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��15�5345 <br /> 15. �orrower`s C�py.$orrower shall be given ane canformed c�py af the Note and of this�ecurity <br /> Instrument. <br /> 'f fi, Flazardaus5u�stances.Borr�w�r sha�i n�t caus�or permit the presenCe,use, d�sposal, storag�, �r release <br /> of any Hazardaus�ubstances on or ia the Pr�perty. Borrav�er sha1�nat da,nor a11�w anyone e�s�to da, <br /> anything affecting the Property that is in�i�lation of any Environme�.tal Law.The pr�ceding twa sent�nce� <br /> shall nat apply to��.e pre�ence,use,or storage on the Praperty of sma1l quantities af Hazardaus�ubsta.nces <br /> that are g�nerally recognized to b�a��ro�riate to n�trmat residential u��s at��ta main�tenanc�of the�'ropert}�. <br /> Borro�v�r sha��prornpt�y give Lender�vritten notiee of any�n�restigat�on,claimA demand, lawsu�t or oth�r <br /> a�tian by any go�ernmental ar r�gulatory agency ar pr�vate party invQl�ing the Property and any HazardQus <br /> Subs�ance or Envi.ronmenta.l Law Qf�vhich Borro�v�r has actual knovvledge.If$orrower learns,or is natified <br /> by any governmenta�or regulatory authority,that any removal or oth�r remed�ation c��'any Ha.zard�us <br /> Substances aff�cting the Praperty is necessar�,Bono�ver s�a��prom��iy tak�al1 necessary remedial actians <br /> �n accordance w��h En�ironmen�a.1 La�v. <br /> As used�n this para�raph 1�,"Hazardous��"are th�s�substancesdef�ed as toxic or ha�ardous <br /> substances�y Environmenta�Lavv and th�fol�avving substances:gasoline,keros�ne,o�her flammable ar toxic <br /> , petr�leum products,tox�c pes���ides and herb�cides,valatile sn�vent�,materials containing asbestQs�r <br /> - formaldehyde,and radioactive material�.A�used in this paragraph 16, "En�viranmental�avv"means federal <br /> laws and laws of th�jurisdicti�n where the Property is�ocatedthat relate to hea�th,saf�ty or env�ronmental <br /> pr�tection. <br /> N�n-Unifarm�a�enants.Barrav�er and Lender further co�enan�and a�ree a�foltows: <br /> 17. Assignmentaf R�nts.Borrower uncanditi�na��y ass�gn�a�nd transfers to Lender a11 the ren�s and revenues <br /> �f the�ro���.Bor�ou��r a��harizes�ender�r Lender's agents ta collect th��ren��and r����ues anc��nereby <br /> � di.�ects each��t�ant of�he Pr�perty to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents, Ha�ever,prior to Lender's <br /> natice t�Borraurer af F3orro�er's b�rea�h of any co�ena�t ar a�reement in the Security instrument,Borrawer <br /> stia��callect and r�ceive a11 ren�s and revenues af the Pr�perty as trustee for the benefit of Len�.er an�1 <br /> Borro�er,This assignment of rents cflnstitutes an ab�otute assignment a�.d nat an assignmen�for a�ditional <br /> security an�y. <br /> If Lender gives n�tice of brea�h to Borro�ver: �a}a11 rents received by Bortower shall b�held�y Borrower <br /> as�rust�e for�benef��af Lender�n�y,to be applied ta�he sums secured by the��curity In�trurn�nt; (b) <br /> Lenc�er s�all be enti��ed t�collect and re�ei�e all�f�he rents af the Prope�ty;anc�(�}each tenant of th� <br /> �Y Prop�rty sha�i pay ali rents due and unpaid�4 Lend�r or Lend�r's agent on Lender's�ritten demand to the <br /> tenant. <br /> Bonower has n�t executed any priar assignment of the rents and has not and wi11 not�erform an�aet that <br /> wau�d prevent Le�.der frorn exercis�ng its rights under this paragraph 1�'. <br /> Lender sh�1�n�t be required to enter upon,tak�cantrol of�r maintain the Property befare�r af�er giving <br /> natice of breach to Borrower. Hawe�er,Le�d�r ar a judiciat�y appo�nted recei�er ma�do s�at any time <br /> there is a breach.An�applicatian of rents shait not� or wa�ve any default or invalidate any�ther righ�or <br /> remedy of L�nder. This a��ignment of rents of the Fraperty shall�errninate when the d�bt secured by the <br /> Securi�r�ns�rument is paid in full. <br /> 18. Fore�iasureProcedure.If Lender requires imm�diat�paymex�#in fuli under paragraph 9, L�nd�r <br /> �e � may invoke th�pavver of sate and any ather remedies permitted by appli�able�a�vv.Lender sha��be <br /> , <br /> - entitied to c�llect all expenses�ncurred in.pursuing�he rem�dies under this paragr�ph 1$,includ�ng, <br /> = �� but nat�imited tv�r'�aSDaabl�at�DCneys'fees and cos�s of tit�e eviden�e. <br /> � � FHA Mahgage WITFf A11ERS-NE Revised 4196 <br /> VMP C� VMP4N�NE](13�).t�� <br /> V11olters K(uw�r Financiai 5er�ices Page 7 ofi 1 a <br /> q0334�7f�09�3 U233 G17 D71U <br /> � � <br />