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Z�15�5353 <br /> A��1GN l�l��VT �F F�ENTS <br /> ���nti n ued} Pa�e �. <br /> Merger. There shall be no merger of�he interest or estate created by this ass�gnment wifh any❑ther interes�vr <br /> estate in the Prc�perty a�any time heid hy or fvr�he benefit of Lender in any�apacity,wi�hout the w�itten consent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Interpretation. ��) fn aIl �ases wh�re there is more than one BorrQwer or Grantor, then ali words used �n th�s <br /> Assignment in�he singuiar shall �e deemed tv ha�e been used in the plural where the context and construction sv <br /> require. �2} [f more than ane person signs�his Assignment as"Grantvr,"the obliga�ions vf each Grantor are j��n�t <br /> and se�eral. This means that if Lende� brings a �awsuif, Lender may sue any ane or mare of�he Grantars. lf <br /> Borrower and Grantar are nat�he same person, L�nder ne�d nvt sue g�rrawer first, and�hat Barrvwer need not be <br /> }oined �n any lawsui�. �3) The names gi�en to paragraphs or sectians in this Assignment are for con�enience <br /> purpases anly.They are na�to be used k�interpret or define�he pravisians of this Assignmenf. <br /> Na Wa`rver hy Lende�. L�nder shall not be deem�d to have rrvaived any rights under this Assignrnent unless such <br /> waiver is g�ven in wri�ing and signed by Lend�r. 1Va defay�r omission on the part❑f Lender in exercis�ng any right <br /> shall ❑perate as a waiver ❑f such right or any other ri�ht. A waiWer by Lender af a pro�ision vf this Assignment <br /> shall not prejudice or �ons��tute a uvai�er ❑f Lender's right ��herwise to demand strict compliance wi�h that <br /> provisian ar any vther prvvis�on ❑f this Assignment. No priar wai�er by Lender, nor any caurse af dealing between <br /> Lender and Gran��r, sha[[constitute a waiver o�any of Lender's rights flr of any af�rantor's obliga�ions as ta any <br /> future transac�ions. Whene�er the consen� af Lender is required under this Assignmenf, fhe granting o� such <br /> cansent by Lender in any instan�� sha![ not cvnsti�u�e cont�nuing cansen� to subsequent ins�ances where such <br /> consen�is required and in al�cases such consent may be granted or withheld in the sole discre�ian a�Lender_ <br /> Na�iees. Any natice required�v be gi�en under this Assignment shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be eff�clive <br /> when actually delivered, when ac�ua�ly recei�ed by telefacsimile ��nless a�herwise requirad by law}, when <br /> depasi�ted with a nationalfy�-ecognized a�ernight�ourier, or, if mailed,when depvsited in the lJnited 5ta�es mail, as <br /> first class, certified ❑r registered mail pastage prepaid, d�rected�a#he addresses shawn near the beginning af this <br /> Assignment. Any par�y may�hange its address�or notices under this Assignment�y g��ing�ormal written natice <br /> to the vther par�ies, sp�cifying that the purpose af the no�ice is to Ghange the party's address. Far natice <br /> purpvses, Grantor agrees t� keep Lender�nfarmed at aIl times a� Granfor's curren� address. Unless atherwise <br /> pro�ided or required by Iaw, if there is more than ❑ne Gr�ntor, any no�ice gi�en by Lender to any Grantar is <br /> deemed ta be no�ice gi�en�v all Gran�ars. <br /> Pawers of A�tvrney, The various agencies and powers af attarney conveyed on Lender under this Assignment a�e <br /> granted f�r purpases o�security and may not be revoked by Granfor until such��me as the same ar�renounced by <br /> Lendsr. <br /> Se��rabi[ity. If a caurk v�campe�ent jurisdiction fin�fs any pro�isi�n of this Assignment to be illegal, in�alid, or <br /> unenforceable as to any circumstan�e, that finding sha�� not make the offending pro�isian illega�, in�alid, or <br /> unenfor�ceable as to any a�her circumstanc�. !f�easible, the offending p�-o�isian shall be considered modifed so <br /> that it becames legal, �aIid and enforceab[e. if �he offending pro�ision cannot be so modified, it shall b� <br /> cansidered del�ted from this Assignmen�. LJn�ess v�he�-wise required by 1aw, the illegality, inva[idity, or <br /> un�nfarceability of any pr�o�ision of this Assignment shall nat a�fect the legali�y, �a�idify or en�arceabili�y o�any <br /> ather pro�ision af this Ass�gnmen�. <br /> Successvrs and Assigns. Subject t❑ any[irnita�ions stated�n�his Assignment an transfer v�Grantar's interesl,this <br /> Assignmen� sha�! b� binding upan and inure to the benef�t of the parties, their successors and ass�gns. if <br /> awnership vf�he Property beoarnes vested in a pe�-son❑ther fhan Gran�or, Lender,wi�hvu�nvtice to Grantor, may <br /> deal with Grantor's successors with re�erence ta this Ass�gnment and th� Indebtedness hy way�f�Qrbearance❑r <br /> ex�ensian�rvithaut releasing Grantor�rom the obl�gations vf this Assignment❑r(iabili�y under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is of�he Essence. Tim�is af#he essence in the perfvrrnance af this Assignment. <br /> 1JIJai�e Jury. All parties�o �his A.ssignment hereby wai�e the right tv any jury�rial in any action, proceeding, or <br /> �ounterclaim brought by any parfy aga�nst any❑ther par�y. <br /> Wai��r v�Homestead Exemp�ion. Grantor hereby releases and wai�es all �ights and bene�its o�the hornestead <br /> exernption laws of the State❑f Nebraska as to all Indeb�edness secured by this Assignment. <br /> DEFINITI�NS, The fallowing capitalized words and terms shall have the fvllawing meanings when used in this <br /> A551�f1[T1En�. LInIESS SpECIfICaI�]I S�a�ECI �O fhe COC1�C'al"y, a�� referenc�s to dallar amounts shall mean amounts in lawful <br /> money af the lJnited 5tates of Ameri�a. Words and terms used in �he singular shall include �he p(ural, and �he plural <br /> shal! include the singular, as the context may require. Words and�erms nat otherwise defined �n th�s Assignment shall <br /> ha�e the meanings attributed to such terms in the Unif�rm �omrnercial Code: <br /> Assignment. The ward"Assignmen�"means�his A551�NMENT pF RENTS, as�his A551GNMENT�F RENTS may <br /> be am�nded or modified fram time ta �ime,together with a�l exhibits and schedules attached ta this ASS�GNMENT <br /> �F RENTS fro m ti m e to ti rn e. <br /> Bvrro►n►er. TY�e word "gorrawer"means J& B Rentals, L.L.C.;William P.Ziller; and Julann K.�ill�r. <br /> Default. The ward "�efault"means the Defau[t set forth in this Assignment in the section titled "ae�ault" <br /> E�ent of❑efault. The words "E�ent❑f Default"rnean any of the e�en�s of default set farth in this Assignment in <br /> the default section a�this Assignment. <br /> Gran�or. The wvrd "Grantar"means J& B Ren�a[s, L.L.C.. <br /> �uaranty. The word "Guaranty" means�he guaranty from guarantor,endorser, surety,❑r accammoda�ian par�y to <br /> Lender,includ�ng withau��imitation a guaran�y of a�l ar part❑f the Note. <br /> lndebtedness. The ward "Indebtedness" means ail princ�pal, interes�, and o�her amoun�s, C05�5 and expenses <br /> payable under the Note or Related �a�uments, �vgeth�r with all renewals of, ex�ens�ons o�, modifica�ions of, <br /> consolidations of and substitutions for�he No�e or Related Documents and any amounts exp�nded or adWanced by <br /> Lend�r�o d�scharge Grantor's obiigations or expenses incurred by Lender�o enforce Grantor's ❑bligations under <br /> this Assignmen�, together with ini�erest on such amounts as pro�ided in this Assignment. 5pecifical�y, wi#hout <br /> limita�ion, Indebtedness inc�udes the future ad�ances se�fvrth in the Future ad�ances pr��isi�n,tage�h�r with a�l <br /> �n#eresf ther�an and a!I amaunts that may be �ndirec#�y secured by the Crass-Col�ateralization pro�isian a# this <br /> Assig n ment. <br /> Lender. Th�word"Lender"means First Natianal Bank af�maha, its su��e�sors and assigns. <br /> Nfote. The word "N v�e" means any and a�l o�Borrower's �iabilifies, oblzgations and debts to Lender, naw existing <br /> ar hereinafter incurred❑r created, including, withaut limitation, all[oans, ad�ances, interest, cos�s debts, o�erd�aft <br /> indebtedness, credit card indebtedness, lease obligations, liabilities and ❑bligati�ns under interest rate prate�tion <br /> agreemen�s or foreign currency exchange agreements or camrnvdity pri�e p�otection agreernen�s,oth��-obligations, <br /> and liabilities v� Borrower together wi�h afi modi�icativns, increases, r�newals, and ext�nsions o� the <br /> a�orementioned. Addi�ionally, hereby in��rparated as if �ul�y set forth herein are the terms and conditians of any <br /> promissary not�, agre�ment or other document �xecuted by �orrower andlor Lender indicating this se�urity <br /> instrument or the proper�y described herein shall be cansidered "Callateral" securing such pr�missory note, <br /> agreement,or o�her instrument,or any similar reference. <br />