<br /> All insuran�e polic�es requircd by Lend�r and renewa�s of su�h poiicies shall be subject ta Lender's right ta
<br /> disappro�e su�h p�licies, �hall include a s�andard mar��age�lause, and shall name Lender as mort�a�ee
<br /> andlor as an additianal los�pa�ee. I.�nder shall ha�e�he right to hold the policies and ren��a� cer��fi�ates. If
<br /> Lender requires, Borrawer shali prompt�y gi�e to Lender a���rece�p�s�f paid premium�and r�newal notices.
<br /> I�`Borrflwer obta�ns any form of insurance co��rage, no�athe�vv�se requ�red b�Lender, for darnage ta, �r
<br /> destruc��nn of, �he Proper�y, such pol�cy shall include a standard rr�ort�age c�ause and sha�1 name Lende�as
<br /> m�r�gag�e and�or as an addit�ona� l�ss pa�ree.
<br /> In the�v�nt of loss, B�rrav��er�hail give prompt n�tice�o the�nsurance carrier and I.�ender. Lender may
<br /> make proof of�os�if not made prornptly by Borrovver. Unless Lender and Borrawer��her�ise agre� in
<br /> writing, any insurance proceeds, wh�ther ar not�he underiyin� insurance�va�r�quz�ed by Lender, shall be
<br /> app�ied to res��ra�ian ar re�air of the Pro�er�y, �f�he restoratinn or repair is ec�narnica�ly feasible and
<br /> Lender's security is not��ssened. �uring su�h repair and restorat�on period, Lender shal�have the right to
<br /> hoid such insuranc�p�o�eeds un�i� L.�nd�r has had an appnrtunity�o insp�c�suc:h Pr�per�y�a ensure the
<br /> work has been comple�ed�a Lender's satisfaction, prowided tha�such inspec�ian shall be undertaken
<br /> promptly. L�nder may d�sburs�pro�eeds f�r the r�pairs and resto�atian in a sing�e payment or�n a series of
<br /> progress payments as�he work�s compieted. Unless an agreement is n�ade in writ�ng ar�pplicable Law
<br /> requires �nterest�o b�paid on su�h insurance par�ceeds, Lender shall no�be requir�d ta pay Barrower an�
<br /> int�r�st ar earnings on such proceeds. Fees for pubiic adjus�ers, or other third parties, re�ained by Barrawer
<br /> sha�l not be paid ou��f the insurance pr�ce�ds and shall be the sale obligati�n of Barr�wer. If th�restoration
<br /> nr repair is no�economical�y feasib�e or Lender's securi���ou�d be�ess�ned, the�nsurance pr�ceeds sha11 be
<br /> applied to the sums�ecured by this Securi��r�nstrument, wh�ther or no��hen due, w�th the�xcess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurance pro��eds shall�e applied in�he�rder pro�ided for�n Section�.
<br /> �f BQrrawer abandans the Prnper�y, Lender ma�#iie, negot�ate and sett�e any a�a�lable insurance c�aim and
<br /> related ma��ers. �f Borro�er d�e�no�re�pond w��h�n 34 da�s to a n��i�e fram Le��.der that the �nsuranc�
<br /> carrier has�ffered to set�l�a claim, �hen I.�nder may negot�ate and sett�e the ciaim. The 30-day per�od will
<br /> beg�n when�he notice is given. In ei�her ev�nt, nr if Len�er acqu��e� �he Property under Se��ian 22 or
<br /> �therwise, Borrower he�reby ass�gns�o Lender�a}Borravver's rights to any insurance proce�ds in an amtiunt
<br /> na�to e��eed the am�un�s unpaid under the No�e or this Security�nstrumen�, and��} any athe�r of
<br /> B�rrower's righ�s (ather than�he righ��a any r�fund c�f unearned premiums paid by Barrov�r�r} under a�l
<br /> �nsuranc�pa�icxes���er�ng th�Property, ins�far as such rights are appiicable�o the coverage of�he
<br /> Proper�y. Lender may use�he insurance praceeds either to r�pair or rest�re the Proper�y�r t�pay am�unts
<br /> unpaid llnder th�Note or this Security�nstrumen�, whether or not then due.
<br /> �. �3ccupancy. Borrower sha�l occupy, establish, and use the Froper�y as Barravver's principal residence
<br /> with�n 60 days after th�e�ecuti�n flf�his 5ecur��� Instrumen�and shall con��nue�o occup�th�Property as
<br /> Borra�er's principal residence for a�least�ne year aft�r the date of accupancy, un�ess Lender otherwise
<br /> a�rees in wr�tin�, which consent sha��not be unreasonably v�ri�hhelt�, or unless extenuating c�rcumstance�
<br /> e��st�rhich are beyond Borrawer's can�rol,
<br /> 7, Preser�ation, Main#enance and Pratection of the Prap�rty: Inspec�ions, Borrow�r sha�l na�des�ro�r,
<br /> damag�or impair the Property, ai�ow�he Proper�y to det�r�orate�r commit�vaste�n the Pr�p�r�y. 'VL�'heth�r
<br /> or not Borrower is residing�n the Property, Borrawer shall mainta�n the Pr�per�y in order�o�re�ent the
<br /> Proper�y from deteriara�ing or decreasi�g�n�alue due to its candi�ion. t�nless it is de�erm�ned pursuant t�
<br /> Sectton 5 that repair ar r�s�oration is not econamical��r feas�ble, Borr�wcr shal�promp�ly repair�he Prap�rty
<br /> �f damaged to a�oid further d�teriaration or damage. If�nsurance or Gondemnation praceeds are paid in
<br /> c�nnectian wi�h damage#o, or the�ak�ng af, �he Praper��, �orrov�er sha��be respons�b��for rcpairing or
<br /> r�storing the Property oni�if Lender has released proceeds far such�urpases. Lender may disburse proceeds
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFORM fNSTRUMENT F�rm 3Q2$110�
<br /> VMP� VMP6tNE}[f 30��
<br /> Wolters�Cluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 7 of�7
<br />