<br /> DEED �F TR�J�T
<br /> �Continued� P��e 2
<br /> ��} Trus�or has na knawiedge❑€, a��easvn to be[ieve tha#there has been, except a� pre�iausly disc�osed to and
<br /> a�know�edged by Lender in writing, �a} any breach or �iola�ion of any Enviranmental Law�, �b} any use,
<br /> genera#ion, manufacfure, s�orage,#raafinent, disposal, re[ease or threa�ened re�ease of any Hazardaus 5ubsfance
<br /> ❑n, under, abau� or�rom the Property by any privr owners vr occupants vf the Praperty, or �c} any actual or
<br /> thr�a#ened iitigation vr c[aims�f any kind by any person relating ta such matters; and {3) Except as pre�ivusly
<br /> � dis�lased�o and acknowledged by Lende�in wri�ing, �a} neither Trus��r nor any fienant,c❑ntractar,agent or o�her
<br /> authari�ed user of the Properly shall use,gen�rate, manufacture,s�ore,treat,dispose❑f or refease any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�anc�an,under,abau�or from the Property;and [b} any such activity shall be conducted in comp[iance wi�h
<br /> a[l appfi�able federal, state, and locaf laws, regula#ions and ordinances, EnGiuding wi�hou# Iimitation alf
<br /> En�irvnmental Lav►rs. Trustor authorizes L�nder and its agents �o en�er upon �he Prap�rty �o make su�h
<br /> inspectian� and fests, at Trustor's expense, as L�nder may deem apprvpriaf� to determine comp[ian�e af the
<br /> Proper�y wi�h this sec�ian �f the ❑eed of Trust. any inspections ar#es�s ma�e by L�nder shall be for Lender's
<br /> purpvses only and shall nat b��onsfrued fio crea�e arty responsibility or liabili�y❑n th�par�of L�nder to Trustor or
<br /> �o any other persvn. The representafions and warranfii�s confained herein are based on Trus�or's due diiigenGe in
<br /> in�estigating the Property for Hazardous Su�stances. Trustor hereby (1} releases and wa��es any future c�aims
<br /> against Lender f�r indemnity ar can�ributivn in the event Trustor beovmes liable for cleanup or other�osts under
<br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees to indemnify,de�end,an�ha�d harm�ess Lender against any and al�ciaims,losses,
<br /> liabilities,damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may dir�c�[y or indire��ly sustain or sufFer resulfing from
<br /> a breach af this section af the�eed of Trus�ar as a consequence af any us�, genera�ion, manufac#ure, starage,
<br /> dispasa[,release or threatened release accurring prior t�Trustar's vwnership or in�erest in the Property,whethe�-ar
<br /> nat the same was or shvu[d have been known tn Tr�stor. The pro�isions of�his se�tion of the Deed vf Trust,
<br /> includ�ng the vb[iga�ian to indemn�fy and defend,shall sun�i�e fhe payment af the�ndeb��dness and the satis�a�tion
<br /> and re�an�eyan�e of the���n a��his Deed of Trust and shall not be af��ct�d by Lender's acquis�tivn a�any interest
<br /> in the Praper�y,whether by fore�losure or o�herwise.
<br /> Nuisance, V1laste. Trust�r shall nvt �aus�, conduct or permif any nuisance nar commit, permit, or suffer any
<br /> stripping af ar was�e on or to the Property or any portion ❑f the P�operty. Wi'�hou# limi#ing the generality of the
<br /> faregoing,Trusfar wif� not rem�ve, ar grant�o any❑ther party the righ##o�-emov�, any�imber, minerals�incfuding
<br /> oi[and gas},coal,clay,scoria,soil,gra�e!or rack praduc�s with�ut Lender's pri�r wri�ten consent.
<br /> Rern��al of Impra�ernen�s. Trus�or sha[f not demo[ish�r remv��any Improvem�nfs frvm�he F�eal Property wEthout
<br /> Lender's privr wri�ten consent. As a c�nditian ta the rernovaf of any Impravements,Lender`may�require Trus�or to
<br /> make arrangem�nts sa�isfac��ry �o Lend�r to rep�aae such lmprv�emen�s with Impro�ements of af least equal
<br /> �afue.
<br /> Lender's F�ight to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representatiWes may enter upon #he Rea[ Prape�ty a#alf
<br /> reasanab[e times tv at��nd to Lend�r's �nterests and ta inspect the Real Property f�r purposes ❑� Trustar's
<br /> compliance with the terms and candit�ans❑f this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Carnp�iance wi#h Go�ernmental R�quirements. Trustor sha[[ promptly �flmply with a[1 [aws, ordinances, and
<br /> r�gulations, now vr hereafter in effect, vf all go�ernmen�al auth�rities app�icable to the use ❑r vccupancy o�th�
<br /> Proper�y. Trus'tar rnay cantest in gaod faith any such law,ardinance,or regufatian and withhald ��mp�ianGe during
<br /> any proceeding, inc[uding apprvpriate appeals, s� long as Trustor has nvtified Lender in writ�ng pri�r to doing so
<br /> . and so long as,�n Lender's sole opinian, Lender's inter�s�s in fhe Pr�perty are not jeopardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trus�or to post adequate security vr a surety bond,reasanab[y sa��sfactary to Lender,to prv�ect Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Dufy#o Protect. Trustor agre�s neithe�-f� abandan ar �ea�e unattended the Property, Trustor sha11 do a[1 ofhe�
<br /> acts, in addition to thos�ac�s set fo�th abo��in this sect�on,which from the character and us�af�he Praperty are
<br /> �-easanably necessary�o pro�ect and preserve�he Praperty.
<br /> . �UE�N S�4LE-C�NSENT gY LEN�ER. Lender may, a�Lender's❑pti�n,dec�are immedia�ely due and payab�e ail sums
<br /> secured by this Deed af Trust upon the sale or transfer,without Lender`s priar written cansen#, �f al[or any par�of the
<br /> Real Property, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sale or�ransfer" means tha con�eyanc�af ReaE Praperty or any
<br /> right, fiitle or in#erest in the Real Praperty; whether [egal, beneficiai ar e�uitahle; wh�ther vofuntary or involun�ary;
<br /> whether by outright sa[e, deed, instailmen# sa[e contrac�, [and contract, �antrac� �or deed, leasehald interest with a
<br /> #erm greater than three 43}years, lease-opfion contract, ar by sale, assignment, or transfer of any benefi�ial interest in
<br /> ❑r to any[and trust hofding tit[e to th� Reaf Property,or by any other methvd af�on�eyance o#an interest in the Reai
<br /> Praperty. HaweWer, �his optEan shafE nat be ex�rcised by Lender i� such exer�is� is prohibited by �ederal law ar hy
<br /> hleb�aska faw. '
<br /> TAXES ANQ L�ENS. The fo��owing provisions reiating #o �he taxes and liens on the Prape�ty are parf of this �eed ❑f
<br /> Trus#:
<br /> Paymer��. Trust�r shall pay when due tand'tn a[1 e�ents priar ta de[inquency}al[taxes,spec�a�taxes,assessmen#s,
<br /> charges �induding water and sewer}, �Fines and imposi�ions levied againsfi or nn ac�ount af the Property, and shaff
<br /> pay when due a[1 claims for work d�ne on�r fvr servi�es rendered vr ma�eriai furnished tv the Prvperty. Trustor
<br /> shall rnaintain�the Prope�y fr�e af all liens ha�ing priarity over ar equal ta the interes�of L�nder under this Deed vf
<br /> Trust, ex�ept for #he lien of taxes and assessments nvt due, exGept �ror the Exis�ting Indebtedness referr�d to
<br /> be[aw, and except as atherwise pro�ided in this Deed of Tru�t.
<br /> Right to Contes�. Trustvr may withhold paymen�vf any�fiax,assessment,or cfairn in cannec�ion wi#h a good faith
<br /> dispufe a�er the flbligation to pay,so�ong as Lender's int�r�st in the Property is no�jeapardiz�d. 1f a[ien arises or
<br /> is filed as a resu[t of n�npayment, Trustor shall wEthin fifteen {15} days after the lien arises ar, if a lien is fi�ed,
<br /> wi�hin fif�een �15} days af�er Trustor has nvtice of the filing, secure�he discharge of the lien, or if reques�ed by
<br /> - Lender,deposit with Lender cash or a suf�i�ient corporate sure�ky k�and vr vth�r security satisfac#ary�a Lender in an
<br /> amount su�ficien�to discharge the[ien plus any casts and attarneys'fees, or�ther charges that cou[d accrue as a
<br /> resu[t of a foreclasure or sale under the lien. �n any confest,Trustar sh�ll defend itself and Lender and shall sat�sfy
<br /> any adverse judgment befar�enfvrcement aga�nst the Properfy. Trustvr shall name Lender as an addi�ianal obligee
<br /> under any surety band furnish�d�n the contest prviceedings.
<br /> E�idence of Payment. T�ustor shall upon demand furnish fio Lender satisfactary e�iden�e of payment of the ta�ces
<br /> vr assessments and sha[[ authorize th�apprvpria�e ga�ernmen#al o�ficia[fio deliver ta Lender at any fiime a written
<br /> staf�ment�f th e�axes and assessrnents agai nst th e Praperty.
<br /> Natice of C�nstruetion. Trustvr shalf notify Lend�r at leas#fif�een �'15}days befare any work is cammenced, any
<br /> servi�es are furnished, ❑r any materia�s are supplied ta�he Prop�rty, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's�ien, vr
<br /> vfiher�ien �vu[d be asserted an ac�ount v�#he►nrvrk, services, vr materials. Trustor wifl upan request af Lender
<br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assuranc�s satis�ac�ary #o Lender that Trus�or can�and wi11 pay the cost vf SLfCh
<br /> improvements:
<br /> PR�PERTY[]AiVIA�E INSURANCE. The foliawing pro�isions relating�o insuring the Property are a part o�this Deed vf
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenan�e vf Insurance. Trus�or shall procure and rnain#ain policies vf fire insuran�e wi�h standard exfiended
<br /> Ca�erage endorsem�n�s on a fair vafue basis far �he fuli insurable�alue covering al� �mpra�em�nts vn the Rea[
<br /> . Proper�y in an amvun�sufFicient to a�oid appEication of any coinsuranc� c[ause, and wi#h a standard mo�tgagee
<br /> c[ause in�Favor o�Lender,tage#her wE�h such�ther hazard and[iabilify insurance as Lender may reasonabiy require.
<br />