��1 5�565 5
<br /> TranSfer of the Prnper�y�r a Ber��ficial Int�rest�n Barrawer,If alI or any part of�h�Proper�y ar any xn�eres�
<br /> in i� is soid ar transferr�� �ar xf a benef�ia� interest in Bflrrou��r xs so�d or �ransferred and B�rrnwer is nat a
<br /> natural person� without L�nd�r's pr�or written eons�nt, L�nder may, at ��s o��t�an, require immediat� pa�ment in
<br /> full af a�l sums secured by thrs Security Ins�rn.en�. However, �his ap�ian sha11 not be ��erG�sed b� Lender if
<br /> exercise is prohibited by federal lav�as of th�da�e of this S�cur�ty Zn�trumen�.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrawer not�ce of a�celera�on. The no�i�e shal� pr�v�de a
<br /> period af not Iess than the m�nimurn number �f days e��ablished b�r Applic��ble Law from the da�e the no�t��e xs
<br /> d�livered or mailed within whi�h B�rro�ver mus� pay all sums secured by �lxis Se�urity Instrument. If Barrovver
<br /> fa�ls to pay these sums prior t�the �xpiration of th�s p�r�od, Lender may in,voke any remedi�s p�rmit�ed by this
<br /> Security Ins�rument without further na�z�e ar dernand on B�rro,wer.
<br /> B�rrower's Right ta Reins��te. �f Barrower mee�s certa�n condi�ions, Barrower shal� have the righ� to have
<br /> enfar�ement af�his Security Ins�:rum�nt discfln�inued at any tim� prior to�h� earlxer of (a} 5 days�or such��her
<br /> periad as App���a���Lavv may specif�for reins�a�ement}befare sa��af�he Property pursuan�to any power of sale
<br /> contained �n thxs Secur�ty Instrum�nt; or �b} en�ry of a judgment enforcing �hxs 5ecurity �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> condi�rons are �hat Barrower: �a�pavs L�nder a�� sums v�h�ch�hen v�rou�d b�� due und�r this Securxty �nstrumen�
<br /> and the Contracfi as�f nn acceiera�ian had occurred;�b�cures a.ny default af arty other�avenan�s or a�reements;�c}
<br /> pays a�I expenses�ncurred in enforcing this 5ecuri�y�ns�ruxnen�,�nc�uding,bu�not��mx�ed�o,reasonab�e a�torne�s'
<br /> fees to the�xtent perrnit��d by�avv; and�d��ak�s such ac�ifln as Lender may reasonabl�require to assure tha��he
<br /> lien of this Security Ynstrument,Lender's rig��s�n the PrQpe�r and Borrov��er's ob��gation�o pay�ie sums secured
<br /> b�this Se�urity Znstrument sha1l can�inue unchanged. Up�n reinstatement b�r Borrt��er, this Se�urity �nstrument
<br /> and�he ot�liga�i�ns se�ured hereby shall remain fully effectiv� as �f no ac�el�ration had accurred. Ha�re�er, thzs
<br /> right�o re�nsta�e sha�l not apply xn�he case of a�c�leration under�h�section�:it�ed Transf�r of the Proper��r or a
<br /> Benef�cial Interes��n Barr�wer.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances.Borrower s�all not cause or permi��he presence,use.,disposa�,storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on ar in�he Prapert�.Borrower shail nat do,nor allow anyane else to da,anything affec��ng
<br /> �he P�roperty that �s in �i�lation af any En��ronmen�al Lavv. The preceding two sentences shal� not apply�a the
<br /> presen�e,use,or storage on the Pr�per�y�f smal�quant�ties�f Hazardous Sub���an�es�ha�are genera��y recognized
<br /> to be appropr�ate to normal resid�n�ia�uses and��main�enance of�he Praper��.
<br /> Borrower shall prornptly gi�e Lender writ�en natice of any invest�ga�ion,cTairr�, d�mand,�au�rsuz��r other a�txQn by
<br /> any go�ern�men�al or regu�atory agen�}�ar private party inval�ing�he Prope��ty and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Environxnen�al Lav� of which Barr�wer has a�tua� knowledg�. Zf Borrawer Iearns, or �s natifi�d �y any
<br /> governmental or regu�atory authority,tha�any r�m�vaX or o�her remediation o E any Hazardaus 5ubstance affec��ng
<br /> the Pr�perty is necessary, Borrower sha�l pr�mptly take all necessa.ry re:med�al act��ns in accardance v��ith
<br /> Environmen�a�Lavv.
<br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Hazard�u� Subs�an�es" are �hose substances defv-�ed as taxic or hazardous �ubs�ances
<br /> by En�ironmental Law and the f�ilovv�ng substances: gasoline, keras�ne, c�#her flammabTe or �axic petro�eum
<br /> produc�s, toxic pesticxdes and herbi�ides, vo�atile so�vents, ma�er�als con�a���.�ng asbest�s or forma�dehyde, and
<br /> radzoactive rnat�rials.As used zn this paragraph, "Environmen�al Law"means federa�Iavvs and Iavvs nf�he state of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�relate�o h�alth,safety�r env�ranmen�a�pro�ec�i�n.
<br /> Ac�eI�ration; Remed�es, L�nder shall give n�tice to �3orrawer prior �o �ic�e�erat�on follawing Borrvwer's
<br /> breach af any covenant or agreeme�nt in th�s�ecurfty Instrumen�or the C:ontrac�under vvhi�h accelera��on
<br /> is perrn���ed �but not prior to a�celera�ion under the se�t�on titled Transi:er of the Property�r a Benefi��a�
<br /> Interest in B�rrawer, unless Appli�ab�e Law provides o�herwise�. The n�y�ice shal� specify: {a� �he def�ult;
<br /> �b� the a�t�an requ�red to cure the defau��; �c� a da�e, na� Iess tha�� the m�nz�num number of days
<br /> e�tabi�shed by Appli�able Law from the date the nfltfce�5 gi�en t�B�rro��rer,by wh�ch �he defauit mus�be
<br /> �ured; and �d} that fa��ure to �ure the default on or �efare �he date spe�c��ed in �he nntxce may result in
<br /> a��eleration of the surns se�ured by #his S�curity Instrument and �a��� af #he Property. To �he ex�en�
<br /> permitted by law,�he not�ce sha�l further inf�rrn 13vrrower of the righ�t_o reinstate after accel�rat�on and
<br /> fhe right to br�ng a caurt ac�ion to�sser�the�on�-e�istence of a defaul�ar any a�her defense of Borrower to
<br /> a�celeratian and �a1e. If the default is nat cured on nr before the date sp+ucif�ed in �he notiee,Ler�der a�i�s
<br /> op�ion may re�uir� immed.iate payment in full �f al� �ums se�ured by �his Security Instrument �vith�u�
<br /> further demand and may �n►voke �he power of sale and any other rerr�ed�es permit�ed by App��cable Ilaw.
<br /> Tv the extent permitted by Iaw, Lender sha�l be entitled to coll�ct aIl e:xpenses in�urr�d �n pursuing �he
<br /> remedies provided in thi5 Sec��on,inc�uding,�ut n�t Iimited �o, reasonabl:e at��rneys' fees and�as�s of�i�le
<br /> ev�dence,
<br /> If�he power of sa�e�s in�ol�ed,Trustee sha�I r�cord a n��ice of defaul�in each�ounty��which any par-�of
<br /> the Property�s located and 5ha1�mai��opies of such natice in �he rnanner pr�scribed by Applicab�e Law to
<br /> Rarrawer and �o the ather persons prescribed by AppIicab�� Law. After the tirne requir�d by App�icab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shai� g�►�e pub�ic no���e of sa�e �o �h� per-sans and in the rnann�r prescribed by AppZ�cable
<br /> Law. Trustee,w�thout dernand on �orrower,sha��sell�he Praperty a�pub�ic auction to the h�ghes�b�dder
<br /> a��he f�me an�l p�ace and under�he�erms designated�in th�notice of�ale iin one ar mare parcels and in any
<br /> order Trustee deterrnin�s. Trus�ee may p�stpone sale of all ar any p:arce� of th� P�operty �y public
<br /> announcement at�he�ime and place of any pre�i�usly scheduled sa�e.Len�der ar its designee may purcha5e
<br /> the Property at any sa��.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of�h� price bid, Tr�s�ee shall deli�er to the pu��-�haser Trustee's deed con�ey�ng
<br /> the Property. The re�i�a�s�n �he Tru��ee's deed �hal� be pr�ma facie euiden�e of the truth of the s�at�ments
<br /> C�2Da�4-ZOI4 Campliance 5ystems,Ir�c.k'Dd4-25�D-24l 3L2.1�.l_895
<br /> C�nsurner Real Estate-Sccurity Instrument DL2Q35 Fage 4 af 5 www.c4mplian�esystems_com
<br />