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��15�55�3 <br /> DEED �� TRU�� <br /> ��antr�ued} Page � <br /> C�NDENf�lA�1�N. The fa�lowing pro�isions rela�ing�o condemnation praceedings are a par�af this Deed vf Trust: <br /> Proceedings. If any prviceeding in candernnatian is filed, Trus�or shall promptly natify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustar shall pramptly tak�such s#eps as may be necessary#a defend fhe activn and obtain�he award. Trustor <br /> may be the narninal party in�uch prviceeding,but Lender shall be entitled to par�ic�pate in the proceeding and ta be <br /> represented �n the pmoeeding by caunse� af its awn �haic�, and Trustor will de�i�e�or�ause ta be d�i��ered to <br /> L�nder such instruments and documen�atian as may be r�quested hy Lender fram time to time to permit such <br /> participation. <br /> Application vf Net Proceeds. If al�or any part of the Property is condernnsd hy eminent damain pra�eedings or kay <br /> any proceeding nr purchase in lieu of�andemnation, Lend�r may at i�s eiectian require that al!or any portion of the <br /> ne'� proceeds o�r the award be applied t� the Indebtedness vr fhe repair❑r restora�ian af the Proper�y. The n�t <br /> prviceeds of the award sha[f inean the award after paymen�of alI reasonable costs, ex�snses, and attarneys'fees <br /> incurred k��Trus�ee or Lender in connec�ion with�he candemnativn. <br /> 11VIPOS�TIDN OF TAXES, FEES�ND CHARGES BY G�VERNII�IENTAL AUTHORIT�ES. The foflowing provisians �elating <br /> �a governmental taxes,fees and charges are a par�af this Deed❑f Trust: <br /> CurrQnt Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by L�nd�r, Trustvr shall execute such dacuments in additivn t� <br /> this De�d o�Trust and#ake whate�er ather actian is requested by Lender ta perfi�c�and cvn�inue Lender's lien on <br /> �he Reaf P�aper�y. Trus�or shal[ reimhurse Lender for al� taxes, as described �elow, f�g�ther with all expenses <br /> incurred in recording, perfecting ar continuing this Deed of Trust, in��uding withvut I�mitation alI taxes, fees, <br /> dflcumentary s�arnps,and a�her charges for recarding or regEsfiering this�De�d af�rus�, <br /> Ta�ces. The fallowing shall consti�ute taxes to which this sectian appiies: ��} a specific �ax upon �h�s type v� <br /> Deed af Trust❑r upon alf or any part of the Indeb�edness secured by �his C�eed of 1Crus�; �2} a speci�c�ax on <br /> Borrovve�-which �o�'rower is authori�ed or required�a deduct fram payments on the [ndeb�edness secured by th�s <br /> type vf Deed❑�Trust; �3} a�ax an th�s type of�eed of Trust chargeab[e agains#the Lender pr the holder of the <br /> Note; and �4} a speci�ic tax an a�l ar any portion a�the �ndebtedness or on paymenfis of principa� and interes� <br /> made by Barrower. <br /> 5uhsequent Taxes. if any�ax to whiGh �his se�ion appl�es is �nacted sut�,sequent to the da�e of this Deed v� <br /> Trust, this e�en� shall ha�e�hs sarr�e e�fect as ar� Event of Defau�t, and Lender may exercise any or a!1 af its <br /> available remedies �or an Event of Defau[t as prv�ided belaw unless Trus�ar eith�r �'�� pays the tax befvre i� <br /> becames delinquerrt,vr ��} �antes�s�he ta�as pro�ided above in the Taxes and Liens sec�ion and depasits wi�h <br /> Lender cash ar a su�fiGienf corparate surety band or othe�seGuri�y sa�isfaetory to Lender. <br /> SECURITY A�REEMENT; F�NANC[NG STATEMENTS. The fol�owing pravisions relating to this D�ed af Trus# as a <br /> s�curity agreement ar�a par�ofi thss�eed❑f Trust: <br /> Secur�ty Agreemen�. This �nstrument sha�� constitute a Security Agreernent to the e��ent any �f the Praper-ty <br /> canstitutes fixtures, and Lender sha�� have all af the rights v�a secured party under�he Uniform �vmm�rc�al Cade <br /> as amended fr�m time to time. <br /> Security In�erest. Upon request by Lender, T�`ust�r shall #ak�whateWer act�on is requested by Lender to perfect <br /> and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Persanal Property. !n addi�ion t� recording this Deed v�' <br /> Trust in the real prvperty reC�rds, Lender may, at any time and with�ut �urther authv�izatian fram Trustar, file <br /> executed counterparts, �Qpies vr �-eproductions of this Deed of Trust as a financing statemen#. Trus�vr shall <br /> reimburse L�nder fvr all expenses incurred in pertecting �r con�inuing this security interes�. �pon de�ault, Trustor <br /> shall no� remave, se�er vr detach the Personal Prope�ty from th� Proper[y. Upon de�aulfi, Trust�r sha[f assembl� <br /> any Persanal Property not affixed to the Praperty in a manner and at a place reasanably canvenien�to Trustor and <br /> Lender and make �� a�aiiable to Lender with�n thre� ��} days after re�eipt of wri��en d�mand�r�m Lender fi❑ the <br /> ex��nt pe�mitted�y app�icabfe law. <br /> Addresses. The ma�ling addresses ❑f Trustar �debtor} and Lende� {secured party} from vuhich informa�ivn <br /> concerning the se�u�-ity interest granted by �his Deed vf Trust may be obtairsed (ea�h as required by the Uniform <br /> �omrn�r�ial Gode}are as s�at�d on the first page of this Deed❑f�rust. <br /> FElRTHER ASSlJRANCES; ATT�RIVEY��N-FACT. The foflowing pr��isions relat�ng to �ur�her assurances and <br /> attvrney-in-fiaGt are a part vf�his ❑eed o�Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any�ime, anc��rvm time to time, upan request of Lender,Trust�r wil� make, exec�rte and <br /> deli��r,vr wil I t�use�o be made,execu�ed a�del�vered,�o Lender ar to L.�nder°s designe�,and when r�ues��d hy <br /> Lender, cause fo b�filec�, reoorded, refled, ar rere�rded, as th��ase may be,�t�u�h times and in such o�fices <br /> and pfaQes�as Le�der ma�deem appropriate,any and al1 such mortgages, deeds of trus�k, se�un�y ci�ds,securi$y <br /> agreements, finan�ing siafernents, c�ntinuatian staf�rnents, instnar�er��s of further assuranc�, ��ifica��s, anc� <br /> o�her dv�umer�ts as rr�ay,in the soie opinian o�Lend�r, i�e necessary vr desirahl�i�arder tv effectuate,�mpfete, <br /> perFact, �antinue, or preserve �'�} �or�-ower's anc�Trus�o��ohliga�ians�ander�he hlote, �his 17eed o��rus�, and <br /> fh�}�[�� �an�r�, and (2} the liens and securi-ty interes�s created by this D�ed vf Trust on�h�Proper-ty, <br /> whether now owned or he�eafter acquired by Trus�or. Llnless p�ahibited by law ar Lender agr�es tv the contrary in <br /> wri�ing, Trustor shall re�mhurse Lender far all casts and exp�nses ir7curred in cannection with the matters�'eferred <br /> fo in this paragraph. <br /> At�arney-in-Fact. If Trustor fails to do any of�he#hings referred fio in�he preoeding par�ag�-aph, Lender rnay do so <br /> for and in the name of Trustar and at Trus�ar's expense. For such pu�-pases,Trus��r hereby irrevocabiy appvints <br /> Lender as Trustor�s attorney-in-fact far the pu�pose of making,executing,de�i�ering,fling, recarding,and doing a�f <br /> o�her�hings as may be necessary or d�sir�ble, in Lender's so3e opinion, to aocpmplish�he matters referred tv in <br /> �he pre�eding paragraph. <br /> F�LL PERFORMANCE. lf Borrawer and Trus�or pay a�l the �ndebiredness when du�, and Tn.�sfor-atherwise pe�'orms a1f <br /> the ahligatians imposed up�n Trustar under this Qeed af Trust,Lender shall execu#e and deli�er�o Trus�ee a request far <br /> fuk! recon�eyanc�and shall exeGute and de[iver to Trus#or suitable statemen'�s of te�-mination of any financing statem�n� <br /> on f le e�idencing Lende�s security interes�in�he Rents and fihe Pers�nal Praperfiy. Any re�anveyance fee required by <br /> law shall be paid by Trustor, i�permitted by applicable 1av�. <br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Each of the follc�wing, at Lender's ❑ption, sha�l consti�ute an E�en� of ❑efault unde�this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Raymen�Default. Bvrrower fails to make any payment when due und�r the lndeb#edness. <br /> �ther aefaui�s. Barrower ar Trustor�ails to comply with or ta per-�orm any ofher term, vbligation, covenant or <br /> cvnditivn c4ntain�d in this Deed a�Trust o�-in any of the Rela#ed �ocuments❑r ta camply with �r to p��Form any <br /> term,obliga�ivn,cavenan�ar cvndi�iarr�on�ained in an�r other agreement beiween Lender and B�rrower Qr Tnsstvr. <br /> �omp[iance De�ault. Faiiure to �omp[y wi�h any ather t�rm, c�hCigatian, co�enanf or canditivr� conta�ned in this <br /> ❑eed o�Trust,the No��or in any❑f�he Related Documen�s. <br /> Default on��h�r Payments. Failure o�Trustar within th�time required�y this Deed❑f Trust ta make any payme�t <br /> fivr�axes ar insurance, or any vther payment necessary to pre�en�filing of or to e�fec�discharg�o�any lien. <br /> De�ault ira Fa��� o�Third Par�ies. 5hould Borr�wer ar any Grantar default under any �van, ex�ension af credit, <br />