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� ��1 5�5 5�8 <br /> �e� Any assignrrient by Grantor for�ie benefit of�rantor's creditors; � <br /> �f} A ma�er�a�ad�erse Ghange in�he financ�a�conditi�n, ownership �r management of�ran��r�r <br /> any p erson obliga�e d on�lie Indebte dnes s;or <br /> �g} Lender-deems itself insecure for any reas�n�vhatsaever. � <br /> REMEDIES UN DE�'AULT. Upon �he occurrence of an Event af Default, Lender may,,withou� demand �r <br /> n�tice,pay any or a��taxes, assessments,premiums,and liens required�o be pa�d b�Gran#or,efF��t any insurance <br /> proWided for herein,make such repairs, cause the a�s�rac�s of title�r title insurance p�I.icy and ta�his��r�es�f the <br /> Proper��o be certified�o da�e,�r pracure new abstracts af�i�le or title insurance and ta�histories in�ase n�ne <br /> v�ere furnished to it, and procure ti�Ie repor�s ��vering�he Pr�p�rty,includYng sur��ys.The am�unts paYd fnr any <br /> such purpflses�i11 be added��the Indebtedness and w�l�bear in�erest a�fhe rate�f in�eres��therw�se accruing�n <br /> the Indeb��dness untY1 paid. In�he ��en� �f fare�l�sure,-�he a�strac-�s �f title or title �.�asuran�e sha�I�ecome�he <br /> proper�y af Lender.All abs�ra��s�f t�tle,�i��e insurance,�a�his��rie�, sur�e�s,and��her dacumen�s per�aining to <br /> �he Ind�h�edness vv�1�remain in Lender's possession until the Indebtedness is paxd in fu11. <br /> Il�i THE E�IENT�F THE SALE OF THTS PR�PERTY UNDER THE PRQ CEDURE F�R F�RECL�SURE�F <br /> A SE�URITY INSTRUME�T�BY ADVERT�SEMENT,A5 PR�VIDEI7 B'�APPLI�ABLE LA�,4R IN THE <br /> EVENT LENDER E�ERC�SES �TS RIGHTS UNDER THE ASSYGNMENT�F LEA.SES AI�D RENTS, THE <br /> LENDER SHALL PR4VIDE ALL .STATUT�R�LY R��U�RED NQTI�ES �F SALE AIVI7 I��TICES �F <br /> JUDICIAL HEARII�I�GS BEF�RE LEI�IDER E�ERC�SES ANY �F ITS .RIGHTS vNDER THIS <br /> INSTRUMENT. . � <br /> Upan the accurren�e af an Even��f Defaul�;Lender may,�vi�hout not�ce un�ess requ�.red b��a�, and at its o�tion, <br /> declare�he entire Indeb��dness due and payalaie,as��may elect,r�gardless�f the da�e or da�es�f maturity there�f <br /> and,if permitted by sfia�e Ia��is au�horized and emp�wer�d��cause the Proper�y to l�e sold a�pu�Iic au��ion,and <br /> �a e�e�ute and de�i�er to tihe purchaser�or purchasers a�such sale any deeds af canveyance g��d and sufficient at <br /> �avv,pursuant t�the s�a�.u�e in su�h�ase..made and prov�ded.The Trustee shall apply the proceeds❑f the Trustee's <br /> sa�e, frst,t�the c�s�s and e�penses of.e�ercising the power af sal�and of�he sa�e, �nclud'u1g�he paymen�of�he <br /> Trus�ee's fees ac�ua�ly i.ncw.-�:ed; secand,�ment af�he flbliga�ion secured hy the trust deed; third, �o the <br /> payment of jun�or t�ust deeds, mor�gages, �r nther lienholders and�he�balance, if any, to the person�r pers�ns <br /> lega�Iy enti�Ied �here�o. The�recita�s in �he Trus��e's deed sha�I be pruna fa��e evidence �f the �ru�h of th� <br /> statem�n�s made in it.If Lender choase�to vt�oke the power of saie,Lender or Trus�ee w�11 pr��ide noti�e af sale <br /> pursuan#to applicable law.Any such sale or a sale made pursuant t� a judgm�n�or a decree for the forecl�sure <br /> hereof may, a� the aption �f Lender, be made en masse. The commencement �f proceedings t� foreclose th�s <br /> Securit�Insirument in.any mann�r auth�rized by 1aw shal�be deemed as e�ercise af�he ab�ve�ption. <br /> Up�n�he occurrence �f an Event af Default, Lender shal� immediately be en�i�Ied tfl make appl�cation for and <br /> �btain the appointment af a rece��ver f�r�he Prape�-fiy and vf the earnings,�,issue and profits �f i�,vvith the <br /> powers as the cour�ma�ing the app�i�.�rnents canfers. Grantar her�by�rrev�cab��cansen�s t� such appointmen� <br /> and wai�es no�ice of an�applicati�n�herefor. , <br /> N� WAI'�ER.No delay or fa�lur� af Lender�a e�er�ise any r�ght, remedy, p�wer ar priv�lege hereunder shall <br /> affect-that righ�,rernedy,p�wer�r privil�ege n�r sha�l an�single�r partial exercise�.iereof prec�ude the exercise of <br /> any righ�,remedy;povver�r pr��i�ege.No Lender de�a�ar fa�iure�o demand stri�t adherence ta�he terms of fhis <br /> Securi�y Instrurnent shall_be deemed to constitute a course of cunduct inconsisten��rith Lender's rxght a�any time, <br /> before Qr after an er�en� of defau��, to demand s�ric� adherence to �he terms of fhis Securi�r In.strument and the <br /> Re�ated Documents. <br /> SUBSTITi�TE TR.USTEE.Lender,a�i�s aption,may from time to remv�e Trustee and appo�.nt a successor <br /> t�ustee �o any Trustee�ed hereunder �� an xnstrumen� r�corded in the c�unty �.n. �vluch this Secur�ty <br /> Instru�nent is recorded. �i�hout conveyance �f the Pruperty, �he successor trustee sha�l succe�d �a ali�he ti��e, <br /> pav�er and duties conferred upon Trus�ee herein and by applica�I��aw. <br /> J�IN�AND SE�ERAL LIABILITY.If this S�curit�Instrument should be signed�a�r more�hax1 vne person,aIl <br /> persans execu��ng�his Se�urit�Instrument agree that they shall�e j�int�y and severally bound,where permit�ed b}� <br /> law. � <br /> SVRVI'�.Ail.Lender's rights in�h�s Security In��rumen�w�ll continue in its succes5ors and ass�gns. This Secuxity <br /> Instru�nent is bindirig on all heirs,e�ecutars,adminis�rators,assigns and suc�essors vf Gran��r. <br /> ��TICES AN�W,AI'VER�F N�'�I�E. Un�ess other�ise required h� appl�cable lav�r, any notice or demand <br /> gi�en by Lender to any par�y is cnnsidered.effec�x�e: �i�when i�is deposi��d in the Uni�ed 5ta�es Mai�with the <br /> apprapria�e pos�age; [ii� �hen.r�.is sent ��a electroni� ma�l; �iii} when it is sent via facsim-�Ie; �iv} when it is <br /> deposi�ed wi�h a nationall�rec�gn�zed o�ernigh�courier servic�; (v� �n the day�f pe�sonal deli�er�; or�vi� an� <br /> other commercially reasonable means.A capy nf any notice shall be sen�to each party at the address of fihe part� <br /> gi�en at�.he beg�.nning of�his Secu�-xty Instrumen�unless an al�ernative address has heen pr��id�d�� Lend�r in <br /> wri�ing. T��he e�tent permi�ted by Iaw, Crant�r waives not��e af Lender's a��eptance flf�his Security Ins�rumen�, <br /> defenses based on surety.ship,any defense arising frflm any e�ection by Lender under the Un�ted Sta�es Ba.nkruptcy <br /> �ode,Uniform C�mmercia�Code, as enacted in�he sta�e vvh�r� L�nder�s �o�a�ed�r otber applicable la�v or�n <br /> equifiy, demand, notice of a�celera�ion, not�ce �f nonpaymen�, presentment, pratest, notice af dishan�r and an� <br /> other no�i�e. <br /> RE�UEST F�R N�TI�ES: �ran�or reques�s that�opies af�he n�tic�of d�fault and n��ice of sale be sent to the <br /> address of each par�gi�en at the b�ginning of the Security Instrument. <br /> 92U4t1-�014�Urnpli��iGC SySterr�5,In�.8Q56-23E6-�U13L2.1�.1.$fi9 <br /> Cammercial Constructian Se�urity Instrurnent-DLA407 Page 4 af 5 www.cnmp�iancesystems.Gom <br />