<br /> DEED �F T�UST
<br /> �Continu�d� Page �
<br /> Duty �o Main�ain. Trustor shall main�ain the Proper�}r in �enantable condition and promp�ly perfarm all repairs,
<br /> replacemenfs,and maintenance necessary t❑ preserve i�s�alu�.
<br /> Gomp[�ance Vlf'rth En►rirvnmenta� Laws. Trustor represents and vvarran�s to �ender thaf: �'I� During�h�perind�f
<br /> Trustvr's vwnership v�the ProQer�y,there has been na use,�eneration, rnanufac�ure,s�orage,treatment,�ispasal,
<br /> release or�hrea�ened release of any Fia�ardous �ubstan�e by any person vn, under, abou# or firarn the Prvperty;
<br /> ��} Trust�r has nv knowledge��, ar reasan ta belie�e$hat there has been, except as pre�iously disc�osed�� and
<br /> ackn�w�edged by Lender in wri�ing, (a} any breach or �iv�ativn af any �n�iranmen�al Laws, tb} any us�,
<br /> genera�ion, rnanufacture, storage, �reatment, disp�sal, re[ease o�-threatened releas�o�any Hazardous Subs�ance
<br /> on, under, abvut or fram the Prope�y �y �r�y pri�r �wn�rs vr o�cupants of the Prvperty, or �c} any acfiva� o�
<br /> �hreatened litigatifln ❑r ciairns af any kind by any persan rela�ing t❑ such rnat�ers; and {3} Except as pre�iously
<br /> disclosed to and ackngw�edged by Lender in writing, �a� nei�her TruStor nor any tenan�,c�ntractar,agent ar other
<br /> authorized user vf the Property shall use,generat�, manufacture,stare,�rea�,dispose af ar release any Hazardaus
<br /> Substance on, unde�, about or from the Praperty;and �b} any suGh ac�i���ty shall be conducted in cvmpliance with
<br /> all applicable federal, sfate, and Ivcal laws, regulations and ordinances, includ�ng wi�hout [imitation all
<br /> Environmen�a[ Laws. Trus�or authari�es Lender and i�s agents �a enter up�n #he Proper�y ta make sueh
<br /> inspec�ivns and tests, a� Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appr�pria�e ta de��rmine compliance of the
<br /> Propet�y wi�h this sec�ion af�he Deed o�Trust. Any inspectians or tes�s made by Lender sha�� be for Lender's
<br /> purposes anly and shal] not be construed t❑create any respansibility ar liab�[ity❑n tha par�o�Lender to Trustar or
<br /> to any other person. The representations and warranties con#ained her�in�re�ased nn Trustor's due diiigence in
<br /> in�es�igating the Praperty for Hazardous Su�as�ances. Trustor hereby �`1} releases and waives any fu�ure�laims
<br /> agains� Lend�r for indemnity Qr canfiributivn in the e�en�Trustor becvmes liable for cleanup o�ather cas�s under
<br /> any such laws; and ��] agr�es to indemnify,defend,and h�[d harm[ess Lender agains�any and a[I claims, lasses,
<br /> [iabilities,damages, penalties,and expenses which Lender may directly or indirect(y sustain�r suffer resufting�ram
<br /> a hreach af this section vf�he Deed of Trus�ar as a cansequence of any use, generati�n, manufiacture, storage,
<br /> dispvsal,release ar threatened release occurring privr to Trustor's ownership vr�nterest in the Property,whether or
<br /> not the same was ar shauld ha�e been known tfl Trustvr. Th� provisions of�his sectron ❑f the De�d af Trus�,
<br /> including the abligatian tv indemnify and d�fend,shafl sur�i�e the paymen�of the Indebtedness and�he satisfaction
<br /> and recon�eyance of the lien of th is Deed of Trust and shali not be affected by L�nder's acqu isi��an af any i nter�st
<br /> in the Propert�,whether by farec[asure or atherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trus�ar shall not caus�, conduct or permit any nu�sance nor �omrnit, perrnit, ar su�Fer any
<br /> stripping vf or waste �n or to the Prqperty or any pvrtion of�he Proper-ty. Wi�hout lirni�ing �he generali�y o�the
<br /> fvregoing, Trus�or wi�l nat remo�e, ❑r gran�to any oth�r pa�ty the right�o remo�e, any��mber, minerals�including
<br /> vil and gas},�aal,c[ay,s�vria,5D1�,gravel or rqck produ�ts wi�hout Lender's priar wr�tten consen�.
<br /> Rem�va!�f[mprvvements. Trustor sha[l nv�demofish❑r rema�e any Impr��ements frvrr�the F�eal 1'raperty wi�hout
<br /> Lender'S pri�r written consen�. As a Gondition tn the remfl�a�af any Impr��emen�s,Lender may require Trusto�-tv
<br /> make arrang�rnents sa�isfactary to �ender �a repface such impr�vemen�s with Improvements vf at least �qua�
<br /> �a[ue.
<br /> Lender's Right ta Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and �epresentatives may en��r upan the Rea� Proper�y at ail
<br /> reasvnable �imes to attend �o Lender's in�erests and ta inspect �he Real Property for purpas�s oi �ru5tar'S
<br /> comp[iance with the terms and cvnditions�f this Deed a�Trust.
<br /> Campliance w�th Go�err�mental Requ�rements. Trust�r sha�i promptly comply with alf laws, ardinances, and
<br /> regulatians, naw �r herea�ter in effec�, vf all go�ernmenta[ authorities applicak�le �a the use or occupan�y of�he
<br /> Property, including without��mitation,�he Ameri�ans Vllith Disabili�ies Act. Trustor may cantest in good faith any
<br /> such law, ardinance, or regulation and withhald cvmplian�e during any p�oceeding, including appr�priate appeal�,
<br /> sv long as Trusta�has notified Lend�r in wri�ing priar ta dving s❑and sv[ong as, in Lenders so�e apini�n,Lender's
<br /> interests in the P�vperty a�e not jeopardized. Lender may require Trustor�o pns� adequate securi�y ar a surety
<br /> bvnd,reasvnably satisfactory ta Lender,to protect Lender's interest.
<br /> i3uty ta Prvfe�t. Trus�or agrees nei�her�� abandan or [ea�e unattended fihe Prvperty. Trustor shall do af� ather
<br /> acts, in addi�ion tv thvs�ac�s sei�fi�rfh aba�e in this sectian,which frvm the Gharacter and use of the Property are
<br /> reasanab�y necessary to prvte�t and preserve�he Pr�perty.
<br /> Cons#ruc�Eon Laan. ff same or all of�he prviceeds af�he�oan creating the Indebtedness are ta be used ta construct
<br /> or cample�e c�nstruc�ion�f any�mpraWements on the P�ape�-ty,fih� Impro��ments shall be comp�eted na late�-#han
<br /> the rr�aturity dafie of the Na�e�ar such earEier dafie as Lender may reasvnably establish}and Trustar sh�ll pay in full
<br /> all costs and expenses in �onnection wi�h the wv�k. Lender will disburse foan proaeeds under such �erms and
<br /> cvnditians as L�nder may deerr�reasonabiy necessa�tv insure that the interest�reated by this Deed a�r Trust shali
<br /> have privrity o�er al�passib�e liens, includ�ng those vf materia�suppliers and vtirorkmen. Lender may require,among
<br /> ather �hings, that disbursement requests be supparted by recei��ed bil�s, expense a�fida��ts, wai�ers of liens,
<br /> construc�ivn pragress repvrts,and such othe�-d�cumentafion�s Lender may reasonably reques�.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS, The �ollowing provisions relating ta the taxes and I�ens an the Property ara part of this Deed ��f
<br /> l�rust:
<br /> Paymen#. Trustar sha[I pay when du��and in a�l e�en�s prior tv de[inquency}a�l taxes,�pecia�taxes, assessrnents,
<br /> ch�rges��r�c�uding water and sewer},�F�nes and imposit€ans le�ied against or on a�c�un�o�the Property, and shall
<br /> pay wh�n �ue all claims�or work done ❑n❑r fc�r servic�s rendered or material furnished�to the Prvperty. Trustor
<br /> sha�i main�ain�he P�vperty�ree ofi a[1 fiens having pr�vrity v�er�r equal ta the�n�eres���Lender und�r this�eed�f
<br /> Trus�, excep� �or '�he lien ��taxes and assessments nat due and except as v�he�rise provided in this Deed ❑�
<br /> Tru s�.
<br /> Right to Contes�. Trus��r may withhv[d paym�n�❑#any tax, assessmen�, or claim€n cannectivn wi�h a good faith
<br /> dispu�e o�rer�he❑bligativn fia pay, sa lang as Lender's interest in the Propet�y is no�jeopardized. 1�a lien arises or
<br /> is fil�d as a result of nonpayment, Trustor shall withfn �i�teen �'��} days a�ker th� ]ien arises or, i�a lien is�iled,
<br /> within ��fteen {�5} days after Trus�tar has notice nf�he fi�ing, secure the dis�harge of the lien, or i� requested by
<br /> Lender,depasi�w�th Lender cash�r a suffi�ient carpara��surety k�vnd vr other secu�'ity satis�actory t� Lende�in an
<br /> amvunt sufficient ta discharge the[ien pEus any costs and attorneys'fees, ❑r�ther charg�s that�ould accrue as a
<br /> resul�o#a fore�losure or sale under the Iien. 1n any cvntest, Trustar shall defend itself and Lender and shalf satisf�
<br /> any adverse judgment be��are enfar�emen�against the Property. Trust�r shal)name Lender as an add��ianal ob�igee
<br /> under any surety�ond furnished in th�contest praceedings_
<br /> Evidence o�Paymen�. Trustar shai[ upvn��rnand furnish to Lend�r�atisfactary e�idence Qf payment�f�he�axes
<br /> or assessments and shall authorize the apprvpriate gavernmental ofFicial to deliver to Lender af any time a wri��en
<br /> staternen��fi the#axes and assessmen�s against the P�operty.
<br /> IVotice �f Carast�-uc�ion. Trusto�-shal[ na��fy Lender at least fifte�n ��5}days befare any work is camm�nced, any
<br /> services are�urnished,or any rna#erials are supp�ied�o �he Prape�-ty, i�any mechanic's lien, materialmen's iien, or
<br /> �other lien could b�asserte� �n a�Gount o��he►lvork, �enrices, ❑r mafer�al5. Trustor wili upon request of Lender
<br /> furnish t� Lender advance assurances satisfactory tv Lender �ha� Trus�or can and �ifl pay the cos� �f such
<br /> irnpr�vemen�s.
<br /> ���pE�t`��Ai1�[A�E 1N5�]RAN�E. The fo�fow�ng pra�isians r�la�ing t� insuring the Prvperty are a part a�this �7eed ot
<br />