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<br /> H�me Fedei-aI Savi�igs&Loan Assocaat�on �REC�RDING--�ETURN T�:
<br /> �� Ho�me Fe�era�Sayings& Laa��Assacia�ion vf
<br /> Gr.and Is�a��d . � � . � � � Gra���l Is�a � .
<br /> 221 Sau����Locus�St�-ee� nd
<br /> . ` 221 Sou��� ilocust S�ree�
<br /> �R,A.I�D;ISLAN�],�NE G88�1 - � ��AND �
<br /> �SLAND,l�E G�S�1 .
<br /> � ,(5pace Abave Ti�is Li�ie For Recardi��g D�ta�
<br /> 1�f����� �� l�lJl�'�l►�l�.l�i�� .
<br /> , lY���� �
<br /> �f a cons�ruc�i�n lien is recorded.aga�nst a��y �mp�•oveme���couere �
<br /> d by thrs no�Yce vf co;nmencetnen�,�he I�en shall
<br /> have prior��y from t�le�F�ne.�h�s notice��f com�nenceme��t is recnrded. � � �
<br /> , � .� . . . . . �
<br /> STATE�F �EB RAS�.A �. � � � . .
<br /> � � . -
<br /> � � � � � � ..�. . . .
<br /> �LTI�TY QF ���- }.. . .
<br /> PERMIT NUMBER: 4 � ;� � : , � .
<br /> TAX FQLI�NVI�IB�R: 0. � . .
<br /> THE IINDERSIGN�,D het•eby gives..��o�ice::�hat i�n - .�
<br /> , p�oveme��� �rl l� be made ta.certaii� rea I propert�', and �n
<br /> accordance �rith Sec�ion S?-��45, l�evraska�Sta���tes, the f��Iov��in �xn -
<br /> �ommencernent. � g Fo1 ma��on is pravaded �n this No�ice of
<br /> : - ..._.�w.., ._v�_ .�..�,�,,.,...�:.�-.s.�r.,_��..�.:.,.:x ..
<br /> r � w�--�_.'� r..
<br /> PR��'�RTY DE a f.r�:�.:... ;,� -,..':..�I'�;f r., r -., c.' � '.
<br /> S�RIPTr�N. � . _ __ �Y::-;�; �n;; .
<br /> .
<br /> }���r 4i�"t{y?'� �•Ta�.-k��Y.�
<br /> 3 r r`'s� �
<br /> Address: 8U1 IY��3R.A.S�A�HI���VVAY� �RAND �r =},�_ ,-:;�; :;. �:.'S •;; .�.;. .�� �., . �:«_.� .-
<br /> � S��A�D,�N�bx as�ca�6�88'�3.�...._.:�..��,�
<br /> Le�al I]escrap�ion: A�rac�of Ia�ad comprisi��g a �a�-t of tl�e No�-t1z �
<br /> ri'ownship E�even �1 I} Nor�l�, Ra��ge �'en lp �e �e����l�r�er(N'VL��14� of Sec�ion Qn� �1},
<br /> County, Nebraska and mor � } s� of �l�e SE�� P.M. �n t�ie �ity vf Gx-a��d �s�ar��, Ha�!
<br /> � e pa r��cu�a riy desc�-�be�as fol�ar�vs:
<br /> Beginnir�g a��he��vrt�lwes�c�rner of Lo�Twa(��, L.J.��.A.Tane- 1
<br /> Grand �s�and, Hali �ou��ty, �iebras[fa, sa�d o���� al � Pr�per��es S��bdir�sxon,in t��e�ity of
<br /> H�ghway No.�; t��enc�S �U°�9' 4 't p so bei��g or� the southe�•Iy rig�at of wa� ��ne of S�ate
<br /> 5 �,alo��g and u�an ���e r�e5t�i�xe Qf said Lo�:7�vvo��}, a dis�ance af F'
<br /> Hundred Twenty E�g�l�ai�d Se�eii�y�eve�� Hu��dre����5 528.77 �fe �ve
<br /> nort�z of�he sauthwes� carxier of sa' � � et ta a �Q�n�w��ic�� �s ��g��fy�g�,4�� �Q��
<br /> �d Lo�Tw� ���; t��ence N 9U° 44' UU" '4�, a.��5#ance af�our Hund�-ed
<br /> SeVen a��d Ele�en Hundre�t��s ���7.11] fee� �a a or��� �n .
<br /> N�r��i�ve�� Quarter �SE�I�NW�14}y �hence S U4° �� „ wes� la��e of ��i� SoU�heast �ti�r�er of said
<br /> Quar�er��f the Na�-���we5t � - � { 35 �3 E, a�o��g az�d.��po�a said west Iir�e �f��ae Svu��ieas#
<br /> , Q xa�ter ���11�I�'�V�I��, a. d�s����ce of F��e and ���� Ht���d�-edt�i
<br /> t��ence S S9°5�' a8" �,a��sta�ice o#Two Hrxndre�l Ni��e� Six and ' � �5.��} fee�;
<br /> thence N 0�° 29' ���" �, paral�eI witl� t�ze wes� ' y _ N�net�T��re�Hi���c�red�hs(2�6.93�feet;
<br /> ��ne �f 5aid Lo� Twa ��}, a d��tai�ce of Seuen Hundred
<br /> Twen#y Qne and Seven�y T��vo Htrnclrec��l�s (72�.7�� fe���v a aint
<br /> �ine; t��ence S 73° �I' �3" E,,along and t� on sa�d 5 P . or� sa�� sou�herly f��g��way r�g���of way
<br /> A a�����e�-�y ���g��ti�►ay righ� of wa� �i�xe, a �ista���e af Qne
<br /> Hundred Fif�� '�'�►Q a�� FIfty Four ��Indret����s X5�.54 fee�• �
<br /> sout��erl� high��va� r� ��t of�a � . } � ���enc� S 7'5° 3�' 4�" E, a[o�ag �rpo�Y saic�
<br /> g y �ine, a dis�ance af F�ve I-�unda•ed Sewen�y Se��e�a a�3d E�g�xfi TeY��hs 577.$
<br /> feet t��he pnin�of beg�nn�ng. = � � )
<br /> IMP�t�'V�EMENT DES��IpT�p�, �enera� D . �
<br /> esc�1p�Io�X af �mprovemeY��. Construc� 5�' by �4�' M in i
<br /> Starage B��ilding , . .
<br /> FR�PE�tTY �VVNER IN�pRMA.Tx�N. 3
<br /> 8UI I�EBRASI�A H�GH�A� 2, LL�', a���� Nebraska Limi�ed
<br /> L�abiii�Company�vhase address is 2�19 BASS��AD �RA �
<br /> , ND xSLAND,Nebrasi�a G$$03 ,
<br /> �'4�NER INTERES�'.Qwner"s�nter-est in P�•oper•ty:
<br /> FEE Slll��'LE TITLEH�LDER INF�RMATIUN. 3g4� ��Q�A
<br /> L�mlted LiabiIity Company,w��n�e address i.s��1�SASS� ��A H�GHWAY 2, LL�, a h�eb�-as[ca
<br /> �A�,G�iA1�D �SLAND,��rleUra�ka 688�3.
<br /> �?�4�-3a 1�Camplian�e Systems,Irtc.6131 E-SA7C-?O 13L2.�0.1.293
<br /> Natice aF Cammencement-�L443'�
<br /> . Pa�e 1 of 2
<br /> ►�ti�r,v.campZianeesystems.ca�n
<br />