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Z�15�53�5 <br /> DEED �F TRU�`T <br /> ��vr�tinued� Page � <br /> any laws now or f ierea#ter in fiorce; no�withstanding, some or a�! of such indeb�edness �nd v�ligations s�cured �y <br /> this Deed of Trust may naw ar herea�t�,r be ❑therwise secured, whether by martgage, deed af trust, pl�dg�, �ien, <br /> assignment or otherw�se. Neither the a��epta��e of this Deed a� Trust nvr i�s en�r�rcement, v►►hether by court <br /> action ❑r pursuant to the power�f sai�� or oth�:r pawers contained in this Deed ❑f Trus�, shall prejudice vr in any <br /> manner af#ect Tru�:ee's or Lender"s ri�ht tv realize upon ar enforce any ather security now or hereafter he�d �y <br /> Trustee r��Lender, i-:being agreed that-�rustee and Lend�r, and each�f thern, shali be�nti�led to enforGe�his ❑eed <br /> � a�f Trust and any t�ther securi�y naw vi• hereaf#�r held by L�nde� ❑r Trustee in such order and manner �s they or <br /> �ither �f them may in their absa�ute discretion d�termin�. Na remedy canferred upon ❑r reSer�ed ta Trustee or <br /> Lender, is intendec�tQ be ex�lusi�� of�ny ather remedy in �his Deed of Trust ar by law pro�ided ar permit�ed, but <br /> each shal� be cumL�ati�e and shall be in addition ta e�ery other remedy given in this ❑eed �� Trust �r now or <br /> herea�ter existing��t lauv�r in equity vr by statute. E�ery povv�r or remedy�iven by the Nate or any of the Rela#ed <br /> Documents tv Tr�ast�e vr Lender ar 1.o which eithe� of them rnay be o�herwise en�i�led, may be exer�ised, <br /> cvn�urr�ntly or in�lEpendently, �rorn time to tim� and as often as may be deemed expedient by Trus�ee vr Lender, <br /> and either of �hern may pursue incor�sistent rem�dies. N�thing in this D�ed of Trust shai� be cvnstrued as <br /> pr�hibiting L�nder frorn seeking a d��ic��nGy jud�ment against�he Trustor ta the extent such actian is permitted �y <br /> law. EleCtion by L_ender�o pursue any remedy shall nnt excfude pursui� of any other remedy, and an e�ection �:a <br /> make expendi�ure� ar to take action to perform �n abligation of Trustor unde� this Deed o�Trust, after Trustor's <br /> failure to p�rfvrm, sha[f no�affect Lend�:r's righ��a dec�are a de�ault and exercise€ts remedies. <br /> Request�or IVatice. Trustor, on behalf of Trustar and Lender, hereby requests that a copy v�any Not�ce af Default <br /> and a cc�py of any I��otice af Saie und�r this Deed of Trust�e rnailed tv�hem at the addr�sses set forth in the fir�t <br /> paragraph af this Caeed of Trust. <br /> Attorney�' Fees; �:�penses. I� Lender insti�ut�s any suit vr a�tion ta �n�arc� any of the t�rms af this D�ed af <br /> Trust, L�nder sha�� be entitled tv reGo���r such sum as the court may adjudge �easonable as attarneys' �ees at�rial <br /> and upon any appe��. 'llVhether ar not any �ourfi action is in�olved, and to th� extent not prohibited by �aw, all <br /> reasvnable expens�:s Lender incurs tht�t in Ler3der's ❑pinian are necessary at any time fo� the prote�ti�n of €��s <br /> in�erest or the en#Urcement a�its rights shall be�ome a part of the Indeb�edness payable vn demand and shall bear <br /> interes�a�the Natf?rate frvm the date c�f the expenditur�until repaid. Expenses co�er�d by fihis paragraph includ�, <br /> without limita�ian, howe�er subj�Gt�a ��ny iimits under applicahle law, L�nd�r's attorneys' fees and Lender's �egal <br /> �3C�Ef1S�'S� whethei� or nvt there is a lawsuit, including attvrneys' fees and expenses far bankrupt�y praceedinc�s <br /> �in�luding efforts t+�rnodify o��acate arty autvrratic stay or in�unctian), appeals, and any anticipa�ed post-�udgment <br /> �fl��ection ser�ices, the cost afr SearGhir�g records, v�taining title reports �inciuding fareclosure reports}, �ur�eyars' <br /> reports, and app�aisaf #ees, tit�e insurance, and �fees for the Trusteer to the extent permitted hy appii�able (aw. <br /> Trust�r afso vuill p����any caurt costs, in addi�ian to al�other sums provided by law. <br /> Rights�f Trustee. —rus�ee shai! ha�e all af�he rights and du�ies of Lende�as se�fivrth in this sectivn. <br /> P�3WER5 ANQ DB«GA't`1�NS ❑F TRUSTEE. The�oliowin� prv�isions relating to�he powers and abliga�ians �f Trustee <br /> are part a�this Deed of�rust; <br /> Pow�rs❑f Trustee„ In addition�o all pvwers of Trustee arising as a matter o€law,Trustee shall have the power to <br /> take the follvwing �ctivns with respect to fihe Property �pvn�he wri�ten reques�of Lender and Trusta�: �ay�ain in <br /> pr�paring and �filin±� a map or pfat of the Real Proper�y, incfuding the dedication of streets �r ❑ther rights to �he <br /> public; �b) jain in �ranting any easerr�ent ar ��eating any restric�ion an the Real Prape�ty; and tc� j�in in any <br /> su�a�rdina�ivn or ot�er agreemen�affe�ting�his Deed of Trust ar the int�r�st a#Lender under this�eed of Trust, <br /> Trus�ee. Trustee .��all rneet a�� qualifications required far Trustee under applicabl� lav►r. In addi�ian to the rights <br /> and remedies sefi 1=�rth abv�e, vvi�h respect ta �i! vr any part af the Prope�ty, the Trus�kee shall ha�e th� right to <br /> �oreclos� by nofiic�� and sa1e, and Lend�er shall �a�e th� right ta �oreclvse by judicial fareclosure, in eith�r �ase �n <br /> a�cordance with ai��ta the�ull�xtent�arv�ided by applicable law. <br /> 5u��essvr Trustee. Lender, at L�nder'�►option, may fr�rn�irne t❑time appaint a su��essar Trustee t� ar�y Trust�e <br /> app�inted under thi� Deed o�Trust by an instrum�nt ex��uted and acknovu�edged by L�nder and recorded in the <br /> office o� the recara�er af HALL CauntyY S�a�e ��# Nebraska. The instrument shall cvntain, in addition to all o�her <br /> mafifie�s r�quired �Ey� state law, the na��nes ofi :he originaf Lender, Truste�, and Trustar, the baok and page �ar <br /> �omputer sys�em reference� where thi:� Deed v� Trust is recorded, and the name and address ofi the su�cessor <br /> trustee,and the�n;��rument sha[L be execu�ed ard acknowledged by all the heneficiaries under this De�d of Trus�or <br /> their successars ir� in�terest, The su�cEssor tru�tee, wi�hout c�n�eyan�e �f the Property, shall succeed �� all the <br /> ti�le, po►�ver, and d�u�ties conferr�d �pon the Tru�tee in this Deed�f Trust and by appli�af�le law, This procedur��or <br /> substitutivn of Tru:��ee shall govern�ta t�ne exclusion�f afl other pro�isic�ns for substi�u�ian. <br /> N�TICES. �4ny na�ice required to be gi�en under this De�d of Trust, including w�thaut limitatian an� notic� of default <br /> and an� natice of sale shall be gi�en �n wrii:ing, and shali b� effecti�e when actua�fy deli�ered, when actually re�ei�ed <br /> �y�elefacsimile �unless otherwise requ�red by law�, �vhen d�pasited wi�h a nationally re�ognized o�ernight courier, ar, if <br /> mailed, when deposited n the lJnited States mail, as�irst�lass, certified or registered mail pastage prepaid, direc�ed fia <br /> the address�s shown near the �eg�nning of�his Dee�d vf Trus�. All capies af natices ofi far�c�osure from the holder c�� <br /> any fien which has pric�r:ty o�er this �eed t�f Trust �ha(f h� sent to Lender's address, as sh�wn near the #��ginning of <br /> this D��d of Trust. Ariw party may chang� its address for nati�es under �his ❑eed vf Trust �y �i�ing forrr�al written <br /> nvtice to the other parties, specifying �hat the purpose of the no�ice is tfl �hange th� party's address. �ar na�ice <br /> purp�ses, Trus�or agree� to keep Lender in�Fnrm�d at alf times af Trustor's current address. Un��ss ❑�h�rw�se pr�vid�d <br /> ar r�quired hy lauv, if t�-MEre is more than on�Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Trus�or is deem�d t❑ be noti�� <br /> gi�en fiv aCl Trustors. <br /> M�S�ELLANE�US PR�V�St�NS. The follow�ng miscellaneaus provis�ans are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendm�nts. Thi.� Deed of Trust, tog�ther wi�h any Related Documents, cansfitu�es the entire understanding and <br /> agre�men�af the ��arties as �o the matters set�arth in this Deed o�Trust. No alterafii�n of or amendment to th�s <br /> Deed of Trust shall be e�fecti�e unless given in writing and signed by the party ar parties �vugh��o be �harged vr <br /> bound by the alter��tion nr arnendment. <br /> Annua� �epnr�s. 1� �he Prap�r�y is u:�ed f�r �urposes ��her than T�ustor's resid�nce, Trus�or sha�� �urnish ta <br /> Lender, upon r�que��, a certif�ed s�atement of net operating in�orne re�ei�ed frvm �h� Propert� dur�ng Trustvr's <br /> pre�iaus fis�ai ye��r in such �arr� and detai� as Lender shal! require. "Net operating in�nme"' shal� mean all �ash <br /> receipts fram the F'r�perty less all cash expenditures made in conne�tivn with�h�vperat�on v#the Prop�rty. <br /> Caption Hea�ings. Capt�an headir�gs ir7 this Deed of Trust are for �on�eni�nce purposes only and are not to k�e <br /> used ta interpret oi•define the pra�isions o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Merger. There shcil b� nv merger a�the intere�t vr estate cr�ated by this Deed of Trust with any ather in�er�st ar <br /> estate in �h� Prap�rty at any time held by or fvr the b�n�#it of Lender in any capacity, withaut��e wri�t�n �ansent <br /> af Lender. <br /> Ga�erning Law. l`Mis Deed of Trust vr�ill b� gv�erned by f�deral law appii�abl� ta Lend�r and, tv �he ex�ent n�at <br /> preempted by federal law,the laws vf the 5tate o�Nebreska without regard tv its can#lic�s of�a►�►pro�isions. This <br /> Deed v�Trust has been accepted hy Ler�der�n the Sta#e of Nehraska. <br /> Choice o�1��nue. I�th�re is a lawsuit,, Trustor agrees upon Lender's reques� tv submit ta the jurisdicti�n af the <br /> .� <br /> ti, � <br /> � <br />