<br /> DEED �F T�UST
<br /> ����t�nued} Pa�� �
<br /> Curren�Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upvn request by Lender, Trustor shall execu�e su�h documents in additian to
<br /> �his Deed❑f Trust and take whatever ofher actEon �s requested by Lender�o perFect and cvntinue Lende�'s lien❑n
<br /> �he Real Prop�rty. Trus#ar shal] reimhu�-se Lend�r�vr a�[ taxes, as described below, t��ether with a[1 expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, pertecting or Continuing this Deed af Trust, �ncluding ►�vfthaut lirnitatian al� taxes, fees,
<br /> docurnentary stamps,and other char�es�or recording ar registering�his Deed of Tr-us�.
<br /> Taxes. The follvwing Shall �anstitute �axes to which this section applies: (�} a specific �ax upon this type a�
<br /> ❑eed of Trus�or upon a�l or any part v�the indebtedness secured by �his Deed v�F Trust; ��} a speci�i� �ax ❑n
<br /> Trustar which Trustor is auth�r;�ed or required to deduct�rom payments on the Indebtedness secur�d �y�i�is�ype
<br /> of Deed o�Trus�; �3� a�ax an�his fype ot❑e�d❑f T�ust chargeable against the Lender�r the hal��r of the Note;
<br /> and �4} a specrfi�tax vn afl or any por��on of the Indebtedness or an paymen�s a�principaf and interest made by
<br /> T�-us�or.
<br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. !f any tax to whiGh this s�ction applies is enacted subsequent to the dat� of fihis Deec� of
<br /> Trust, this e�snt sha�f ha�e the same effect as an Event o� C]e�au[t, and Lender may exercise any or all of �ts
<br /> a�ailable reme�dies �vr an IEvent of �]efaul� �s �rnvided b��ow unless Tn.�stor either �'€} pays the �ax b�fore it
<br /> becomes de�inquen�,�r ��} �antes�s the tax as pra�ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens sect�on and deposi�s with
<br /> Lender cash or a suffcient corporate surety bond ar other security satisfactory to Lende�.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The follnwing pro�isions rela�ing �a this Deed of Trust as a
<br /> seGuri�y agreemen�are a part❑f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This instrument snall cons�itute a Security Agreement #o the extent any at the Property
<br /> canstitutes fx�ures, and Lender shall have al�o�the rights of a seGured pa�y under�he lJni�orm �amrnercial Gode
<br /> as amended�rorn time�a time.
<br /> Securi�y fnterest. Upon �equest by Lender, Trustar shall take whate�et'actian is requested by Lender to perfect
<br /> and continue Lender's securi�y interest in the Rents and P�rsvnal Prvperty. �n addifion to recording�his De�d o�
<br /> Tt-us� in �h� real property r-ecQrds, Lender may, at any fiim� and withvu# further authorizafiion fram Trustor, fi�e
<br /> exe�uted �aunterpa�ts, copie� or reproductians vf this Deed ofi Trus� as a financing staternent. Trustor shall
<br /> reimburs�Lender for all expenses in�urred in perfe�ting❑r continuing thEs securi�y interest, Upon defau[�, Trustar
<br /> sha(� nvt remvve,sever or detach th� Persanal Proper�y frvm the Prvperty. Upon defau�t, Trustat�shall assemb�e
<br /> any Persanal Property nQ�affixed to the Praperty in a manner and a#a place reasvnably con�enient t❑Trustar and
<br /> Lender and make it available #v Lender within three 43} days af�er reGeipt of written demand from L�nder�o the
<br /> exten�perrnitted by app�icab[e law.
<br /> ACIdC�55B5. The mailing address�s of T�-ustor �debtvr} and Lender tsecured party� from wh€ch informat�on
<br /> concerning the security interes�grantsd by this Deed ��Trust may be abtained �each as required by the Unifarm
<br /> �ammercial�c�de}are as s�ated❑n the firs�page af�his D�ed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASS�RANCES; ATT�RNEY-[N-FA�T. The follvwing prvvisivns rela�ing �o fu�ther assurances and
<br /> attorney-�n-fact are a part of this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and fram#�rne t�tirne, upon reques�of Lender,Truskvr will make, exe�ufe and
<br /> deliver,or wEli cause to be made,exe�ufed or de�ivered,fio Lender or to Lende�'s designee,and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause ta be fled, recorded, refiled, or rer�corded, as the t�se may be, a�such�imes and in such affces
<br /> and piaces as Lender may deem approprrate,any and all suc�martgages, deeds a�trust, security dee�is, securit�
<br /> agre�men�s, finanGing 5tatements, continuation stater�ents, instruments �f further assur�r�ce, ce�tifc�tes, and
<br /> other d�cuments as may, in fihe svl�vpinian a�Lender, be neoessary a�d�sirab[e in nrder to effectua�e,complete,
<br /> �aer-Fec�, �vntinue, ar preserve ��!} Trustvr's abligati�ns under the Note, this De�d o�Trust, and the Related
<br /> ❑ocuments, and (2} the��ens and security in�terests crea�ed by this Deed of-frust as frs�and prior€�ens on the
<br /> Praper[y,whether now owned ar her�af�er acquired by Trustor. Un[ess prohEbited by law or�end�r agr�es ta the
<br /> cantrary in v►�rit�ng, Trustar shall r�imburse L�nder for all �osfis and ex�enses incur�eci in ronnec-�ion wi�h the
<br /> rrratters referred t�in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fact. ��Trustar fails�o do any of the things re�erred to in th�preceding paragra�h,Lender may do so
<br /> far and in��e name of Trus�ar and at Tr�sto�'s exp�nse. F�r such purpos�s,Trusfor hereby ir�e�aGably appain�s
<br /> Lender as Trus�ors att�rn�y-in-fact fQ�the purpose of making,executing,delivering,filing, recvrd'[ng,and doing afl
<br /> o�her th�ngs as may he neoessary or desirable, in Lender's snle opinian, ta accomp�ish�he ma�ke€�s referned�4 in
<br /> the precedin�paragraph.
<br /> F�]LL PERFQRMANCE. If Trustor p�ys all the lndeb�edness when due, te�-minates the line �f credit, and atherwise
<br /> perForms a!I fh�obligaf�ons imposed upon Trust�r under this Deed of Trust, L.ender sha�i execute and deli�er to Trustee
<br /> a reques� for full reconueyan�e and shal� exe�ut� and deli�er ta Trustor s�itable statemen�s o�f terminatian o� any
<br /> financing sta��ment an ffe e�idencing Lender's secur��y �nterest in th� Rents and �he Per�nai Pr�pert�o. Any
<br /> reoon�eyance fee required lay!aw shall be paid by Trustat-,�f permi�t�d by applicable Iaw.
<br /> EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Ea�h o�the #allawing, at Lend�r's optian, shall ��nstitute an Event of Defa�aft und�r this ❑e�d
<br /> ot Trus#:
<br /> Payment Defau�t. Trustvr fails�v make any p�yment w��n due under the lndebtedness.
<br /> f3ther �efaults. Trustar fai�s t� camply wi�h ar tv p�rfvrm any vther term, abligation, ov�enant ❑r canditian
<br /> confiained in�his Deed �f Trust or in any o�the Re�a�ed Do�uments or tv �amply with ar tn per�arm any�erm:
<br /> obligation,co�enant�r conditiorr�anfained in any other agreemen�be�hnreen Lender ar�d Trustar.
<br /> �omplian�e Default. Failure to comply with any oth�r term, ab�igation, cvWenant ar cvnditian contained in th�s
<br /> Deed�f Trust,the lVote ar in any af the F�elated Documents.
<br /> De�au��on[7ther Payments. Failure vf Trustar within th�time required by this aeed af Trust�� make any paymen�
<br /> fvr taxes vr insurance, or any other payrnent ne�essary�o pre�enf�iling of or to ef�ect dis�harge of any Ifen.
<br /> ❑e�ault in Favar af Third F'arties. Should �rantar de#ault under any Ivan, extension o€credit, securi�y a�reemen�,
<br /> purchase vr sales agr�emen�, or any ather agreem�nt, in�a��r of any ather creditor ar person tha�may mater�a�ly
<br /> affect any o� �ran�or's praperty ar �rantor's ability t❑ repay the indebtedness or Grantor°s ability to perForm
<br /> Grantor's ob�igatians under this Deed of Yrust vr any a�the Reiated❑vcu�n�nts.
<br /> False Statements. Any warranty, represen�a�ion or staternent made c�r furnished �� Lender by Trusfor or �n
<br /> T�ustor's behal�under�his Deed of Trust or�he�elated�ocuments is false or misleading �n ar�y materia� respec�,
<br /> either now or at the time made ar�urnished or becvmes false�r rr�isleading a�t�ny�ime therea�er.
<br /> �e�Fec�i�e �olla�eralrzati�n. This Deed of Trust vr any of the Rela�ed DvGuments ceases �o be in �ull �arce and
<br /> effect �inc[uding failure of any collateral documen�to crea�e a valid and perfected security interest or lien}at any
<br /> tirne and for any reason.
<br /> D�ath �r Ir�solvencye The dissafutian o� Trus�or's �regardless ❑� whether eiection to con�inue is made�, any
<br /> member withdraws �rnm the 1imi�ed liab�l��y ��mpany, or any other�e�mina�ion of�'rustor's existence as a gning
<br /> business or th� death vf any member, th� 6nsolvency �f Trustor, the appaintmen� af a receiver for any par� ot
<br /> Trustor's prvper�y, any assfgnment for the ��nefi� vf cr�ditars, any type of credi�vr rrvorkvut, or �he
<br /> cvmmencement a�any proceeding under any bankrup��y or insol�ency Caws by or again�t Trus�or.
<br />