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��1 5�5666 <br /> Transfer of the Property�r a Beneficial In�er�st in �orrower.�f a��or any par�of the Propert�ar any�nt�rest <br /> in zt is so�d or transferred �or �f a benef cial interest in Borraw�r is sold �r transferred and Borrovver is nat a <br /> na�ural person) without Lemder's prior v�ritten cansent, Lender ma�, at ��s option, require immed�a�e payment in <br /> fu�� of alI sums secured hy th�s S�curit,� �nstrument. Howev�r, this option shall no� be e�er�ised �y Lender if <br /> exercise xs prahxb�ted by federal Iaw as of the date of�h�s Securifiy�ns�rument. <br /> �f Lender exercises �his �ptian, Lender shall give B�rro�er not�ce af acceleration. The notice sha�� pro�ide a <br /> period of not less �han the m�nxmum number of days established by Applicable Law fr�m�he date the nat�ce �s <br /> del�vered ar mailed vs�i�h�n wh�ch Barrower must pay alI sums secured by this Security �nstrumen�. If Borrower <br /> faz�s to pay these sums pr�or to the expiratzon of�h.xs per�od, Lender may invake an�remedies perm�tted b�th�s <br /> Secu�ri�y��w��hout furth�r nat�ce ar demand�n Bflrro�er. <br /> Borrower's Right t❑ Reinsta�e. If Borrower me��s cer�ain conditions, Borrov�er shalX ha�e th.e right to have <br /> enfor�ernen��f�this Security�ns�rurnen�dis�an��nued a�ar�y t�rne pr�or ta the earlier af: �a} S da�s �ar such o�h�r <br /> per��d as Appl�cable Law rx�ay specify for reinstatemen��befare sa�e of the Proper�y pursuan.t to any power of sale <br /> con�ained in �his Security Ins�i urnent; ar �b} entry of a judgment enforc�ng this Security Instrumen�. Thase <br /> conditians are �hat Borr�v�er: �a} pays Lender all sums which then wauld be due under this S�curity �nstrumen� <br /> and�he Con�ra�t as if no acceleration had�c�urred;�b}cures any default af any other co�enant�or agreements;�c� <br /> pa�s aIl expenses incurred in enforcirig this Security Zns�rument,including,but nvt��mzted to,reasonabXe at�orneys' <br /> fe�s�o �he e�tent permi�ted by la�v; and�d�takes such action as Lender may reasonab�y require t�assure�hat�he <br /> Iien af�his Security rns�rum�nt,Lender's righ�s�n the Froperty and Borrawer`s obligat�on ta pa�the sums�ecured <br /> by�his Security�nst�-ument shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstatemen� by Borrawer, this S�c�ri�y Instrument <br /> and the abligatians secure�.her�by sha�I rerna�n fu�ly effe�tiv� as if no acceleration had oc�urred. How�v�r, �his <br /> right�o reins�ate shali no�apply in�he�ase af acce�era�ion under�he sec��on titl�d Transfer of the Pr�p�r�y ar a <br /> Bene�cial Interest in$arr�wer. <br /> Hazardnus Subs�ances.Borr�v��r shall nflt�ause or permz�#he presence,use, disposal, starage, or release of any <br /> Hazardou�Subs�ance�on or in the Pr�per�y.Borrower shal�nflt do,nor a��o�anyone e�se�o da,anything affe�t�ng <br /> th� Property that is in v�olati�n of any En�irQnmental Law. The preced�ng twa sentenc�s shall n�t apply �o th� <br /> pr�sen��,use,or storage�n the Property of srnall quan��tres of Hazard�us Su�s�ances that ar�gen�rally recognized <br /> to be appr�przate to norrnal residential uses and to ma�ntenance of the Proper�y. <br /> Bor�-ovc�er shall promp��y give Lender wri�en notice af any in�restiga�ion,claim,demand,lawsux�or ather action b� <br /> any ga�ernmental or regula�ary agen�y or private party ua�ro�ving the Proper� and any Ha�ardou� Substance or <br /> Environrnen�al Law of which B�rrower has actual knowledge. If Barravver learns, or is natif ed by any <br /> governmental or�regulator�auth�rity,�hat any rem��al or fl�her remedia�ion of any Hazardous Substan�e affe�t�ng <br /> �he Properry is necessary, Borrawer shall promptly take alI necessary remed�a� actians �n acc�rdance with <br /> Environmenta�Lati�r, � <br /> As used �n this paragraph, "Hazardous Substar�Ges" axe�hase substances defined as�a�ic�r ha.2ardous substances <br /> by En�ironmen�al Law and the fa�lowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, ��her flammable or t�x�c petro�eum <br /> produc�s, �oxic pes�icides and herb�cides, vo�a�ile solWen�s, materials �antaining ashestos ar farrx�aldeh�de, and <br /> radioact�ve mater�ais. As used in�his paragraph, "Envrranmental Law"means federa�Iaws and Iaw��f the s�ate af <br /> N�braska�hat relate��hea��h,safety ar en�ir�nmen�a�pr��e��inn. <br /> Acceierat�on; Remedies. Lend�r sha�i g�ve notice to Borrawer pr�or �o acce�erat�on fol�owing Borrower's <br /> brea�h of any�a�enant or agreement in�his Securi�y Ins�rument ar the Contraet under wh��h aCceleratian <br /> �s permi��ed�but not p�ior�o acceieration under the sectivn�i�led Transfer of�he Property or a Bene�cial <br /> Interes� in Borrower, unless Applicab�e Law pr�vxdes otherwise}. The not��e shal� specify: �a� the defauI�; <br /> (b) �he a��ian required t� cure �h� defaul�; ��� a date, nat �ess than the minirnurn nurnber �f days <br /> established by App�icab�e Law fr4rn the date the natice�s g��en�o Borraw�r,by whi�h the d�fault must be <br /> cured; and {d� �hat failur� t� cure the default an ar before th� da�e spec��ed in thQ n�tic� may r�sul� in <br /> acceleration of the sums 5ecured �ay this Securi�y Instrument and sale of the Property, To the ex��nt <br /> perm�tted b�law, �he nati�e�ha��further�nforrr� B�rrawer af�he right�o rein�tate after ac�elerat�on and <br /> the right to br�ng a cour�a�tion to assert the nan-ex�s�ence of a defau��or any vther defense�f Borr�wer to <br /> a�ce�eratifln and sale. If the defaul��s nut cured on �r before the date speeified �n the notx�e,Lender a�it� <br /> optian may require �mrned�at� paymen� in fu�� of all sums se�ured by �his Security Instrumen� �v�thout <br /> fur�her demand and may �nWoke �he pawer af 5ale and any other remedies p�rm�t��d by Appli�ab�e Law. <br /> To �he exten� permitted by �aw, Lender sha�l be enti�Ied �o �allect a�� expen5es in�urred in pursuing the <br /> rern�dies provided in th�s�e��ion,includ�ng,bu�not limited�o, reasonab�e a�t�rneys' fees and �ost5 of title <br /> evidence. <br /> If the pov��er af sale��inv�ked,Trustee shall ree�rd a no�ice af default in each�oun�y in whi�h any par��f <br /> �he Prop�r�y is�acated and shall mail copies af�u�h not��e in the manner prescribed by Appl�cabiQ Law�o <br /> Borrovver and to th� ather persvns pres�ribed by Appl��able Law, Af�er the t�me requzred by Appii�ab�e <br /> Law, Trustee sha[� give p�blic no�ice of sale �� th� persons and in the manner prescribed by App��cable <br /> Law,Trus��e,with�ut demand an Barrawer, �hall sell the P�-oper�y a�public au���on to the highest bidder <br /> at the��me and place and under�he terms designated�n the notice af sale in one or more parcels and�n any <br /> order Tru��ee determine�. Trustee rnay po��pane sale af aI� ar any parc�� of �he Proper�y by public <br /> announcement a��he time and place of any pre�iously s�heduled sale.Lender or i�s des�gnee inay purehas� <br /> the Praper�y a�any sa�e. <br /> Upon re�erpt of paymen�of the pri�e bici, Trust�e 5ha�1 del�ver to�he purchaser Trustee'S deed con�ey�ng <br /> th�Property.The reci�als in the Trustee's deed �ha111�e prirna facie e��den�e of the truth of the stat�rn�nts <br /> cp 20�4-2414 Camplian�e Systems,Inc.FDdO-82AI-24� <br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-5ccurity�nstruFnent DL203G Pa�;e 4 af 5 �rwu� <br />