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<br /> Hvme Federal Saving�&Loan Assoc�at�on of Home F�dera[Sav�ng�&Loan Assflciation flf
<br /> Grand Isiand �rand Is�and
<br /> ZZ1 South Locust S�reet 221 Sou�h Locust Stree�
<br /> (Space Ab�ve This Lin�Far Recording Data}
<br /> L�AN�RIG�NA.T�R C�MPANY 1�AME: Hame Federal Savings&Laan Assoc�ation of�rand Island
<br /> NMLS��MPANY�DE�TIFIER: 44�443
<br /> L�Al��RIGINAT�R NAME: Chris Kasl�ie
<br /> DEEI� ��' 'I'RUST
<br /> B�'Y'I'�-IIS DEED �F TRUST}
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Security Ins�rum�nt"� is mad� on August 3, 2U1S. The grantors are �ENNETI3 D
<br /> CALDWELL and PAMELA R CALDWELL, HUSBAND AND VL�'IFE, v�hos� address is 3715 E
<br /> SEEDLING NIILE RD,�RAND ISLAN�Dy ItiTebras�a 658�1-�4�9�"BD�'4WeT'���.Borr�wer is na�ne�es�arily the
<br /> same as �he Person or Persons who sign th� Hnme Equ�ty Lxne of Credi� Agreem�nt, dated August 3, 2�15
<br /> ("Con�rac�"�. The ob���ativns of Borrowers who d�d not szgn�he C�ntract are explained fur�h�r��he s�c��an titled
<br /> Suc�es�ors and Ass�gns Baund; Jnin� and Several Liahili�y; Accomrnodation S�gners. The ti�us��e is Arend
<br /> R.Baack,Attarney whose address is P.D.B�x 79a,Grand Island,Nebraska�SSpz�"Trus�ee"}.The b�nef cxary
<br /> xs H�me Fed�ra�Sa��ngs & Loan Assvcia�ion of Grand Is�and,which�s orgar�ized and�xisting under�he lavcts
<br /> af�he United S�ates of.�m�rica and whvse address �s Z21 Sauth Locust S�reet, Grand Island,N�braska 688�1
<br /> ("Lend�r"}. KENNETH D CALDV�ELL and PAMELA R �ALDVVELL have en�ered �n�� a Con�ra�� with
<br /> Lender as of Augus�3,�U 15, under�he terms of which Borrower may, from tim.e�o time, �btain ad�ranc�s nat to
<br /> exceed, a� any t�me, a �**MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AM�UI�TT �EXCLUDIN� PRC�TE�TIVE
<br /> AD�ANCES�*'�* �f Thirty Th�u�and and �OI1p0 Dollars [U.S. �3�,QOU.00} �"Cred�t Lim�t"}. Any par�y
<br /> interested in �h� de�ails rela�ed ta Lender's con��nuing flbligatzan �a mal�e advarz�es to Borrower is adv�sed �o
<br /> consult direc��y v��i�h Lender. �f nat paid earizer, �he sums ov�ing under B�rro�er's Can�rac�with Lender u��ll h�
<br /> due on August 15, 202U. This Securit�� Znstrumen� secures �a Lender: �a} �he repaymen� of th� debt under the
<br /> Con�ract,vwi�t�i in�eres�y including future ad�ances, and alI renewa�s, extens�ons and madif cations of�h��on�ract;
<br /> �b�the�ayment af all other sums,wi�h�n�eres�, advanced�o prote�t�he security of�h�s Security�nstrumen�under
<br /> �he prav�siflns of the secti�n�i�Ied Pratec�ian af Lend�r's Rights in the Property; and (c} �he performance of
<br /> Borravver's co�enan�s and agreements under�hzs Security Instrumen�and�he Cont�rac�.F�r thzs purpose,Barravver,
<br /> in�ons�dera��an of�he debt and�he trust h�re�n crea�ed, irrevacab�� �ran�s and conveys�o Trus�ee, �n trust,�vith
<br /> pov�er�f sa�e,the fallowing described proper�y located in�he C�UNTY of HALL,Sta�e of I�ebras�a:
<br /> Addxess:3715 E SEEDLIN�MILE RD,GRA�D ISLAND,Nebra�ka�8841�84U9
<br /> Legal Descrip�ian: ALL �F L�T "E�" AND THE N�RTH TEN �l U) ACRES �F LUT rr��r� I�
<br /> TUWNSHIP ELEV��T �11� N�RTH, RANGE NINE �9} �''�ST �F TH� �TH P.M., HALL
<br /> C4UNTY,�TESRA�I�A.
<br /> T�GETHER V��TH a�� �h� irnpravements novv ar hereafter er�c�ed �n the property, and a�� easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and f�tu.res nov�ar h�reafter a part of the�raper�y. All rep�acements and addi�ions sha�� a�so be
<br /> covere� by �his 5ecuri�y Instr�.�rn.en�. A�� of the faregoxng �s referred �a �n this 5ecur�ty �nstrument as the
<br /> "Proper�y."
<br /> B�RR�WER C�VE�A�TS�ha�Borrower is lav�fu��y seised of�he estate hereby c�nveyed and has the r�ght�a
<br /> gran� and �onvey the Proper�y and �hat the Pr�perty is unencumbered, ���ep� for en�umbrances of recard.
<br /> Barrower warran�s and w��l defend genera�Iy�h�title �o the Proper�y agai.rist al� claims and demands, subject to
<br /> any en�umbrances❑f recor�.
<br /> Borrower�n�i Lender c���nant a.�d agree as fo��ows:
<br /> �2404-2014�ampliance Systerns,Inc.FDd�-8403-2413L2.10.I.8g5
<br /> Consurner Rea�Estat�-Security�r�stri.Fment DL243d Pa�e 1 a�'5 www.campliancesystems.com
<br />