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��1 5�564� <br /> Transfer of the Proper�y�r a Ben�f��a�In�eres��n Borrvwer.�f alI or any par��f the Proper�y ar any interes� <br /> in it is sold �r �ransferred ��r if a benef��a� interest in Borrflv��er is sold �r transferred and Sorravver �s not a <br /> na�ural person} wi�hou� Lender's priar written �or�sent, L�nd�r mayy at its flp��an, r�quire immedia�e payment xn <br /> fu�� ❑f al� sums secured b� this Securit}T ��st�rum�nt. H�vvever, �his �p�ion shall na� be exercised �y Lender if <br /> ex�rc�se is prohibited by fed�ral Xaw as of the da��flf�h�s Securxty znstrumen�. <br /> If Lender ex�rcises �hxs op���n, Lender sha�� gi�ve Borravtirer no�z�� �f acce��rat.ion. The notic� sha�� pr��ide a <br /> p�r�fld of not �ess�han the m�nimum number flf days es�ablished by Applicab�e Law from �he date the no�ice is <br /> de�ivered or mailed within whi�h B�rrovver must pay al� sums se�ur�d hy this 5ecuri�y Instrument. If Borrovver <br /> fails ta pay these sums prior�o the e�pira�ion af�h�s p�r�od, Lend�r may in�oke any remedies permitte�i by�h�s <br /> Security Instrurnent v�i�hout fi�rther nati�e ar dernand on Barravv�r. <br /> Borrower's Righ� to l�e�nstate. Zf Borrawer mee�s cer�ain c�nditions, Borr��ver shall have �he right to ha�e <br /> enfor�emen�of thzs Security �ns�rument d�scontinued at any��m.e pri�r ta the�arlier of �a� 5 days �or such other <br /> period as App�zca�Xe Lavv may specify for re�n�taternent}before sa��of�he Froperty pursuant��any power af sa�e <br /> �ontained in this Securi�y Instrument; or �b} �ntry of a j udgment enfor�ing �his Securi�y Instrument. Those <br /> conditians are that B�rrower: �a} pays L�nd�r a�� surns which�h�n would be due under th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen� <br /> and the Cantract as if no acceleration had accur�red;tb�cures any defaul��f any flther c�venants❑r agreements;�c} <br /> pays a1�e�penses zncurred 7n enf�rcin��his Securi�y Instrurnent,inciuding,bu�not�im�ted to,reasonable a�torneys' <br /> fees�o�he extent permitted by 1aw; and�d}ta.�es such actian as Lender ma�reasonab�y requ�re to assure�hat�he <br /> Iien of th�s Se�urity Znstrum�nt,Lender's rights zn t�e Property and Barrower's ob��gation to pay th�sums secured <br /> by this Se�urxty�ns�rument shall eontinu� unchanged. Upon reinstatemen�b�B�rravver, �his Securit� Xnstrument <br /> and the o�l�ga��ons secur�d her�by sha�I rema�n fully effecti�e a� if nQ acc�leration had nccurred. However, this <br /> r�gh�to reins�a�e sha��n.ot apply in�he case af acceleration u.nder�he se��ion t��l�d Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Bene�cial Interes�in Borrower. <br /> Hazardaus Substan�es.Borrawer sha��not cause ar permit the presence,use,disposa�,��arage,or release of any <br /> �3azardous Substances an or in�he Properry.Borro�ver sha�l nat do,nor al�ow anyane else to do,an�hxng affect�ng <br /> the Proper�y that is in �zo�a��on of any Envxranmental Law. The preceding two sen�enc�s sha�l not a�ply ta the <br /> presence,use,�r s�orage�n�he Properry of small quan�i��es of Hazardous Su�s�ances that ar�general�y r�cognized <br /> t�he appropriate�o normal residen�ial uses and to ma�n�enan�e af the Property. <br /> Borrow�r sha�I�arornp��y g���Lender wri�ten n��xce of any in�es�igat�on,claim, demand,lawsuit or ather ac�ion by <br /> any go�ernmen�a� or regulatory agency ar pri�ate party invol�ring the Pr�per�y and any Hazardous Substance ar <br /> En�ironm�n�al Laur af wh�ch $orrower has actual know�edge. If Borr�wer learns, ar is no��fied by any <br /> g�vernxnen�al or regu�a�ary auth�r�ty,that an�remflval or other remediation❑f any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting <br /> the Property is necessary, B�rrawer shall promptly �a�e a�l necessar� remedial act�ans �n accordanc� wx�h <br /> Environmen�al Law. <br /> As used�.rr.this paragraph, "Ha.2ardous Substances" are those substan�es defined as�oxic or hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Environmen�a� Law and the following substances: gasoXzne, k�rosene, other flarnma�b�e �r toxic pe�roleum <br /> pr�ducts, t��ic pes�rc�des and herb�c�des, �olat�le so�vents, mater�a�s con�ainxng asbest�s or farmaldehyde, and <br /> radioaEtive materia�s.As used in this paragraph, 'rEnvironmen�al Law"means fe�era��a�s and lavv�of�h�state of <br /> Nebraska�hat rela�;e��heal�h,safe�y or env�ronmental protection. <br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lender �hall g�ve notice to Borr�wer prior to acc��erat�on fallow�ng Bflrrower's <br /> hr�ach of any�covenant flr agreernent�n this Secur�ty Instrument or the�ontract under whi�h accei�rat�an <br /> �s perrnit�ed �but nvt privr ta ac�eleratxon und�r the se�tifln t�tled Transfer of the Proper�y�r a Beneficia� <br /> In�erest�n Borr�wer, unl�gs Applicab�e Lavv provides a�herwise}. The no��ce shall spe�ify: �a} the defau�t; <br /> (b� the action required to cure the default; �G} a da�e, no� Iess than tih� minimum num�ber of days <br /> estabt��hed by Appl�ca�ie Law from the date the n��ice i5 g�ven to Borrow�r,b�which the d�fault must be <br /> cur�d; and �d} that failur� to cure the def�ult �n or b�fore the da�e specif ed in �h� notice may resu�t �n <br /> acce�era�ion of the sum� �ecured by thi5 Securi�y Instrument and sale �f �he Pruperty. T❑ the e�fen� <br /> permit��d by�av��,the noti�e 5ha��fur�her �nfQrm Borrvw�r of�he r�ght to re�ns�a�e af�ex a�celeration and <br /> �h�right ta bring a court a���on�o assert thQ nan-ex�sten�e��a default ar any ather defense of Barrower ta <br /> acceleration and sale. If th�defau�t�s no� cured on or hefore th�date spec�f�ed in �he natice, Lender a� it� <br /> op�ion may require imrned�ate paymen� in full of a�x sums secured by this Se�urity Instrumen� w��hout <br /> fur�her demand and may in�ake �he power af sa�e and any �ther remedi�s permit�ed by Applicabze Lavc�. <br /> To the extent permi���d b� �aw, Lender shall b� entitied �o c��le�t alI �xpenses incurred �n pursu�ng �he <br /> rernedies pro�id�d in this Se�tion, in�luding,�u� not limi�ed tn, reasonable attorneys' fee�and costs af���le <br /> evidence. <br /> If the power of saIe �s in�aked,TruSte�shall recvrd a n�tice�f default in ea�h county in wh�ch any part of <br /> the Property is l�cat�d and shall mail�apies Qf�uch noti�e ir��he manner pres�r�bed by Appiicable Law t�o <br /> Barrow�r and ta the ather persons prescribe� by App��cable Law. After the time r�qu�red by App�i�able <br /> Law, Trustee shaZ� give publ�� notic� of sale �a �he persons and in the manner preseribed by App�i�able <br /> Law. Trustee,wi�hou�demand on Barrower,shal�se�i the Property at publi�auction to the h�ghes�bfdder <br /> a�th�time and place and under th�terms design�ted in�he noti��of 5a�e in ane ar mare parcels and in any <br /> ord�r Trus�ee d�term�nes. Trus�ee may postpone sale of all or any parcel af �he Property by publ�c <br /> announcement at the�ime and place tif any previvu5ly s�heduled sale,Lender ar its de5ignee may purchase <br /> �h�Fraperty at any saie� <br /> l��an receipt of payment��the pr��e bid, Trustee sha�i deliver to the purChaser Trus�ee's deed �on�eying <br /> the Praperty. The re�i�a�� i� the Trustee's d�ed shaI�be pr�ma facie eviden�e of the truth of t�ie s�at�ments <br /> 0 2��4-2d14 Compliance Systems,Inc.FDdD-ADD8-20F3L2.]Q.1.895 <br /> Cons�mer Fteal Esfate-Securi#y Inst�ment DL203 d Page 4 of 5 www.CompIiancesystems,com <br />