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��1 5�5496 <br /> to execute and deliver�a�he pur�haser or purchasers a�such sa�e an�deeds of conveyance good and sufficient at <br /> lav�,pursuant t�the s�a�ute in such ca�e made and provided.The Trusfe�shall appl�the pr�ceeds of�he Trus�ee's <br /> sa�e, �irst,to the ca�ts and e�penses of e�ercising the pov��r�f sale and�f the sa1e,in�Tuding�he payment of�he <br /> Trustee's fe�s a�tual�y incun�d; second, �o payment af the �bligation secured b�.the �rus� deed; thud, �a �he <br /> payrnent�of jun�or�rus�deeds, �nv�-�gages, or ��her lienh�lders and the balance, if any,ta the person or persons <br /> legally e,n�itled there��. The recitals in fhe Trus�e�'s deed sha1l b� prima facie e�ridence af �he tru�h of the <br /> statements mad�in it.�f Lender�ho�se�����nvok�the p��ver of sa1e,Lender or Trusfee w-i�I provid�not�ce of sale <br /> pursuant�to applica�le r Ia�.Any such sale �r a sale made pursuanti to a judgment ar:a decree for#he f�rec�osure <br /> here�f may, a� the �ptian �f L�nder, be made en masse. The �ommencemen� of proceeclings to fareclas� �his <br /> Secu.rit�Ins�rum�n��n any lnanner au�hor�zed by�avv shall be deemed as e�ercise of�lie above ap�i�n. <br /> Upan th� accurrence of an Event�vf Defau�t, Lend�r sba�l immediate�y be en��tled�o make application for and <br /> �bta�n the appain�.inent�f a r.eceiver for the Pr�per�y and of the earnin�s, incame, issue and profi�s of it,��h the <br /> povvers as the caui-�making�he appa�ntTn.enfs canfers. Grantor hereb�irrevoca�Iy consen�s t� such appvintment <br /> and�vaives n��ice❑f any applr�ation�herefor. , <br /> N� WAT�ER.No delay�vr fa�lure,af Lender to exercise any righ�, remedy,p��er or privilege hereunder shall <br /> afFec�that righ�,remedy,pow�r or pr����ege nor shal�any singie or par��a1 exercise#hereof preclude�he exer�ise of <br /> any right,remed�,po�rer or priv�lege:I�a Len�er de�ay�or fa.ilure ta demand str�ct adher�n�e�o�he terms of�hYs <br /> 5ecurity Instrument shal�;be deelned ta constitute a course�f conduc�inc�ns�sten�-with Lender's righ�at any time, <br /> �aefore or after an event�of default, �o demand sir�c� adher�nc� �� the terrns af�his Securi.�y Instrument and the <br /> Re�a��d Dacuments. � . � � <br /> SUBSTITYJTE TRi]�STEE.Lender, at i�s�ptx�n,may frvm iirne to time remowe Trustee and appoint a success�r <br /> trustee to any Trus�ee .appaxnted, hereunder �y an �ns�.-ument recorded in the count}r in �hich this Security <br /> Ins�rument is recorded. �i�liou� conveya�ce,vf�he Property, the success�r trus�ee shal� suc�eed tfl a�l the ti�le, <br /> power and duties conferred upon Tr�s�ee herein an.d by appiicab��iaul_ <br /> � JDINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY.If this Se�uxity�nst�-ument shou�d be signed b�mar��han�ne pers�n, a11 <br /> persons executing this Se�u.rity Ins�rumen�'agr�e that they shall be j aintly and several��bound,vvh�re perm�t�ed hy <br /> �av�. : . . <br /> SURVIVAL.Lender's rigl�ts�in this Security�nstrumen��will cantinue in i�s success�rs and assign.s. Th�s Se�urity <br /> Instrument is i��nding�n a�l heirs,execu�tors,admin�str-a�ors,assigns and successors�f Granfar. <br /> I�I�TI�ES AND WAIVER��F I�T�TICE. Unless a�herwis�requued�y appi�calo�.e law, a.ny notice �r demand <br /> given by Lender fio any party is �onsidered:effec�i�e: �i} v�hen i��s deposi�ed i.n f.he Un��ed States Mai1�v��i f.he <br /> appropria�e pos�age; �i�� v�hen it �s sen� via electron�� ma��; �iii} when it is sen� ,via fa�simi�e; ��v} when i� is <br /> dep�si�ed wi�h a na�xona�ly recognized�vernigh��ourier serv�ce; ��� �n�he da�af persflnal delivery; or�v�} any <br /> o#her commer�ially reasonable means.A��py�f any notice shall be sent�o each pa.r�y at the.address af the party <br /> given at.the begillning vf this S�cu.rit� Ins�rument unless an al�ernati�e address has h�en prflvided�t� Lender in <br /> vvri�ing.To the extent permitted b��avv,Gran�or v�aiWes no��ce of Lender's acceptance�f this Security Instrument, <br /> defenses based�n suretyship,.an�defense arising fr�m any ele�ti�n by Lender under�he Un��ed 5tates Bankruptcy <br /> �ade,Unif�rrn Commercial �ode, as enacted in the stat��here Lender �s ��Gated or other applicab�e law or in <br /> equity, dernAnd, no�ice �f a��eleration, not�ce of nonpaymen�, presentment, �ro�est, no�.ce of dishonor and any <br /> other nflt�ce. . <br /> REQUEST F�R N�TICES: Gran��r reques�s tha�cap�es�f�he no�i�e�f d�faul�az�d notice of sale be sent#�the <br /> address of each party given a��he beginning�f th�Securi�y Ins�rumen�. <br /> T� THE E�TENT �'ERMITT�D BY LA'L�Y, �RANT�R WAIVES AIV'� RIGFIT T� �I�TICE, �THER <br /> THAN TI�E NQTYCE PR�VIDEY7 ABUVE, A.�D 'L�VAIVES ANY RIGHT Tfl AN'� HEARING, <br /> JUDICrA.L UR �TFIER�ISE, PRI�R Ta LE�DER EXERCISING ITS RIGHTS vNDER THIS <br /> SECURITY INSTRi7�VIENT: � ' <br /> WAIVTR�F APPRAISEMENT RI�HTS. Gran�or waives a�� appra�sernent righfs rela�ing t��he Praperty�o <br /> �he e�tent perrniited hy lavv. � � <br /> L�NDER'S E�PENSES. �ran�or_agrees;�o pa�r a�1 expenses in�urred b�Lender in cannec�.an w��h enforcem�nt <br /> �f i�s rights under the�nde�ted.ness,this Secur�fiy Instrumen�ar in the even�Lender is.made par�ta any Iitigatian <br /> because of the�x�s�eiice of the Ind�btedness�r�h�s Se�uri�Instrument, as wel�as c�u1-�casts,co�lection�harges <br /> and reasanable att�rneys'fees and d�sbursem�nts. , <br /> ASSIGNA�ILITY. Lender may asszgn o� a�h�r�vise transfer thYs Securi�y Ins�.ru.menti �r an� �f Lender's r�gh�s <br /> under�his Secur�ty Instrum�n�,withflu�n�ti�e�� Grata��r. Gran�or may not assign�h�s Se�urity Instrument or any <br /> part of�he Se�urity Inst�umen�wi�hout.the express�vritten consent of Lender. <br /> G�VERNTNG LA'�4j.This Security Instru�nen�w�l�be g�v�rned�y�he�a�s of the S�a�e �f Nebraska including <br /> a11 proceedings arising froin�his Security Ins�rumen�. <br /> SEVERABILITY. If a c��.0 t of c�mpetent jur�sdic�i�n deter-mines any �erm. �r pro�sion af fhis Se�ur�ty <br /> Instrument is invalid or prohih���d b� app�icable Ia�, that term or pr��isivn wi11 be ineffe�tive t� th� extent <br /> required.Any terin�r pro��s�on tha�has been de�ermined�o�be inva�id or pr�hib�ted will be severed from�he res� <br /> vf�he Security Inst�-ument w��hou# in�alidating �he rema�nder of�xther fhe afFec�ed pr��risian ar this S�eurit.y <br /> Ynstrument. <br /> �2���-2014 Campliancc Systems,Inc.80b6-D�55-2�13L2.Ia.1.863 <br /> Cnmmercial Re�l Estate Security Instrument-DL90D7 Pa�e 4 af 5 <br />