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� Z�15�535� <br /> i]EED �F �l�U�T <br /> �C�nt�nued� 1Page 2 <br /> deficiency tv �he ex�en�Lender�s atherwise en�i�led#❑ a cla�m fnr defciency, befvre ar afiter Lender's Gvmmencement <br /> ❑r�omple�ivn af any fareclosure action, ei�her judicially or by exercise❑f a pawer vf sale. <br /> PAYMENT ANI3 PERFaRN[ANCE. Except as atherwise pravided in this aeed of Trust, Borraw�r and Trustar sha11 pay�� <br /> L�nder al! lndeb��dness secured by this Deed af Trust as it becames due, and Barrower and Trustor shall strictly <br /> perfarrr7 afl th�ir respe�ti�e obligatians under the h�o�e,this❑eed of Trust,and the Reiated Dacuments. <br /> P�55E�SI�N AND iV�A1NTEIVANCE �F THE PRaPERTY. Bvrrvwer and Trustor agree �hat Bv�-rawer's and Trustar's <br /> possession and use vf the Property shall�e go�erned by the fol�owing pro�isians: <br /> Possession and �se. Until the vc�urrence of an E�ent of Default, Trustar may ('I} remain in possession and <br /> �antrof af the Prvperfy; ��} use,aperate vr manage the Prop�rty;and [3} �❑Ilec�the Renfis frorn the Prvperty. <br /> Duty fo Ma�ntain. Trus#or shall maintain the Property in �enan�able condition and promptly perfarm alf repairs, <br /> repiacemen�s,and main�enanoe n�cessary ta preserve its value. <br /> Cnmpl�ance VYith Envirvnmen�al Laws. Trust�r represents and warrants to �ender that_ ��) During the period af <br /> Trus�ar's ownership o�the Property,ther�has been no use,generation, manufac�ure,stora�e, treatrnent,dispvsal, <br /> release ar threatened release af any Hazardous 5ubstan�e by any person an, under, abou�vr from the Property; <br /> �2� Trustor has na knowledge a�, vr reasvn to belie�e fhat there has be�n, excep�as preWiously dis��osed �fl and <br /> acknowl�dged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} any breach or �i�lation of any En��ronrnental Laws, �b� any use, <br /> generation, rnanufa�ture, st�rag�, treatrnent, disposal, release or#hreatened release of any Ha��rdous 5ubs�ance <br /> an, under, abau� ❑r from �he Praperty by any prior �wners ar occupants of the Praperty, vr �c� any actual or <br /> threatened litiga�ivn ar claims of any kind by any persvn relating �o suGh matters; and 43) Ex�ept as �reviausiy <br /> disclvsed ta and acknawledg�d by Lender�n writing, �a} neither Trustvr nar any�enant,Gan�ractv�,agent vr o�her <br /> authorized user af�he Praper�y shall use, generate, manufacture, store,treat, dispvse o�or release any Hazardous <br /> Substance on,underl abaut ar�ram�he Praperty;and �h� any such acti�ity sha�l be conducted in�ampliance wi�h <br /> alI applicabie federal, s�ate, and ��ca� laws, regulations and ord�nances, inr�uding wifihout }�mitation a!I <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustar authari��s Lender and its agents tv �nter upan the Property �o rnake 5uCI1 <br /> �nspections and �es�s, at Trustvr's expense, as Lender may d�em appropriate tv determin� cvmp�iance ❑f the <br /> Property wi�h this se�tion vf the ❑eed of Trus�. Any inspecti�ns ar tests made by Lender shall be f�r Lender`s <br /> purposes❑nly and shaii not be c�ns��'ued tv �reat�any responsib�lity vr liabili�y on the part of Lender to Trustor�r <br /> to any othe�-person. The representations and warrantias contained herein are based on Trustvr's due diligen�e in <br /> �n�estiga�ing�he Prap�rty for Hazardous 5ubstanc�s. Trustor hereby ��} releases and waives any�uture cla�ms <br /> against Lend�r for indemnity or con�ributian in �he e�ent Trustar be�ames liable far cleanup or ather costs under <br /> any such faws; and {�} agrees t❑ indemnify, defend,and h��d harmless Lender agains�any and alf ciairns, I�SSE.'Sr <br /> liabilities,damages, penalties,and expenses which Lender may dire�tly or indirec�ly sustain or suffer resul�ing�rvm <br /> a brea�h vf this section o�the deed vf Trus�or as a consequen�e af any use, generation, manufa��ure, storage, <br /> disposal, release or threa�ened release oG�urring prior�o Trustor's ownership❑r in�eres�in�he Proper�y,whether or <br /> nat the same was vr shauld ha�e be�n known to Trustar. The pr�visinns of fhis section of�he Deed of Trus�, <br /> including the abli�ation to�ndernnify and defend,sha1�survive the payment vf the�ndeb�edness and'�he satis�action <br /> and r�con�eyan�e o�the fien a�this Deed af Trus�and shal[ n�t be a�fe�ted by Lender's acquisition of any interes� <br /> in the Property,whe�her by fareclasure❑r otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste, Trustor sha1l na� cause, cvnduc� a�' permit any nuisance nor cvmmit, permif, ❑r su�fer any <br /> stripping vf or was�e on or to �he Praper�y ar any portion of the Property. V1lifihvut limi#ing the g�nerali�ty of the <br /> fvregv�ng, Trustor wil� nat remo�e, ar grant�o any other party the right�o remave, any�imber, minerals�including <br /> ❑il and gas}, caal,clay,scoria,sail,gravel❑r rock produc�s wi�hout Lender's prior written�vnsent. <br /> Rernoval v�lmprvvements. Trustvr sha�� not derna�ish or rema�e any lmpro�emenfs�ram the Real Prop�rty withau� <br /> Lender`s priar wri��en consent. As a condi�ian tv the rema�al af any 1mpr��emenfs,Lender may require Trustvr#o <br /> make arrangements satisfa�tory t� L�nder tv rep�ace such Impro�ements with Impravements af at I�ast equaI <br /> value. <br /> Lender's Right tv Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agents and represen�atiWes may en�er up�n the Rea[ Property at a�l <br /> reasonable times #o aftend to L�nder's in�erests and t� inspect the Rea! Property for purposes af Trustor's <br /> cornpiian�e with the terms and�ond���ons❑f this Deed of Trust. <br /> Corr�pl'rance with Ga�ernmen�al �tequir�rnents. Trustor shall pramptly cornply with all laws, ardinances, and <br /> reguia�ions, now ar hereafter in e�fect, af all gavernmenta! authori�ies applicabie �o the use❑r�occupancy af�he <br /> Proper�y, including wi�haut I�mi�ation,the Americans 1111�th Disabiiities Act. Trustvr may cvntest in gvvd faith any <br /> such �aw, ordinance, or regulation and wi�hhold comp�iance during any pr�ceeding, including apprapriat�appeals, <br /> sv Ivng as Trustvr has nfltified�.ender in writing prior to daing sv and so long as, in Lender's snEe vpinion,Lender's <br /> int�rests �n the Pr�perty are nvt jeopardized. Lender may require Trustar to post adequate securi�y or a surety <br /> hand,reasanably satisfa�tary to Lender,t❑protect Lender's interes#. <br /> Du�y to Pra�eCt. Trustor agrees nei�her t❑ abandan �r lea�� unatt�nded the Property. Trustar shall da al� other <br /> acts, �n addition to�hvse acts set farth above in this se�tivn,whi�h�rom ths�haracter and use vf the Praperty are <br /> reasonably necessary to prot�ct and preser�e the Property. <br /> TA�ES AhID LIENS. The fo[�ow�ng provisions relating to the taxes and liens ❑n the Prope�ty are part vf this Deed af <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymen�. Trustor shall pay when due�and in al[e�ents pria�-�o de�inquency}all taxes, spe��al taxes,assessmen�s, <br /> charges ��ncluding water and sewer�, fines and imp�siti�ns#��ied against or❑n a��ount af the Property, and shall <br /> pa�when du�ail claims far v►rork d�ne vn vr far se�vices r�ndered or material furnished to the Property. Trustar <br /> shall maintain the Property fr��flf al�liens ha�ing priori�y over ar equaf t❑the interest of Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, excep# fvr the lien of taxes and asses5men�s nvf due and ex�ep� as otherwise p�-v�i�fed in �his Deed vf <br /> Trust. <br /> Righ�tfl �vntest. Trus�ar may withhold payment of any tax, assessment,or cla�rn in c�nnection with a gaod faith <br /> dispute❑��r the vbligation to pay,sa lang as Lender's interest in the Proper�y is not�eopardized. lf a Iien arises ar <br /> is filed as a resul#of nanpayment, Trustar shall wifhin fif�een �'!5� days after the lien arises or, if a lien �s f�led, <br /> w��hin fif�een ��5} days after Trustar has notice of the filing, secure�he discharge vf�he lien, or if requested by <br /> Lender,depa$it with Lender cash ar a sufficien'��vrparate surety bond ar��her securiiy satisfactory ta Lender in an <br /> amvunt sufiFicient ta discharge th�lien plus any casts and attvrneys'fees, ar other charges tha�could a�crue as a <br /> resu�t vf a foreclosure or sale under�he lien. �n any cvn�est,Trustor shall defend i�se�f and Lender and shall sa�isfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment befare enfarcernent against the Property. Trus�or shall name Lender as an additivna�obligee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest praceedings. <br /> E�idence a�Paymen�. Trustor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactary e�idence❑f paymen�of the taxes <br /> ar assessments and shall authvrize the apprvpriate go�ernmental o�fi�ial tn deli�er to Lender a�any time a wri��en <br /> s�atement o�the taxes and assessments agains��he Proper�y. <br /> Notice of Constructinn. Trustor shall n�tify Lender at�eas�fi#teen �15} days be�ore any work is Gamrnenced, any <br /> services are furnished,❑r any materials are supplied to the Property, if any mechani�'s lien, ma�eria[men's�ien, ❑r <br /> vther��en �ould be asserted an acc�un�❑�the work, services, ❑r materials. Trus�or rrvi�l upon r�quest vf Lender <br /> furnish �o Lender advance assurances satisfa�tvry to Lender that Trus�ar can and w�ll pay t�e Gost of su�h <br />