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��15�5637 <br /> s��tion���led Transfer of the Praperty�r a Benef�cia���iteres�in Barrnwer,unless Ap���cable Lav��ra��des <br /> fltherw�se�. The not�ce shal� spec�fy: �a) the defat�it; [b� �he ac#ion rQquired to cure the default; [c�a date, <br /> no� �ess�han �h�minimum nurnber af days�s�ab�ished b�Ap��icab�e Law from the date the nat�ce is gi�en <br /> �v Borr�wer, by which th� default rnu�t be cured; �nd �d�#ha� fa��ure�p cure�hQ defau�� �n or before�he <br /> �ate spec�f�ed in the nat��e may resul� �n a�celeratian �f#he sums s�cured by th�s Security �nstrument and <br /> sa�e of#he Property.To the extent perrn���ed by lavv,th� no��ce shali further infarm Bvrrower of�he righ� <br /> �a re�nsta�e af�er acceiera�ion and the right ta br�ng a cour�actian �o asser��he n�n--exis�ence of a default <br /> �r any a�her defen5e af Borrower to ac�e��ra�ion and sale. �f the defau�t�s na�cu red on vr before�he date <br /> sp�cif�ed �n the nat��e, Lender at ��s aption may r�quir� immed�ate payment �n fuli �f al� sums secured �y <br /> th�s Secur��y�nstrumenf vvi�hout fur�her demand and may�nvo��the pawer of sa�e and an�r oth�r r�m�di�� <br /> perm�t�ed b� App�icab�e Law. To �h� ex�en� permit�ed by law, Lender sha�� b� entit�ed ta co�lect a�i <br /> expen5es in�urred in pursu�ng �he rernedies pra�ided in th�s Sectian, in�lud�ng, but not l�m�t�d tv <br /> � <br /> reasonab��a�torneys'fees and c�s�s of ti�le e�v�dence. <br /> �f the p�wer of sale �s �nvok�d,Trustee shai�recard a n�tic�o A�.2fau�t in �ach coun�y �n which any }�-�art of <br /> x.�.w�H.:.�x...-�,�..:..�.. r <br /> �h�PropertyT �s �ocated and shal�mai�copi�s af such notic�in � ���=:��nr�er.:,��e�c�rt` .��, ' b�e Law�v <br /> � <br /> rr::.2...�•. �.. <br /> P P � Y pP � �:�;#�e r���i'u���d b Applicable <br /> �rrawer an �o the�oth�r ers�ns rescr�bed b A 1�cab�e w.i��4f��r� <br /> . . �=.-:.�. ,:z .:s _ <br /> Law, Trus�ee shail ��� ubl�c not�ce of sa�e t� �he ersans "°.��� _ ����y <br /> g P P ����e��� ApPiicable <br /> Law. Trus�ee,w��hout demand an Borr�`ver,5ha1��e���he Pr�per�y a� pub��c auc ion�`o�'#h������hest bidder <br /> at the time and piace and under the terms d�signa��d in the nat�ce of sa��in ane or m�re par�eis and in any <br /> ord�r Trustee determ�nes. Trus�ee rnay pastpane sa�e of a�l �r any p�rce� of the Proper�y by publ�� <br /> announcement a��he time and p�ace of any pre��aus�y scheduied sa�e. Lender flr it�designee may purchase <br /> the Pr�pert�at any sa�e. <br /> Upfln rec�iPt of payment �f�he price b�d, Trustee sha�l de�xv�r to �he purchaser Trustee's deed con�ey�ng <br /> the Praper�y. The reci�a�s�n the Trus�ee'�deed sha�i be pr�rna fa�ie eviden�e of the truth�f�he statemen�s <br /> made there�n. Tru��ee sha�l a�p�y the pr���eds of the saIe in the �a�l�wing flrder: �a� ta a�� costs and <br /> �xpenses of exercis�ng �he P��ver�f sa��, and the sa�e, inciud�ng the payme��t af t��e Trus�e�'S fees ac�uaily <br /> incurred and reasonable attarneys' fees as permit�ed by App�i�ab�e Law; �b� t� all sums secured by thxs <br /> Securi�y�nstrument; and(�)any excess ta th�person ar�ersans�egal���entit�ed�o it. <br /> l�ecfln�eyance. Upon payrne�at af ail sums secured by this Se�urity �nstrumen�, Lender shall reques� Trustee ta <br /> r�can�ey the Proper�y and sha�i surrender�his Security Instrument and al� no�es e�idencing debt secured by th�� <br /> Secur�ty Instrument �� Trus��e. Txus�ee s��a�l reconvey the Pr�perty uli�haut v�arrant� �o the persvn or persons <br /> le�aily en�itled to it. Such person or persons shali pay any r�cordation costs. Lender may charge su�h persan or <br /> pers�ns a fee far recan�ey�ng the Pr�perty, but anly if�he fee �s paid to a th�rd par� �su�h as �h� Trustee� for <br /> serW�ces re��dered and�he charg�ng�f�he fee is perm�tted unde�Applicab�e Law. <br /> Subst�tu�e Trustee. Lender, at��s �pt��n, may frorn�ime ta t�rne rernawe Trustee and appa�n�a successor trus�ee <br /> tfl an�Trustee appQ�n�ed hereunder�y.ap ins�rumen�rec�rded �n the���ur�ty �n �vhxch �h�s Security Ins�rument �s <br /> recQrded. �L�Vi�hout conv�yance of�he Pr�per�y,the successflr t�-us�ee shalt succeed�o a�I the���le,pawer and duties <br /> conferred up�n Truste��erein and by Appl�cabXe Law. � � <br /> Reques�for Nntices. 13orrawer requests t��a�c�pies Uf the natice of defa.u�t and sa�e be sent�o Barro�ver's address <br /> which�s�he Properry Address. . <br /> BY SI�h�ING BEL�W7 Sarrower a�cep�s and agree� �o �he t�rms and co�enan�s conta�ned in ai� pages of this <br /> Secur�ty�ns�rument and in any Ride�-execu�ed by B�rr��Ter and recorded�r��h i�: S�gned and sealed b�Bor�rower: <br /> ��'���� � � <br /> __...__ �Sea�) <br /> K.evin L Harris �. Da�e . , . <br /> �..� - . . <br /> 6 � <br /> � �� � Sea� � .., <br /> � � <br /> L�sa A Harr�s Date <br /> �[.QQ4-2014 CQmpiiar�ce Sy5fE1t1S,Ir�c.�U6Q-9SB I-�D I3LZ.10.1.$45 � <br /> C�nsurner Real Estate-Secu�ity Instrurrtent DL2036 Pa�e 5 of G � w�vcv.comptiancesystems.�or� <br />
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