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��15�5411 <br /> �C} "Lender" is Home Federa1 5av�ngs and LQan Assn �f Grand Is�and <br /> Lender is a Sa�i ngs and Loan <br /> arganized and�xisting under�he law�af The State �f Nebraska . <br /> Lender's a�.dress�s 2�1 S�uth Lacust St Grand I��and NE �88�1 <br /> Lender�s the benef�ciar�under this�e�urity �nstrumen�. <br /> �D3 "Trustee" is Arend R Saack, Att�rney <br /> 4 E� '!Nate" means the promi�s�ry note�igned by B�rrower and da�ed Augu st 06, �O l5 . The 1�Iot� <br /> states�ha�Borrowe�r��es Lend�r T�� HUNDRED FIFTY FQUR THDUSAND FIVE HUNDRED <br /> FORTY AND �Ol�aa <br /> D�llars�U.S. $2�4,54Q.4� }p�us intex�s�. Barrawer has prnm.i.sed to pay�h�s deb�in regular <br /> Per�odic Paymen�s and to pay the d�b��n fu��not�ater than S�ptember 1, �04� . <br /> �F} "Praperty" means the propert�r that is desc��bed bel�w under the heading "Transfer af Rights in the <br /> Prapert�.„ <br /> 4�} "Loan" means the debt��idenced�y the N�t�, plus�n��rest, any p�-epayment charges and�ate charg�s due <br /> under the Note, and a�l sums due under this Security Instrument, pius in�eres�. <br /> 4H� "Riders" m�ans a�l Rider�to this Security�n�trument that are executed by Borrower. The foi�ovving Riders <br /> are to be execu�ed by Borro�er �check�ox as applicable�: <br /> [�] Adjustable Ra��R�der ��an�ominium R�der �Secnnd Home R�der <br /> [� Ballaan R�der 0 P�anned Un�� 17eUelopment R.ider C] �-4 Fam��y Rider <br /> � VA R�der 0 Biweekly Payment Rider ���her(s} [specify] <br /> {�� "Applicahle �aw" means al��ontr���ing appl�cab�e federai, state and l�ca�statutes, regula��ons, ordinanc�s <br /> and adm�in�strat�ve ru�es a�ad�rder� �that have the effe�t af�aw3 a�we�l as ail applicab�e F"�na�, nan-appealable <br /> �udic�al�pinions. <br /> {J� "C�mrnunity Assaciatian Dues� Fees, and Assessments" means a�I due�, fees, ass�ssmer�ts and oth�r <br /> charges that axe impased�n Borrov�ver or th�Pr�perty by a candam�.nzum ass�czat�on, harn�a�ners <br /> assoc�at�an Qr s�rni.�ar argan�za��an. <br /> 4 K} "El��tronic Funds Transfer" rneans ar�y transf�r of fund�, flther than a�ransaction originated by check, <br /> draft, flr similar paper instrument, which �s initiated thraugh an electronic�erminal, t�l�phoni� �nstrument, <br /> ��mputer, ar magne�ic tape so as�fl ord�r, in�truct, flr authoriae a fnan��al �nsti�ution�o deb���r cz�ed��an <br /> a��ount. Such term zrzG�udes, but�s no��imited to, point-of-sale transfers, au�ama�ed�e��er rnachine <br /> transact�ons, transfers�n�txa��d b�telephone, wi�e transf�rs, and autamated cl�aring�ouse transfers. <br /> {L} "�scrvw Items" means those it�ms�hat are describe�.in S�ction 3. <br /> {M} "�IJ�iscellane�us Proceeds" means any compensation, set�l�ment, award af damages, ar proceeds pa�d b�r <br /> any third party�other than insuranc�pra��eds paid under the�o�erages de�cr�bed in S�cti�n 5} for. ��} <br /> damage ta, or des�ruc��on of, the Pr�perty; �ii} cond�mnat�on or o�her tak�ng�f ai�ar any�ar�af�he <br /> Propert.y; tiii} conv�yanc�in lieu of c�ndemnatian; or��v� misrepresentatians of, ar omissions as to, the <br /> �a�ue andlor condi���n of th�Pro e�t . <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFQRM 1N5TRUMENT �arrrs 3D28 1101 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�N�}t13(32] <br /> WvlEers Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page�of 17 <br />
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