deed o�Trust shall be binding upan and inure t� the benefi� of the parfiies, their successars and assigns, lf <br /> ownership af the Prop�rty be�omes �est�d in a person �ther than Trusto�, Lender, withau� notice t�Trustar, rnay <br /> deal wi�h Trustvr's successors with referen�e�o this �3eed��Trust and the lndebtedness by way af forbearance or <br /> extension without re3easing Trus�ar from the o�ligatians of this �eed af Trust or liability under the lndebte�n�ess. <br /> Time is of th�Essence. Time is o�the essence in th� performance o�th�s ❑eed of Trusfi. <br /> WaiWsr af Hames�ead Exemption. Trustar hereby rel�ases and waives all rights and benefits of the homes�ead <br /> exempti�n laws ofi th�State of Nebrasl�a as t❑all�ndeb�edness secured by this De�d of Trus�. <br /> DEFINITIDNS. The fiollawing capitali�ed vvords and �erms shalf ha�e the fo[lowing meanings when us�d in �his ❑eed of <br /> Trust. Unless specifica�ly stated to the con�trary, al� re��rences t❑dollar amaun�s shal[ mean amvunts in lawfu� money <br /> of the �nited States of America. 1111ords and terms used in the singu[ar shall include the plural, and the plural shall <br /> Enclude the singuiar, as the c�n�tex� may require. Words and terms nat �fherwise defined in this ❑eed af Trus�C shall <br /> haWe the meanings attributed to such terms in the Unif�rm Commercial Gade: <br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Ben�ficiary" means Five Points Bank, anc�its successars and assi�ns. <br /> Borrower, The word "Borrower" means TRAV15 L FAIRgANKS and inc�udes all cv-signers and co-makers signing <br /> �he Note and a11�heir successors and assigns. <br /> Deed vfi Trust. The words "Deed �f Trust" m�an this Deed of Trust among Trustor, L�nder, and Trustee, and <br /> includes withvu� limitation all assignmen� and security interest provisians rela�ing �o the Persona� Pr�per#y and <br /> R�nts. <br /> ❑efault. The ward "Default" means th� ❑efaul�se�forth in this Deed a�Trust in the section titl�d "De�Fault", <br /> En�ironmental Laws. The wards "En�ironmen�tal Laws" mean any and al1 s�ate, federal and local statutes, <br /> r�gulatinns and ❑rdinanGes r��ating to the pratection of human health or �he en�ironment, including vUithout <br /> limitat�vn the Cvmprehensive En�irvnmental Resp�nse, Campensation, and Liability Act of 198a, as arnend�d, 4� <br /> U.S.C. 5ec�ian 9�0�, e�seq. {"�ERCLA"y, the 5up�r�Ft�nd Amendm�nts and R�authorization Act of 198G, Pub. L. <br /> Nv. 99-499 �"SARA"}, �he Hazardaus Ma�erials Transpor�ation A�t, �9 U.S.�. Sectian �8�1, et se�.,the Resour�e <br /> Conser�a�ian and Fte�v�ery Act, 4Z U.S.C. Sectian F9�1, et seq., or �ther applicalale stat� vr�ederal laws, rules, <br /> �r regulatians adopted pursuant thereto, <br /> E�ent of Defauit. The words "Euent af Default" mean any of the �vents of default se�k forth in thEs Deed of Trust in <br /> �he eWen�s of default section of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Guaran#y. The word "Guaranty" means�h�guaranty fram guarantor, �nd�rser, surety, vr acGommadafiion parfy tv <br /> Lender, including►rvithout limita#ion a guaranty ofi all or part af th�Not�. <br /> Hazardous 5ubstances. The words "Hazardous Subs�ances" mean materials that, be�ause of their quantity, <br /> concentra�ion or physical, chemica� ar in�ec�ious characterisfiics, rnay cause ar pose a present or potential hazard <br /> ��human heal�h ar the en�iranment when improperly used, trsa�ed, stored, disposed �f, generated, rnanufactu�ed, <br /> transpor��d or oth�rwise handled. The words "Hazardvu��w�uf���ka�n�������lHi'�'���ery brQadest sense and <br /> � "1�{Y� ��i..? tt?f�.r.�� •2` y( . <br /> include withou� limita�ion any and all hazardvus or t. ��v�s��bsfia�r���`s, - a��ri��ls�tior viiaste�as defined by vr {isted <br /> under the Environmental Laws. The t�rm "Hazardous�Sub���nce��"'���Is����ncl�de , witho,yt.,li itation, pe�rQleum and <br /> x. ,._ . .-�.��� .� <br /> petrvleum by�products or any f�a��ian thereo�F and asb��:��s,:.•-=`�����s'��=�;�'°!`���-���i�F�`='- `' �� �, . <br /> sa7iB►�sti��=Rt�-"q�-x.w�;..� 4•a�> <br /> 3:eC.i S\CXSfi�L��4a��3'�:rL�ki4f�x'Cf'�. <br /> lmprv►►ernenfis. The word "Impro�ements" means all existin� and future improvements, build�ngs� stru�tu�es, <br /> mobile homes affixed on the Rea1 Pr�per�y, fa�ilities, additions, replacements and other canstruction �n �he Rea[ <br /> Prap�rty. <br /> Indebtedness. Ths word "Indebtedn�ss" means aIl principal� in�erest, and o�her amounts� �osts and expenses <br /> payable un�er the Note vr Relat�d Dacurnents, together with all renewals a#, ex�ensions af, madifi�atians of, <br /> consolidafiions af and substi�uti�ns for the Note or Rela�ed Dacuments and any amounts expended�r advanced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor's ❑bligatians ar expenses fnGurred by Trustee �r Lender �o enforc� Trustor's <br /> obligations under this D�ed of Trust, toge�Cher with ir�terest on such arnounts as pr��ided in �his ❑eed Qf Trust. <br /> Speci�ical�y� Wl�hDlJt limitati�n, Endebtedness zncludes the future advances se�t �Forth in the Future Ad�ances <br /> pr��ision a�this Deed afi Trust,together with alI interest thereon, <br /> Lendera The v�rord "Lender" means Five Points Bank, i�s successars and assigns. <br /> Nafie. The word "No�e" means the promissory note da��d August 19, �015, �n �he ariginal pr�ncipal <br /> amount af �8.4�7.a� from Trustor to Lender, tag�th�r with all renewals of� ex�ensians of, madi�i�ations �fi, <br /> refinancings�f, cansolidatian�af, and substitutions far the pramissory note or agr�ement. <br /> Personal Prvp�rty. The words "Personal Property" mean all �quipment, �i�ctures, and other artic[es af personal <br /> property nQw �r hereafter o►nrned hy Trustor, an� now or hereafter a�Cached or affixed t❑ �he Real Property; <br /> together with all accessions, par�s, and additions to, ai[ replacemen�s ❑F, and all substitutions fa�, any of such <br />