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��15�5454 <br /> �C� 'TLender" is �fl�ne Federa� Sav�i ngs and Laan Assn af Grand I s�an�i <br /> L�nder is a Sa�i ngs ar�d Laan <br /> organized and existin�under the laurs of The State of Nebras�a . <br /> L�nd�r's addre�s is �21 South Locust St Grand I s�and NE �88Q1 <br /> Lender is th�b�neficiary under this Se�urity�nstrume�t. <br /> 4D� "Trustee'= �s Ar�nd R BaaG�, Attorn�y <br /> 4 E) "Nvte" mieans the pram�s�ory nate signed by BQ�rowe�and dated Au gu st 1�, 2�1 a . Th�N�te <br /> states that Barrower owes Lender �NE �IUNDRED 1�ENTY F I VE THDU�AND F I F'�"Y F I VE <br /> AND Q�I1�� <br /> Da�lars (U.S. $12�,05�.DD }plus �n�eres�. Borro�v�r�r has p�omzsed ta pay this debt in reguiar <br /> Perzodxc Payrnents and to pay the deb��n fu�I not�ater�han Sept�mt�er 1, �D4a . <br /> �F� "Pr�per�y" means the praperty t��at is d�s�ribed be�ow und�r the heading "Transfer of Rights in the <br /> Praperty." <br /> �G� "Lvan" means the deb�e�zdenced by the No�e, plus�nterest, an�prepayrnen�charges and late charges due <br /> und�r the Na��, and a��sums due under this Se�ur�ty�nstrumen�, pius in�erest. <br /> �H j "Rid�rs" means all Riders to this Security�n�trument tha�ar�execut�d by Barrower. The faliowing Riders <br /> are to be execu�ed by Borravver �check bax as appl�cable]: <br /> �Adjus�able Rat�Rider ��ondflminium Rid�r �Second����me R�der <br /> �Ba�lo�n Rider �Planned Uni�De�v��opment Rider [� ��4 Fam�.�y R�der <br /> �VA Rid�r �B��eek�y Paymen�Rider ���her�s} [spec�fy� <br /> �Ij "App��cah�e Law" means all c�n�ra�ling appiicab�e fed�rai, state and iocal s�atu�es, regulati�ns, ardinances <br /> and administratiWe ru�es and arders��hat ha�e the effect nf�aw} as u�el� as ai� applica�a�e fina�, nan-appea�ab�e <br /> �u�icial apinions. <br /> 4J� "��mmunity Assa�ia#ion Dues, Fe�s, and Assessments" means all dues, fe�s, assessments and other <br /> charges that ax�impos�d�n Borro�ve�r ar�he P�opert�by a condom�nium assoczat�on, h�meowners <br /> assoc�at�on flr simi�ar organiza�ion. <br /> ��} "Ele�tron�c Funds Transfer" means an�tran�fer af funds, other than a transa�tian orig�na�ed by ch��k, <br /> draft, or similar paper instrument, which is�nitiated through an e�ectronic�ermina�, �e�ephonic instrumen�, <br /> c�mputer, or magnet�c�ap�s�as���rder, instru�t, ar autharize a f�nancial ins��tu��an�a debit o�r credit an <br /> ac�ount. Su�h�erm znc�udes, but zs not��mi��d to,p�in�-of-sale transfers, au�omat�d�el�er ma�h�ne <br /> transa�ti�ns, transfers �ni��at�d by teleph�ne, w�re t�ansfe�s, and automa�ed c�earingh�use transf�rs. <br /> 4L� "Escraw �tems" means�hose iterns that are described in S�ctior�3. <br /> 4M� "Miscel[anevus Prviceeds" means any�ompensation, sett�emen�, award�f darn.age�, a�r proc�eds paid by <br /> any third par���ather than insurance proceeds paid under the�o�rerages descr�bed in 5e���on 5}f�r: �i} <br /> damage��, or destruGtion of, the Property; �ii}candemnati�n ar ath�r ta�ing of al�or an�part of the <br /> Property; �����conv�ya��ce in lieu�f cande�r�nat�o��; ar��v}m�isrepr�sentatians of, o�omissions as��, �he <br /> �alue an�l�r cnnd�tian of the F�a er� , <br /> lVEBRASKA-Singfe Fam'sfy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UN1�4RM 1NSTRUM�MT Form 3�28 1!C]1 <br /> VMP�, VMf'6tN�Z�1302� <br /> Wafters lCiuwer F�nancia�5er�ices Pag�2 0�17 <br />
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