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��15�5454 <br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS that Borro�er is lawfu��y sexsed Qf the es�at�h�r�by c�n�ey�d and has the right to <br /> gran�and convey th�Praperty and that the P�rflper�y �s un�n�umbered, exc�pt far en�umbrances of record. <br /> Barra��er war�rants and�vzll defend gene�a��y the t�tle���he Prop�rty against ail cla�rns and demar�ds, sub�ect to <br /> any en�urnbrances of r�cord. � <br /> THIS SEC UR�TY ��ISTR.0 MENT c4m�ines un�f�rm co��nants for national use and non-uniform c�venan�s tivith <br /> limited va��a�ions by jur�sdictio��to�onstitute a uniforn�secur�ty instrument covering real prape�rty. <br /> Unifvrm ��Wenants. Borr�wer and Lender cov�nant and a�ree as f���o���: <br /> �. Payment af Princ�pa�, Interest, Es�r�w it�t�ns, Prepayment Charges. and Lat� Charges. Borrowe� <br /> sha��pay when�.ue the princ�pal of, an� in�erest an, �he deb�evide�ced b� �he Not�and any prepa�ment <br /> cha�ges and�a�e charges due under the Nnte. Borr�wer shall alsa pay funds far Es�ra�v �t�rns pursuant ta <br /> Sect�an 3. Paymen�s due under the Not�an�th�s�ecur�ty�n�trument sha�� be made in U.S. curr�ncy. <br /> However, if any chec�€�r a�her instrument r��e�ved b�r Lender as pay�nent under the Note�r th�s Securi�y <br /> In��rument i5 returne�i ta Lender unpai�, Lender rnay require that any �r all subsequent paynzents du�under <br /> the N��e and th�s�ecurity�nstrument be rnade in ane�r mare af the foilowin�f�rrns, as selected by Lend�r: <br /> �a} �ash; �b} money order; �c} certi���che�k, bank ch�ck, treasurer's�:heck or cashier's check, pravided any <br /> such check �s drawn upon an institution whase depasits are insured by a federai a�ency, instrum�ntality, ar <br /> �n�i�y; or�d}Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Pa�ments are de�med received by Lender when received a�the�ocat�fln designa�ed in the Note ar a�such <br /> other�ocation as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the n�tice provisions in�ectian 15. <br /> Lender may return an�r paym.ent ar partial payment if the payment or partia�payments are insufficient to <br /> bring the Laan current. Lender ma�ac��pt any payment�r par�ial payrnent insuff�cient to br�ng�he Loan <br /> curren�, wz�hou�waive�of any rights her�un�er or prejudice�o its rights to refuse such payment or par�iai <br /> paym�nts�n the futur�, but Lender�s not ob�iga�ed xa app�y such payrnents a�the tzrne�uch payments ar� <br /> accep�ed. �f each Peri�dic Payment�s app��ed as of its schedu�ed due da�e, then Lender need not pay interest <br /> on unapplied funds, Lender may ho�d such unapp�ied funds unti� B�rrow��makes payments ta br�n�the <br /> Loan curren�, If Barrower dae�na�do�o wi�hin a reasonable p�riod of time, Lender shall e��h�r apply such <br /> funds ar��turn�hem to Bor��u�er, If not applied earlier, such funds w�il be app�ied ta th�outstanding <br /> princ�pa�ba�ance under the Na�e�mmediately pri�r to f�r�cl�sur�. l��aff�et�r clazm�hich Barr��rer might <br /> haue nov�or�n�he fu.ture a�azns�Len.der sha�� relieWe Borrowez�f��m ma��n�paymen�s due under the Nate <br /> and this Se�urity Ins�rument or perfarm�ng the covenant�and agreements secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrument. <br /> Z. Appli�atinn �f Rayrnertts vr Prviceeds. Except as atherwise described in�his 5ect��n�, ali payrn.en�s <br /> ac��pt�d and app�zed by L�nd�r sha�l be appiied in the foii�wing arder of priority: �a} ir�teres�due und�r th� <br /> Note; �b}p�r�n�ipa�due under the �1�te; �c�arnaunts due under Se�tion 3. Su�h paym�nts�hall be applied ta <br /> ea�h Periodic Paymcnt in the order�n wh�ch�t became due. An�remain�ng amounts sha��b�appl�ed first t� <br /> late charges, seeond ta any ot�aer amaunts due under this 5ecur�ty�nstrument, and then to redu�e the <br /> princ�pai balanc�af the Note. <br /> If L�nder r�c�xv�s a payment frarn Borrower for a delinquent P�riodic Paymer�t wh�Gh inciudes a su�ficient <br /> amaunt �a pay any�a�e charge due, the payment may be applied ta�he d��inquent pa�ment and the late <br /> charg�. �f ma��than one Per�od�c Payment�s ou�stand�n�, Lend�r rnay appiy any paymen�r���iv�d f�am <br /> Borr�wer ta the r�payment of the Peri�di�Payrnents�F, an�to the ex�ent that, ea�h payment can be pa��.�n <br /> ful�. To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is applied ta th�full payment of ane or mor� <br /> P�riac�ic Payments, su�h e�cess may be appiied to any late charges due. Valuntary prepayment�s�Zal�be <br /> app�ied�rst to any prepa�rment charg�s and then as described in the Na�e. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singie�arE-�iiy-�annie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIF'�RM fNSTRUM�NT Farrr�3a2�3 1f�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi4N��[13E32f <br /> WaEters KEuwer Finan�iat Ser�iees Page 4 of i 7 <br />