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��15�55�4 <br /> r�ght� hereunder sha1� �r�ure to, the r�spe�ti�e su�c�ssor� and as�i ns of Len�er <br /> � <br /> and Barrower. AlI �ovenants and a�re�rnents af Trust�� �hal� b� '�int and severa� <br /> J <br /> �n the event Trustnr sha�� be plura� in natuxe. Th� capt��ns and h�ad�n s of the <br /> � <br /> paragraphs af this Deed af Trust are f�r �onvena.ence oniy ar�d are not t� be used <br /> �� interpret or def n��he pr�v�sians h�reaf� <br /> �e} �e uest for Not���s. The pa��ties her��y request that a cop �f an <br /> Y Y <br /> noti�e of d�fau�t hereunder and a co�� o�'any nati�.� of sa�e hereunder be �n.a���d <br /> to each �ar�y herctn at the address ��t ro�h ahave, �n the manner prescrx�ed h <br /> Y <br /> applicab�e 1aw. E�cep�t for any other n�tic� requir�d under appli�a��e law t� be <br /> g���n in an�ther manr�.er, any notice �rov�ded for in thYS D�ed af Trust shal <br /> . 1 b� <br /> gxven �y mailing such no�ice by �ertified Mai� addr�s�ed t� �he ather arties at <br /> p <br /> the addresse� set forth abo�e. Any notic�pro�ided for in this Deed �f Trust sha�� <br /> be eff��t�.ve up�r� ma���ng in the rna.�ner des�gnated herG�r�. If Trust�r is more <br /> than one ��rsan, notiGe s�nt to the address set forth abave sha�l be n�tice <br /> t� aII <br /> such��rsons. <br /> �f� Inspectian. L�nde� ma.y make, ❑r cause t� �� rnade, reasonable <br /> entr7ies upon and inspect�ons of the Pra e ro��d�d that Le� <br /> � �� p der sha�� g�ve <br /> Trus�or not��e prxar to an� such i�.sp��tion spec�fyin� reasona��� �ause therefor <br /> related ta ��nder's �r�t�r�st in the Prop�rty. <br /> �g� Re��n�Te ance. Upon payrnent of al� sums se�ur�d by thzs I3eed af <br /> Trust, Lender sha�� request Trus�ee t� r�canve� the Prapert� and sha�� surrender <br /> this Deed af Trust ar�d a�� n�tes evxdenc�ng indebtedness secure� b this �eed of <br /> Y <br /> Trust t� Tru.stee. Trustee shall reconve� the Property, w�th�ut v�-arran� and <br /> Y <br /> ur�th�ut charge, to the person or persons Iega�ly entitled thereto. Tru�tor shall a <br /> al� cos�s af recordat�o�, if any. <br /> � y <br /> �h} Personal Pra �rt � �ecuri�t A re�ment. As add�txana� securi for <br /> �Y <br /> the payrr�ent �f the I�ate, Trustor h�reby grants Lender, under the Nebraska <br /> U�.ifor�n �omr�.er�ial �ade, a security int�rest in a11 fi�tures, e ui ment an�l <br /> �. p � <br /> a�her personal prap�rty u�ed in connect��n vv�i�h the rea� estate �r im rovem�nts <br /> p <br /> Io�at�d therean and not atherwise declared ar deem�d ta be a art �f the real <br /> � <br /> e�tate sect�r�d hereb�, ThYs instrum�nt shal� be ��nstrued as a Secur�t <br /> Agreem�nt ur�d�r said �ode and the y <br /> , Lender shal� hav� a1� the rights a.n.d rerned�es <br /> o�F a secured par�y un�er s�.id Code in add�t�on to the rights and remedies created. <br /> under ar�d acc�rded t� Lender pursuant to th�s Deed of Trust; rovided that <br /> � <br /> Lender's rx�hts and r�rn�d�es under this paragraph sh�l�be curnulat���e-with and ��� <br /> no ��ayr a l�xnita�i�n �n L er�der's r1 ghts and r�m�di es under any �th�r s�curit - <br /> agreement���n�d b�Borr�wer. <br /> � <br /> (i}. Liens and Encumlra.�ces, Tru�t�r �i�reby warrants a.nd r� x�S�IltS <br /> that there �s r�a defau�t u�der th � <br /> e prav�s�ons of an�+ m�rtgage, deed of trust, 1ea�e, <br /> or pur�has� cc�ntract describzng a�.1 or any paxt of the Pra�e�t , or an other <br /> Y y <br /> ��r�tract, rr��tr�me�t, or agr��men� c�nstitut�n� a �ie� or encumbranc� �.gainst a1� <br /> or �y part of the Pr�perty, �c�Ile�tive�y, "Lxez��"� exist�ng as of th� date �f th�s <br /> Dee�. of Txt��t, and that any and ail exist�ng Li�ns remain unm�d��'�ed ��ce t a� <br /> may be d�sclosed t�Lender b � <br /> y Trustor in�vr�t�ng. Trust�r shal�timely perf�rm all <br /> n��Tru�tor's obli�ations, c�venants, representatians, an� v�rarranties under an and <br /> Y <br /> all exist�n� and future L��ns, and sha�l not, �vithout Lender'� riar v�ritt�n <br /> p <br /> cans�nt, �n any mann�r m�dify th� pr�v�sions of or allo�v any fu�ure advances <br /> . . <br /> ux� er ar�y e��stzng�r future ]L�ens. <br /> �j� Ap.��cati�n of Pavm��.ts. Ur��e�� ��herw�se required b �avv sums <br /> Y � <br /> p�.1d ta Lend�r hereunder, rnclud�r�g ���thout �imitat:ion pa�ments of rinci al and <br /> � p <br /> interest, �nsurar�.ce pro�eeds, �or�dernnatzon pr��eeds, and rent� a.nd rofits shal� <br /> p � <br /> �e a�pl�ed�y Lender to the amaunts du�ar�d o�.ng from Trust�r and B�rrov�r�r in <br /> such arder as L�nder�n�ts sole discret�on�Ieerns desirab��. <br /> - �k} Severab�. If any pravision of t�is Deed vf Trust <br /> c�nfl�cts w�th <br /> app�i�ab�e Iaw or is dec�ar�d inva��d or oth�rw�se �nenforceable, such confli�t or <br /> Page 6 of 7 <br />
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