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(7) No building or other improvements shall be <br />constructed, erected, expanded or altered within the Property until <br />the plans for same (including grading plan, site layout, utility and <br />sewer plans, elevations, exterior building materials, colors, <br />landscaping, signage and parking layout) have been approved in <br />writing by Developer. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2 <br />and this Section 3.B.(7), Owner shall have the right to make such <br />alterations, additions or improvements to the interior of the <br />building without the written approval by Developer. <br />(8) Landscaping shall not materially obstruct (either <br />through original planting or through untrimmed growth) the view <br />of any building constructed in Meadowlark West Fourth <br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, and any further replattings or <br />administrative subdivisions of such Fourth Subdivision. <br />(9) Until such time as the Property is developed and <br />improved by its Owner, such Owner shall keep the same planted <br />with grass, mowed and in a clean and sightly condition. <br />In the event the Property abuts a public street, the portion <br />of such right -of -way which adjoins the Property and which has not <br />been improved by the appropriate governmental body as a street or <br />highway shall be seeded, fertilized and mowed by such abutting <br />Property Owner and maintained in the same condition as the grass <br />areas within the Property. <br />(10) Unless required otherwise by the Declaration or <br />appropriate City of Grand Island codes, the Owner of the Property <br />shall continuously provide and maintain a minimum parking ratio <br />equal to five (5) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of <br />gross floor area devoted to retail uses and ten (10) spaces per one <br />thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area devoted for <br />restaurant uses. <br />(11) No outdoor satellite shall be installed on the roof of <br />any building or within or on any portion of the Property without <br />the prior approval of Developer which will not be unreasonably <br />withheld provided the size and design are acceptable and the view <br />of which is substantially obstructed from public view. <br />(12) Any area within the Property which houses refuse <br />dumpsters or garbage containers shall be completely surrounded on <br />three (3) sides with a wall the exterior of which shall be of the <br />5 <br />20150567` <br />