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� Z�15�5331 <br /> Transfer af the Property vr a Bene�cial Ynterest�n Borrovver.�f al� or any part af�he Pr�pert��r any interes� <br /> �n it is s�1d or �ransferred �or if a beneficial �n�ere�t �n Barra�v'er is sold or transferred and Burro�er is na� a <br /> natu�ai person� w�thout Lender's pr�or�ritten cons�nt, Lender rnay, a� its �pt��n, r��uire immed�a�e paym�nt in <br /> fu�l af al� sums secured by th�s S�curity �ns�ument. Howe�er, this ap�ian shall not be exerc�sed by Lender xf <br /> exer�i�e is proh�bited by federal law as flf the da�e af this Security�ns�rument. <br /> If Lender exer�ises this option, Lender sha11 gi�e �orrower n�t�ce of acc�lera�ion. The notice sha1l pr��ide a <br /> period of nat l�ss than�he minimum number �f days es�abl�shed by App��cab�e Lavv fr�m �he date �he noti�e is <br /> de���ered �r mailed within which Borrower must pay ail sums secured by�his Se�uri�y Instrumen�. if Bvrrower <br /> fails to pay these sums prior t�the expira��an �f�his �eri�d, Lender may in�oke any remedies perm.��ted b�this <br /> Security�z�s�rument tivithout further natice�r deman�.on Borro�er. <br /> Borr�wer�s Ri ht �a RQin�tate. �f Borrow�r me�ts certa�n G�nditi�ns, Borr�wer �hal� ha�e the right �� ha�re <br /> g <br /> enfarc�men�.of�h�s Secur�ty Tnsixument d�scantinued a�any time priar�o the ear�ier�of �a� S days(or such other <br /> period as App�icable La�r ma�sp���fy f�r reinstatemen��before sale of�he Property�ursuant�o any p�wer af sale <br /> conta�ned in �his Security �nstrumen�; or (b� entry of a �udgment enfor�ing this Se�urity �nst�ument. Th�se <br /> conditions ar�that B�rrov�e�: (a} pays Lender al1 sums which �hen would be due under this Securi� Instrumen� <br /> and the Contra�t as�f na acceleratian had accurred;(b}cures any defaul�of any other��venants�r a�r�ements;(G� . <br /> pays ail e�penses incurred in enforcil�g this Securi��Instrument,�n�lud�ng,but nv�li_m�ted to,reasonable attorr�eys' <br /> fees�o�he extent permitted by Iaw; and�d��akes su�h acti�n as Lender may reasona��y require to assure�hat�he <br /> lien of�his Securi�y�xastrument, Lender's righ�ts in the Pr�per�y and B�rrower's abl�ga�ion�a pay the sum�secured <br /> by��is SeCur�ty Ins�rument sha�l �ontinue unchang��. Upan re�ns�a�emen�by B�rrov�r�r, �his Security Ins�.rument <br /> and the �b�igations secured herehy shal�rexnain fu�ly�ffe��i�e as acc�lera�ion had oc�urred. Hovr�ever,this <br /> righ�t�re�nstate sha�l no�apply in�he case�f ac�el�ration under�he�s�cti�n����ed Transf�r of th��'roperty or a <br /> �enef��iai I�ter�s�in B�rrawer. . . . <br /> Hazardous�ub��ances.Bor�rawer sha�l nat cause�r permit 1:he presence,use,disp�sa�,stflrage,or re�ea�e of any <br /> Hazarda�s Substances�n or in the Pr�perty.Barro��er shal�not do,n�r a�lo�v anyane else�o do,an��thing aff�cting <br /> �he Proper�that is �n v��lat�on of any En�ironmenta� Law. The precedinb�o sen�ences sha1l not appXy to the <br /> presence,use,❑r st�rage on�he Propert�r af smal�quantities of Hazardou�Subs�ances that are generally recogn�zed <br /> �o be appr�pr�ate to n�rmal resident�al uses and ta rna�ntenan�e�f the Prape�y. <br /> Borrower shall promp�ly�ive Lender�rritten no�ice flf any�nvesti�ation,c�aim,demand,lawsui�or�ther action by <br /> any g��ernmen�a� �r regulatory agency or pri�ate pa�-ty in�ol�ing the Property and any Hazardous Substan�e ar <br /> En�ironmental Lavv of which Bo��rovver has ac�ual kn�w�edge. If Borrawer Iearns, ar is n�t�fied by any <br /> go�ernmental ar regula�ory authority,�hat any removal or��her rem�diatiion of any Ha2ardous Substance affecting <br /> �he Proper�y is necessary, Borrower shail pr�mpt�y take all necessary remedial acti�ns 117 accordan�e vvi�h <br /> Environmentai Law. �� <br /> As used in this paragra�h, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�h�se substances defined as tflxic or hazardaus subs�ances <br /> by EnWironmenta� �avrr and the foliflvv�ng substances: gasoline, ker�sene, o�her flammable or t���c petroleum <br /> products, taxic pesticides and herb�c�des, ��latile so��ents, ma�er�als c�nta�ning a�bes�os o�r formaldehyde, and <br /> rad�oact�ve rnaterials.As used in�hxs paragraph, "En�i�onmenta�Lav�"mea�s federal Iaws and�av�s af�he state�f <br /> N�brasl�a that re�ate to heal�h,safety or en��r�nmenta�px�tec��on. <br /> A�celerati�n; Remedies. Lender shall give nati�e fo �3arrower prior ta acce�eration fnl�ow�ng Barro�ver's <br /> breach�f�ny co�enaat ar agreement in thi�Securi�y In��rument ar th�Contrac�under which acceleration <br /> is perm�tted�but nat prior�u accelera�ion und��-the section tit�ed Transfer of the Praperty or a Bene�c�ai <br /> �nteres� �n Borr�v�er, unl�ss Appl�cab�e Law pro�ides�therw�se�. The notice shall specify: �a� �he default; <br /> ��) the actior� required to �ure the defaul�; �c� a date, nat �ess than the minimum num�er of days <br /> estab�isl�ed by A�plicable Law from the da�e the notice is g��en��Borr�wer, by whi�h the defaul�must he <br /> cured; �nd [d} that failure tn cure the default �n vr b�fvre tl�e date �pecified in th� n�t�ce may result �n <br /> a�Gelera�ion nf �he sums secur�d hy this Securi�y Ins�rument and sale of th� Pr�perty. To the ex�ent <br /> perm�tt�d hy law,the no�i��shal�fur�her infarm I3orrawer of the right to reinsta�e af�er ac�elera�i�n and <br /> #he right to bring a court action to a�sert�he n�n-exi�tence of a defaul�ar any o�her defens�of Bvrrav�er to <br /> a�Ce�erat�on and sale. If the default is nat cured on ar befare�he date spec�fied in�he notice,Lend�r at itis <br /> op�ivn may require imm�d�at� payment i�a fu�l of at� �um� secured by this S�curity Instrumen� without <br /> further d�mand and m�ay in�oke the paw�r of�ale and any other rem.edies perrr�i�ted hy Applicable Law. <br /> Ta the ex�ent permitted ]by ia�v, Lender shal� �e en��tled to cn�lect ali expenses �ncurr�d �n pursuing th� <br /> remedi�s pra�i�led in this�ect�on,in�luding, h�t not�imi�ed to, r�a�onabie at�vrney5' f�e�and casts af��tle <br /> evidenc�. <br /> If the�aw�r of sale is in�oked,Tru��e�shal� re�ord a notice af defaul�in each coun�y in wh�ch any p�rt of <br /> �he Praperty is located and shall ma��copies of�uch no�i�e in th�man�er prescribed by App�icabl�L�w ta <br /> B�rrower and to �he o#her p�rsons pres�ribed �y Appli�abie Law. Aft�r the t�me required by Appi�cab�e <br /> Law� Trustee shall gi�e public nntice af sale t� the person� and in the manner prescribed by App�icab�e <br /> Law. Tru�tee,without demand on Barr�wer,sha��sei�the Property at pubxic auc�ion tv the highes�bidder <br /> at th��im�and place and under the�erms d�signated in the nutice flf sale in vne flr mvre par��is and in any <br /> order Trust�e de�ermines. Trus�ee may postpone sale of a�l or an� parcel �f �h� Property hy pubiic <br /> announc��nent a�the�ime ay�d place of an�pre�riously schedu�ed��le.Lender or its designee may purchas� <br /> the Proper�y at any sa�Q. <br /> i�pvn re�eip��f payment of the price b�d, Truste� shall de�i�er t�th� purchaser Trus�ee's �eed conveying <br /> the Pr�perty.The recital��n the Trustee's cleed shall be prirna facie e�idence of th�tru�h of the�t��err�ents <br /> �2QQ4-2�1�Carnpliance SysFems,Inc.FDdd-A927-2013L2.1�.1.895 <br /> Consurr�er R�al Estate-Se�urity Instnernent llL2a36 4 af 5 www.compliancesystems.cnFn <br />