<br /> DE�L3 �F T'RUST
<br /> ��ontinued� Pag� 4
<br /> parti�ipation.
<br /> Appli�ation of Net�'rocesds. �f a!I ar any par�af the Prvperty is condernned hy emin�nt damain pro�eedings or by
<br /> any proceeding ar pur�hase in lieu of c�ndemnation, Lende�may at i�s election require that a�l or any portian❑f�he
<br /> n�t prac�eds of tl�� award be applied t❑ the Indeb��dness or the repair ar restoration of the Property. The net
<br /> praceeds of the a►n�ard shall mean�he award a��er payment vf aff reasonable �osts, expenses, and atto�neys' �ees
<br /> incurred by Truste�or Lend�r in�onnec:tian wit�the condemnation.
<br /> I�IIIP�SlTI�]N �F TAXE;S, FEES AN� CHAR(aE5 BY �OVERi�MENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The fallawing pro�isions relafiing
<br /> t❑go�ernmental taxes, fees and�harges ar�:a part�fi this i]�ed of Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fe�es and �harges. LJpon requEst by Lender, Trustor sha�l execute such documen�� in additian �o
<br /> this De�d of Trust and take whate�er c�th�r a�ti�n is requested by Lender tv perf�ct and�ontinue Lend�r's [ien on
<br /> fihe R�al Prap�r�y. Trustor shal! reirn�aurse Lender for a�l taxes, as descrihed beiow, t�geth�r with a�i expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, perfecting or c�7n�kinuinc �his Deed v# Trust, in�iuding wi�hout limita�ian afl taxes, f�es,
<br /> daGumentary stam�s, and o�her charge:�for rec�rding or registering this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The �o�favving shall �anstitu�te taxes to which thi5 s�ction appfies: {1� a specific tax upvn �his type of
<br /> Deed o�Trus�ar upvn afl ar any part of th� Indebtedness secured by this D�ed af Trust; �2) a specifi� tax �n
<br /> Trustvr which Tru:�#or is authr�rized or required�v dedu�t from payments �n the Indebte�ness secured b�r this type
<br /> af Deed a�Trust; {3} a tax on�his typ�e of❑e�d of Trust chargeabfe agains�C the Lender��the halder o�the Nvt�;
<br /> and {4� a speci�ic:tax on all or any par�ion of the Indeb�edness o�on payments Qfi prin�ipal and intere�t made by
<br /> Trustar.
<br /> Subsequen� Taxes. Ifi any tax tv whi�h this sectfon applies is enac�ted su�s�quen� to the dat� of �his Deed of
<br /> Tru�t, tE�is e�ent ��hail have the same �ffec-t as an E�ent a� Default, and L�ndec rnay �xercise any ar ail of its
<br /> a�ailable remedies -�r an E�ent �f Dei�ault as �ro�ided below unless Trustor e'rther �1} pays the tax �efore it
<br /> becames d�linquer�t, or �2� �on�ests the tax a� pro�ided abo�� in�he Taxes and Liens sectian and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash ar a s�.�E'ficient carp�rate surety bon=�or o�Cher security sa�is�acfiory to Lende�.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMEN'�; FINANCING STA1'EfI11ENTS, The �o���wing pro�isivns re�ating tv this De�d �f Trust as a
<br /> securi�y agreement are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreernerit. This instr�ment shall canstitute a 5�curity Agreem�nt t� th� ex�ent any of the Praper�y
<br /> cvnstitutes fixture,�, and Lend�r shall h��ve all❑f the rights o�f a secured party under the lJniform Carnmercial Cvde
<br /> as amended�ram�ir-7e to tirne.
<br /> 5e�urity fnterest. Upon request by L�r7der, Tr�stor sh�ll take whate��r actian is requested by Lend�r xo per�ect
<br /> and con�inue Lend�r°s security int�rest in the Rents and Persvna� Praperty. In addition ta recar�ing this Qeed ❑f
<br /> Trust En the real prvperty records, Lender may, at any time and without �urther autho�ization from Trus�or, fi�e
<br /> executed caunterpa�ts, �vpies ar re�radu�tivns af this �eed vf Trust as a financing s�atem�nt, Tru�tor shalf
<br /> reimburse Lender f{�� a�f�xpense� incurr�d �n perfeCting or continuing this security interest. lJpon de#auft, Trus��r
<br /> shal� n�t remo�e, s���er ar detach the F'ersonai Praperty from the Prvp�rfiy. Upan defau�t, Trusta� shall assemb��
<br /> any Persanal Prvper�y not affixed tv the Prapert�y in a manner and at a place reasonably con�eni�nt�o Tr�astor and
<br /> Lender and make i�r a�aila�le �o Lender within thre� {3f days after re�eipt of written demand frvm Lender to th�
<br /> extent pe�mitted by� �pplicable law.
<br /> Addresses. Th� mailing addr�sses of Trustvr {debtary and L�nder �secured party� �rom which in�ormatinn
<br /> concerni�g the seGurity int�rest g�anted by this Deed a�T�-ust may be obtained �each as required �y the �nifarrn
<br /> �ammercial Code} ��re as stat�d on the firs�page af this C]eed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANC�:St ATTORNEY-IN-F,ACT. Tl�e fvlivwing pro�isions relating tv further assurances and
<br /> attorney-in-�a�t are a part of this ❑eed vf Trusfi:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and from time t� tim�, upon request vf Lender, Trus�ar wiif make, �xecute and
<br /> deii�er, vr wil!Gause tv be made, ex�cul:ed�r d�fi�ered,to Lend�r ar�t❑Lender's designe�, and wh�n requested b��
<br /> Lender, cause to bt, �iied, recorded, refi�ed, vr rerecord��l, as the case rnay be, at su�h times and in such o�Ffi�es
<br /> and piaces as L�ndeY may deem appropriate, an•,� and alf such mortgages. deeds of trust, securit�deeds, securit�
<br /> agreements, financing statements, cvn�inuation statements, ins�rurnents af further assuranc�, c�rtificat�s, anc�
<br /> oth�r documents as� may, in the sole opinion vf L�nder, be necessary ar desirab�e in order tv effectuate, �ompleter
<br /> perfe�t, �ont�nue, c�r pres�rve t1� T�•ustar's flbliga�ivns under the Nate, �his Deed of Trust, and th� Reiated
<br /> Do�uments, and (�!f the liens and security interests �reated by this Deed o�Trus�as firs� and pria�liens an th�
<br /> Property, whether�iow �wned or hereaft�r acqu�red hy Trustor. L�niess prohibited by law or Lender agrees to the
<br /> contrary i� wri�ing, Trustar shal� reimburse Lender for ai� c�sts and expenses incurred in conne�tion with the
<br /> matters referred to i�r this paragraph�
<br /> A�torneyW`rn-Fact. 1�Trustvr �aiis to do any af th�things referred tv �n the pre�eding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> far and in the name �f Trustvr and at Tr�ustor's �xpense. For such purpases, Trustor here�y irreW�cably app�ints
<br /> Lender as Trustar's�ttarney-in-fa�t for the purpcse❑f mal�ing,executing, deii�ering, fifing, re�ording, and doing all
<br /> other things as ma�� be n�cessary or desirable, in Lender's sole apinion, to a�compiish the matters �eferred to ir�
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�R�l11AN�E. If Trusto�r pays aff the Indebte�ness, in�fuding withvu��irnitativn all futur� aduanGes, when due,
<br /> and vtherwise performs �ll the obligati�ns in�tposed upon Trust�r under this Deed af Trust, Lender shafl execute and
<br /> deliver to Trustee a req��:est for full recan��yan�e and shail exeGute and deli�er �❑ Trustor suitable s�afiemen�s v�
<br /> termination of any #inar��ing statemen� on 9=ile e�idencing Lender's secu�ity in�eres� in the �ents and the Persanai
<br /> Praperty� Any recon�ey��n�e fee requir�d by law shall�e paid by Trustor, if permit�ed by appli�ahle law,
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFALILT. E�ch af the fall�winy, at Len�der`s vption, shall cansti#ute an E�ent vf Defaul�under this ❑eed
<br /> �f Trust:
<br /> Paymen#���ault. Trustor fails t❑ ma�e any payment when due under the Indebtedness.
<br /> ❑ther Defautts. Tru�tor �ails to complF,� w��th �r �€o pe��orm any vther term, vbligatiar�, co�enant or cvnd�tivn
<br /> cantained in this Deed af Trust or in ar�y of th� R�iated ❑vcuments or fio camply with vr to per#�orrn any �erm,
<br /> ab�i�ativn, Gavenant ar canditian cvntain�:d in any vther agreernent between Lender and Trus�ar.
<br /> Gvm�aliane� �efaul#. Failure to �ompfy wi�h an� oth�r terrn, abfigat�on, co�enant ar �ondition cnntained in this
<br /> D�ed of Trusfi,the Nc�e o�in any af the F��lated G�ocuments.
<br /> De�aul�vn[]�her Pay�nen#s. Failure of Trustor wi�hin the time required by th�s Deed vf Trus�to make any payment
<br /> far taxes or insuranc�, or any o#her payment n�cessary ta pre�en�#i�ing o�vr to e�fect discharge of any fien,
<br /> De�fault in Fa►►or af�f"�ird Parties. Shaul�i Grantor def�ul� und�r any Ivan, ex�tensivn of credit, s�curity agreernent,
<br /> purchase ar sales a��reemen�, or any othElr agreement, in favor nf any other creditor or persan �hat may r�aterially
<br /> a�f�ct any af Grant�r's prvperty or G!"a�'1tDfr5 abifity to repay �h� �ndebt�dn�ss or Gran�or's ab�lity t❑ per#arm
<br /> Grantor's ohligations ander this Deed o��i�rust ar any of the Reiated Docurnents.
<br /> False 5ta�ern�nts. �ny warranty, repr�:�enta�ian ar sta�ernent made vr furnished to Lender by Trust�r vr �n
<br /> Trustar's hehalf under this Deed af Trust ar the Related D�cuments 'rs fia�se or misleading in any material respect,
<br /> ��ther naw ❑r at th�t�me made or furnish�d ar becvrnes false�r misleading at any time�h�r�a�ter,
<br /> ..,�
<br /> � a�
<br /> �
<br />