��1 5�5�44
<br /> and agr�ements. For�his purpose, Barrower irr�vacably�ran�s and con�reys to Trus�ee, in�ru�t, wxth.power of sale,
<br /> �he foll�v�ing descr�bed prop�rty locat�d in HALL County, Nebrasl�a:
<br /> A.P.11T. : 44��9�147
<br /> R
<br /> which has the address of � 319 �E S T 14 TH S TRE E T
<br /> � [street�
<br /> GR�ND I S LAND ,1�Iebraska 6 8 8�l �"Prvpert�Address"�:
<br /> [CitY] rZip Code� .
<br /> ,
<br /> T��'xETH�R. 'L�L��T�J[ a�l �h� improvem�nts no�v or hereaf�er erec�ed vn �he property, and aZl easemen�s,
<br /> � appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part nf�lie praperty. A11 r�p�acenaents and additians shall also he
<br /> cflvered�y thxs Security rnstrument. A11 of�he forego�ng is referred to in this 5ecuri�Instrument as�he"Proper�y,"
<br /> � Borrov�er understands and agrees�hat MERS h�lds on�y 1�ga1 tit].e ta the interests granted by Borrower ua.�h�.s Security
<br /> � Insixument; bu�, �f necessary to comply with law ar cus�om, MERS�as nominee for Lender and Lender's success4rs
<br /> and assigns}has the right:t���ercYs�any or all of those in�eres�s, uxcluding, but not�imi�ed ta, �he right to forec�ase
<br /> and s�ll�he Property; an�t��ake any action ret�uired 4f Lender�ncluding, but n��ximxt�d�a, releasing or cance�zng
<br /> th�.s Security Instrument.
<br /> BDRR��VER C�VEI�IANTS that Borr�wer is lavsrfully seised of the estate hereby con�eyed and has the righ�ta
<br /> grant and�anvey th�Praperty and that the Praperty is unencum�aered,excep�far encumbrances of r�cord. Borrav�rer
<br /> warrants and will def�nd g�nerally the �it�e to �he Property against a�1 claims and demands, su�j�ct ta any
<br /> encurnbrances af record. �
<br /> TH�S SE�URITS.'�TS'I'1�UME1�T combixa.es unxform cavenan�s for national use and non-uniform co�enants with
<br /> lim�ted variations b�jurisd�ctian tv�onst�tu�e a uniform securxty u.astrument c�vering rea�.�ropert�.
<br /> U N1F�Rl�'1 ��VENANTS. Barrawer and Lender ca�enant and agree as falxvvvs:
<br /> 1. Pa,yment of Prin�ipa�, Intere�t and Late Charge. Borrovver sha�1 pay when due the prxncipal of, and
<br /> interest on, the deb�e�idenced hy�he�Tote and late charges due under the Na�e.
<br /> 2. Monthxy Payment �f Ta��s, Insurance, and Uther Charges. Borrower shall inc�ude u� each mvnthly
<br /> payment, together�ith�he principal and int�res�'as se�forth in the Note and any iate charges, a sum far�a�taxes and
<br /> sp ec�a� assessments �ev�ed or ta be le�xed against the Proper�y, �b� �easehold payments or ground ren�s on the
<br /> Property, and�c�premiums`far insurance requi�-ed under paragraph 4. �rz any year�xa.�vhich�he Lender must pay a
<br /> m�rtgage insurance premium tQ,the Secretar�of Housing and Urban I]e�e�.opment�"Secretary"�, or in any��ear in
<br /> which such premium would have been required if Lender s�x�l held the Securxty Ins�rumen�, ea�h mon�hly payrnent
<br /> shall also include ei�h�r: �i�a sum for th�an�ual rn.or�ga.ge insurance pre�mium to be paid by Lender to the Se�retary,
<br /> or�ii}a m�nthly charge�ns�ead of a martgage uasurance premium if this Security Instrument is held by the Secretary,
<br /> i.n a reasanab�e amount to be determin�d by t��S�cretary, Except for the manthl�charge by�he Secretary,these ztems
<br /> are�a11ed"Escrow Items" and�he sums paid ta Lender ar�called"Escraw Funds."
<br /> Lender rnay, a�any time, ca�Iect and ho1.d a�ounts for Escrow Items in an aggrega�e amount no�ta exceed�he
<br /> maximum amount that may�e required for Ba�rro�rer's escrvw account under the Rea�Estate Seitlement Procedures
<br /> ,
<br /> Ac�of 1974, I�U.S.C. ����� e, t sea. and unp�ementing regulations, 12�C.F.R. Par���24, as�he�ma�be amended
<br /> .
<br /> ,. ,
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<br /> NED�T�.FHA 0��1�I�4 Page� vf 9 . www.dacmagic.cam
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