<br /> �EED �F T"RUST
<br /> �C��tir]u�d� Page �
<br /> autharized user of the Property$hafl u�e, gene�at�. �nanufacture, sfivre, treat, dispase af or refease any Ha�ardaus
<br /> 5ubstance an, uncler, abaut ar from thE Property; and {by an�such acti�i#y shall be Gonducted in camplianc� with
<br /> alf appl�cabfe feC�erai■ S�dfiB, and locaf laws, regulations and ordinan�es, including withau� limitatian all
<br /> Envi�onmental Larn�S, Trustor au�horizes Lender and its agents ta enter upon the Prvper�y to ma�e such
<br /> inspe�tions and t�s�s, at Trustor's exp�nse, as Lender rnay de�rn appropria#e t� determine �ampliance o� the
<br /> Praperty with this sectian of the Deed af Trus�. Any inspe�tinns or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's
<br /> purposes only and shafl not be �or�struE,d ta �r�at� any respansibility or 1iab��ity on the par�of Lender tv Trustar�r
<br /> to any o�her pers�n. The representatiCyns and ►�varranties contained her�in are based an Trustvr's due dilig�nce in
<br /> in�estigat�ng the F'roperty �or Hazardo�.�s Substances. Trus�or hereby {'i y re��ases and waiW�s any future claims
<br /> against L�nder for �ndemnity ❑r c�ntri�rutivn in the e�ent Trustor becomes liable #or cleanup or�ther cvsts under
<br /> any su�h laws; and �2� agrees to indemni�ry, defend, and hold harmie�s L�nder against any and a!f cfaimsr Ivsses,
<br /> liabili�ies,damage��, penal�ies, and expenses which Lender may dir�ctfy or indirect�y sustain or suffer resulting fro�n
<br /> a hr�a�h of this s�.ct`ron af the ❑eed v��Trust or as a consequence a�any us�, genera�ion, mar�ufacture, storag�,
<br /> dispasal, releas�vr threatened release occurring privr to Trusfivr's ownership ar inXer�st in the P�operty, v�hether❑r
<br /> nvt the same ►nras �r should have beeu� known to Trusto�. The provisians o� this se��ian vf th� €]eed of Trust,
<br /> in�luding the oblig�tivn to indemr�i�y anc�defend, shail sur�i�e the payment of th�lndebt�dness and the satisfactian
<br /> and recvn�eyan�e Gf the lien af this De�d o�Tr�st and shall not be a�fected by Lende�'s acquisition vf any in�erest
<br /> in the Property, wr�eth�r by fareclosure vr otherv►iise.
<br /> NLJ15anCe. '�aS��. Trustor shafl C]�t cause, COndUCt �r permit any nuisance nQl' commEt, permit, a� Sufi��1' aCly
<br /> stripping af ar wa;��e on ❑r to the Prv�erty ❑r any pvrtion o�the Property. Withvut lirr�iting fih� generality ofi the
<br /> fvregaing� Trustor v�i�l not remvWe, vr�rant tv any other party the righ��o remn�e, any timher, minera�s fincfuding
<br /> �il and gasy, coal, +a�ay, scoria,soil, gravel or rock products without Lende�'s priar written cansen�.
<br /> Remv�al of Imprv�e�rxien#s. Trustar shall no�d�molish❑r remo��any Irnprvvements-�ram�he Rea1 Prvperfiy withaut
<br /> Lender"s priar writ�ten consent. �4s a c��ndi�ivn to the r�rno�a�of any Impr��ern�nts, Lender may require Trus�vr to
<br /> make arrangements satisfa�tary tv Lei�der to replace such Imprv�ements wi�h Impro�ernents a� at �east equai
<br /> value.
<br /> Lender's Right tv E�nter. Lender and L�.snder's agents and representati��s may enter up�n the Real Property at a!!
<br /> reasonable times �ta attend to Lender`s interests and �a inspect the Real Prop�rty for purposes �f Trustor's
<br /> �ampliance with the t�rms and conditivr7s afi this Deed v�Trust.
<br /> Complia��e wi#h I�o►►ernmentai Requirements. Trustor shall pramptly cornply with af� laws, vrdinances, and
<br /> regufatians, now or hereafter in ef�e�t, of all gavernmen'�al authorities applicable to �he use vr occupan�y ❑� �he
<br /> Property, including �n�ith�ut limitation, t��e Ameri�an� With Disabi�iti�s Ac�. Trustor may �ontest in good faith an°y
<br /> such laver, ordinanc�, ❑r reguia�ion and wi�hhold campfiance during any proceeding, including appropriat� ap��als,
<br /> so fong as Trustor 1��s noti�ied Lender�r�writing prior tv dving so and sa fang as, in Lender's sole Qpinian, Lender's
<br /> in#erests in th� Property are not jeopardized. Lender may require Trus�vr to past adequate security or a sure�y
<br /> bond, reasonably satisfactory ta Lender, tv prote�t Lender"s interes�[.
<br /> ❑uty to Prote�tk `�µrustor agrees neith�r �a abar�dan or fea�e unattended the Prap�rty. Trustnr shafl dv a�� ath�r
<br /> acts, in addition to those acts se��nrth abo�e in this s�ction, which�rom the character and use of the Pr�per�y ar�
<br /> reasonably necess��ry to prote�t and pres�r�e�he Prvperty.
<br /> DUE�N SALE�CONSE�T gY LEN�ER. Lender may, at L�nder's aptian, de�lare�mmediatefy due and payal�le al�sums
<br /> secured by this D�ed�f Trust upon�he safe ar trans#er, without Lender's p�iar written cansent, of aff or any part of th�
<br /> Real Property, or any in�te�est in the F�eal Property. �4 "sa[e�r transfer" means th�con�eyance of Real Property vr any
<br /> right, titfe or interest �r� the Reaf Prvperty; whether legal, bene#�cial �r �quita�le; wh�ther �aluntary or �n�o�untar�;
<br /> whether by outright sal�, deed, insta�iment sale �antract, land c�ntract, �ontract for deed, [easehald interest with ��
<br /> t�rm greate�than three �3y years, lease-aption cvntra�t, ar by safe, assignm�nt, or transfer o�any ��ne�iciaf in�erest in
<br /> or to any land trust holciing �it�e to th� R�al Praperty, or by any other methvd of�vra�eyance a�an inter�s� ir�the Reaf
<br /> Praperty. If any Trustor is a cvrpara�ion, p�crtnership or �imi�ed I�ab'rfity cc�mpany, �ransfer als� inc�udes any �hange in
<br /> ownership o�mare#han�wenty-�i�e percent 425°/4� o�the �oting stock, partnership interests or lirnitec! iia�i�ity company
<br /> interests, as�he case m�y be, �f such Trust�vr. How�e�er, �his aption shalf no�be exercised by Lender if such exercis�
<br /> is prohibited�y��deraf la�v or�y Nebraska�aw,
<br /> T�4�lES AND LIE�VS. T��e fvllowing pra�isiflr�s reiafiing ta the taxes and iiens �n the Pr�perty �re part o� this De�d a�
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor i;hafl pay when due {��nd �n a��e�ents prior�[�delinquencyj afl�axes, spe�ial taxes, assessment�,
<br /> charges 4including ►n�ater and sewer�, fines and impositiQns fe�ied against ar on account ofi the Prvperty, and sha�l
<br /> pay when due all claims for work dane an or�for serr�ices rendered or ma�erial furnished to the Property. Trus�ar
<br /> shall rnaintain the Prvperty free of aff liens ha�ing privrity o�er or equal �o�he interest a�F Lender under�his Deed o�
<br /> � Trust, except �or the lien ❑f �axes and assessrnents not du� and except as atherwise pro�ided in this Deed of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Right to�an�es�. �1`rustvr may withhold payment v�any tax, assessment, �r c�aim in connec#ion►n►ith a good �ait��
<br /> dispute o�er�he obfi�atian tv pay, sv forig as Lender`s in�erest in�he Proper�y is not�e�pardi�ed. If a lier�arises�r
<br /> is filed as a result of nonpayment, Trus�tor sha11 wi�hin fi�teen �15y days af�er �he lien arises ar, if a fien is �iled,
<br /> within fifteen ��i 5} +�ays after Trustor h�is nvtice o�th� �ifir�g, secure the discharge af �he [ien, ar if req�s�s�ed by
<br /> Lender,depvsit witi�Lender cash vr a suf#ici�nt corporate surety bvnd or ather security satis�actory to Lender in ar�
<br /> amaunt suf�icient�t�dis�harge�h� lien p�us any cos�s and attvrneys' �ees, or ather charges that coufd accru� as�
<br /> r�sult a#a�orecla��.G��❑r sale under the fien. In any contest, Trus�ar shall defend itself and Lender and shalf satisf�
<br /> any ad�erse judgrr��.nt before enfarcement again�.t the Praperty. Trus�vr shall name Lender as an additianal ablig��
<br /> under any surety bc�nd furnished in the contest pro�eedings,
<br /> EW�dence af Paymen�, Trustar shaii upo�n demar�! furnish tQ Lend�r s��isfactary e�idence a�payr�ent o��the taxes
<br /> ar assessm�nts and �haff authorize the G�ppropria�e gavernmental afficia�t� defi�er to L�nder at any t�me a writ��r
<br /> statement of the ta�ces and assessments against�he Prvperty.
<br /> Nvtice a#�onstruction. Trustor shal� notify Lend�r at l�ast fif�een 415� days be�or� any �rvork is cvmmer�ced, any�
<br /> ser�i��s are�urnishe�� or any materials are suppii�d to the Property, ifi any me�hanic's li�n, materialmen's iien, o�
<br /> ather �ien could be assert�d an accvunt af the ►�vark, 5@�'VIC�S, or materiafs. Trus�vr wEli upvn request vf Lender
<br /> furnish �v Lender ��d�an�e assuran��s satisfiactory �a L�nder that Trustor can and wilf pay the east v� such
<br /> imprv��m�nts.
<br /> PR�PERTY ❑►4�IIAGE�N;��IRANCE. The fvllvwing pr��isi�ns refating t❑ insuring the Property are a part o�thi� Deed o�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Main�enanGe o�F Ins�u�ance. Trus�or sha�l pra�ur� and maintain polici�s vf fi�e insuranc� with standa�d extended
<br /> coverag� endvrsem+��ts on a repiacemer�� basis fvr the #ull insurable value c�vering a11 lmprv�emenfis �n the Rea�
<br /> Praperty in an ama���t su�ficient �o a�aid appl�ca��on of any �ainsuran�e claus�, and with a standard mortgagee
<br /> eiause in fa�or of L��nder. Trus�or shal�G�Iso procure and rnaintain compr�hensi�e general�iabifi�y i�surance in suci�
<br /> ca�erage amaun�s ��s L�nder may request with Trustee and Lender being named as additivnal insureds in such
<br /> �iability insurance p+7�icies. Addit�onafly, Trus�or shali maintain such o�her insurance, in�luding but not limited ta
<br /> hazard, business interruption, and k�ailer insuran��, as Lender may r�asnnai��� require. Po�ic�es shall be written in
<br /> �
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