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- rn <br /> � � � � � <br /> 1�7 � rn� � � � <br /> o = �� � c� Q m I�] rn <br /> cn � �o � � C� p o <br /> � � ��, � C �� C3� � <br /> � � �� �1 � �m � � <br /> a' _ �� D � D va � cn <br /> � rnm rn �� � � <br /> �Tl� Q � �CI] �7 � <br /> � �� � � �� � <br /> � <br /> - �a � �.�. rn <br /> 00 � � � <br /> o � � � <br /> C� � <br /> � <br /> TH�S�NSTRt1MENT PREPARED BY: AFTER RE��RD��`r RETURN T4: <br /> Home Federa��avings 8�Loan Associat�on of Hvme Federal Sa�xngs&L�an Ass�cia�ion of <br /> �rand Island Grand Island <br /> ZZ 1 Sou�h Locust S�reet Z�1 South Lo�ust S�reet <br /> GRAND ISLAND,NE 68841 GRA►ND ISLAND,NE 6S$�1 <br /> �Space Above This Line For Recording Da�a} <br /> L�AN�RI�I�TATaR C�MPANY I�TAME:Hom�Federal Sa��ng5&Loan Assoc�at�on of�rand Is�and <br /> NN�LS C�MPAI�Y�DENT�FIER:44G443 <br /> L�AN�RI�r�NATUR NAME:�h ris I�askie <br /> NMLS�RI��NAT�R�DENT�FIER:4�46�8 <br /> D��D �F TRUST <br /> �PR�AUTH[�RI2EI] (�PEN E�D� CREDIT -FI�TURE ADVANCES ARE SE�URED <br /> �Y THIS DEED �F TRUST} <br /> THIS D�ED DF TRUST �"Secur�ty Ins�rurn�nt") �s made on August 4, 2�15. Th� gran�nr is NANCY I� <br /> M�NTG�MERY, A SIN�LE PERSU�, whose-address is 2924 CIR�LE DR, GRAND ISLAND, Nebxaska <br /> 688U1-�857 �"B�rra�er"). Barr��ver �s na� nec��ssarily the sarne as �he Person or Persans vvho sign �he Home <br /> Equ�ty Line af�red�� Agre�ment, dated Augus� 4, ��15 �"C�ntrac�"}. The obligatians af Bflrrati�ers who did <br /> not s�gn the Contract ar� exp�ained fur�her zn the se��ion ti��ed Suc�essors and Assigns Bound; Joint and <br /> Se►veral L�ab�lity; Accvmmod�t�on Signers. The trust�e �s Arend R. �aack, Attarney whase add�ress �s P.�. <br /> Boa� 794, Grand Island, h�ebraska 658�2 ("Truste�"�. The benefi�iary �s Home Federai Savings & Laan <br /> Associafi��n of Grand Island,v�hzch�s organ�zed an�ex�s�ing under�he 1a�s af�he United�tates�f Ameri�a and <br /> who�e address �s 221 -South Locust Stree�, Grand Island, Nebraska �gSU1 �"Lender"}. NANC�' K <br /> MQNTGaN.[ERY and SUSAN R MCAFEE have en�ered in�o a Contract vvxth Lend�r as �f August 4, 2015, � <br /> under �he terms of wh��h Borrawer may, frorn �ime �o time, �b� ad�ances not to exceed, a� any tirne, a <br /> **xMA�IMUM �RINCIPAL AM�UNT �EXCLI�DING PR�TECTIVE ADVANCES}*** of Farty <br /> Thausand and 4�11 U� Da�lars �U.S. $40,�U�.OD} �"Credi� L�mit"3. Any party in�eres�ed �n fihe deta�ls re�a�ed�� <br /> Lender's c�nt�nuing abligatxon �o make advances to Barr�wer �s ad��sed �o consult direct�y v���h Lender. �f nat <br /> paid ear�x�ra the sums owing under Borrower`s C�ntract with Lender wi�� be due on August 15, 20�U. This <br /> �ecurity �nstrumen�secures �o Lender: {a} th� repayment of the deb�under�he Contract, w�th intezes�, �nclud�.ng <br /> futur�ad�anc�s,and all renewa�s, e�tens�ons and madif cations of�he Confiract;��}�he paymen�of alI other sums, <br /> vv��h int�rest, ad�ranced to pr�te�t the security❑f thi� S��urity�ns�rument under the pro�isions of�he se��ion�z�led <br /> Protect�on of Lender's R�ghts in the Prop�rty;and�c��he p�rformance of Borrow�r's covenants and agreernen�s <br /> u.nder�h�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�and�he Contra��. F�r�his purpos�, Borrawer, �n cansidera��an�f�he debt and�he <br /> trus�her��n�reated,zrrevocab�y grants and con�eys to Trus�ee,in trust,w�th power of sale,the fa�law�ng described <br /> property��ca�ed�n�he C�UNTY of HALL, S�ate af Nebraska: <br /> Address:292U CIRCLE DR,GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska 65801-6��7 <br /> Legal Description: L�T EIGHT �8},BL��I�THR�E �3�, STEWART PLA�E SU��]IVISI�N, �ITY <br /> �F G1�ANI�ISLANI�,HALL�aUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br /> T�GETHER 'S�V��TH a11 �he impravemen�s now or hereafter erected �n �h� propez�y, and a�l easements, <br /> appur�enances, and fixtures now or hereafter a paz-�of the proper�y. Al�rep�acements and additians shall alsa he <br /> covered by �his 5ecurity �nstrument. Al� af �he foregoing is referred �o in thzs Se�uri� Ins�rument as �he <br /> ►,pr�p�rty.t� <br /> B�RR��VER C�VENANTS �ha�Borrov�er zs lav�fully seised of the es�ate hereby conveyed and has�he right to <br /> gran� and canv�y �he Proper�y and tiha� the Prop�rty is un�ncumbered, excep� f�r encumbrances of record. <br /> Bonrower v��arrants and will defend genera��y�he ���le �o the Prop�rty against a�l claims and demands, sub�ec�to <br /> an�encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrav�r�r and Lender covenan�and agree as follows: � <br /> c��2�44-2�14 Campliance Systems,Inc.FD64-82A1-2013L2.14.I.89S <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2�3G Pa�e 1 of S wvvw.cornpliaricesysterns.corr� <br />