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i � � <br /> � <br /> �• � ��15�5�53 <br /> in lieu thereof,or otherwise,Martgag�e,for i�se�f,its�uc�ess�rs ar assigns�whi�h shall include an <br /> . . . . . . � <br /> pers�ns acqu�r�ng t�t�e �y voluntary deed, as��gnment or oth�r d�spositi�n or transfer in ��eu of <br /> forec�osur�},agrees tha�Tenant may cont�nue its occupancy of th�Premis�s�n accordance with the <br /> terms and pr�v�szons �f th� Lease, s� �ong as Tenant is r�ot i.n material default under the Lease <br /> bey�nd any appl��able n�tice and cure per�ad. Mortgagee a�rees nnt to narne Tenant as a par�y <br /> defendant�.n any foreclosure act�on. <br /> 3. 'Tenant a�rees to attorn t�: ta)Mortga�ee wh�n�n possession of th�Prem�ses;(b)a <br /> receiver ap�oint�d in an a�tion ar pra��eding to foreclose the Mort a e or atherwise; or c to an <br /> � � t � � <br /> party acqu�r�ng tit�e ta the Premise�as a result�f forec�osure�f the Mortgage or�eed in�ieu thereaf. <br /> Tenar�t fur�h�r �o�enants and agrees t� e�ecu�e and del�ver, upan requ�st af Mor�gag��, �r �ts <br /> assigns, ari appr�pr�at� agr�em�nt of attornrn�nt, in form and content reasonably accepta��e t� <br /> T�nant and Mor��agee ��ut v�h�ch shal� not amend t,he terms of the Lease or otherwi�e d�rn�nish <br /> Tenant's r�ghts�hereunder} �vith any subsequent t�tleho�der af the Premises. <br /> � �-. So�on�as the M�rtgage on t,he Premises remaiE.ns outstanding and unsa�isf�ed,Ter�ant <br /> wi�l use commercia�ly reasonab�e effor�s to de��v�r ta Martgagee a copy a�a�� nvtic�s af default <br /> given ta Lar�d�ard by Tenant. At any t�me h�fore th�rrghts of Landlord sha�l have�been farfeited or <br /> adversely affected b�cause of any default urider the I�ease as therein pr�vided,Mar�gage��hali have <br /> the right(�ut nat the obligati�n�t� cure such default�v��h�n the same period of time as is a��ovved � <br /> Land�ard under�e I.�ase. <br /> 5. If M�rtgagee sha�l suc�eed to the �nterest of Landl�rd under the L�as�, Mor�gagee <br /> sha�� be bo�ux�,d to �'enant under a�� the terms, co�eriants and conditions of the Lease, and Tenant <br /> shai�, from and af�er Mort�agee's succession ta the interest of Land�ord under the Lease, have th� <br /> same remed�es agair�st Mort�agee ft�r t,he breach of an agr�ernent contained in the Lease that Tenant <br /> might have had und�r t,he Lease a�ains�Land�ord�f Mar�gagee had not succ�ed�d to�h.�interest of <br /> Landiord; prov�ded fuxth�r,however,that Mortgagee sha�� n�t be; <br /> �a} ��ab�e far any warranty, act �r orn�ssian of any privr �andiard (inc�uding <br /> Landlard}, e�ce�t those�f a continuing nature; or <br /> �b� subject to ar��offsets vr def�nse v�hich Tenant m�ght have against any prior <br /> �ax�cUord��ncludin,g La.nd�ord�,except(i}offsets 5pecifi�a��y provid�d for�n th�Leas�,or�ii}tho5e <br /> wh�ch aro�e out o�such Land��rd's default under the Lease and aGcrued aft�r Tenant has n�tified <br /> Mortgagee and given Mar�gagee an oppartun�ty�o cur�as pravided in Paragra h 4 above; vr - <br /> p <br /> �c� bound by any rent or Add�t�ona��harges which T�nant migh�have paid for <br /> m�re than�he�urrent manth to a.r�y prior land��rd(in��ud�ng Landlord}; �r <br /> �d) baund �y any amendment or rnodificatian of the Lease ar any col�atera� <br /> agreemer�t made v�ithaut M�rtgagee's cansent wh�ch would �i)reduce fi�ed m�nimum rent, or�i�� <br /> r�d�ce any other rr�onetary vbligat�on vf T�nant under the Lease. <br /> 6. Mo�rtgagee consents ta the app��cation and dispos�tion of casua�ty proceeds and <br />