Z�15�531� i
<br /> DEED �F TF�UST
<br /> ��ontinuedy Pa�� 5
<br /> either nvw❑r at the time made or furnished or becames false❑r misleading at any time thereafter,
<br /> De�ecti�e Colla#eraltzation. This Deed of Trust or any af the Re�ated Documents �eases t� be in full farce and
<br /> etfect �including fai�ure ofi any cvllatera� dacumant tv create a �alid and perfected se�urity interest ar iien� at any
<br /> tFrne and fflr any r�ason. � �
<br /> Insal�ancy. The dissalutian ❑r term�nation of Trustor's existence as a going business� the inso��ency o#Trustar,
<br /> th� appointment�f a receivar far any part�f Trust�r's property, any assignment for#he henefi#of creditors, any
<br /> type vf cr�ditar workout,or ths commencsment af any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insol�ency laws by vr
<br /> against Trustvr, .
<br /> Creditor �r Forfei#ure Pro�eedings. CvmmenGement a#foreclosure or #orfeiture prviceedings, whether by judi�ial
<br /> prviceeding,self-help, repossession vr any other method, by any'creditnr�f Trustor or�y any go�ernmental�gen�y
<br /> against any property securing the Indebtedness. This includes a garnishment at any �# Trustor's accounts,
<br /> �nCluding deposit accounts, with Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent o# Default shall not app�y if there is a gflod faith
<br /> dispute by Trustor as to the�a�idity ar reasonab�eness af the claim which is the basis o�the cr�ditor ar for#eiture
<br /> proceeding and if Trustor gi�es Lender written nvtice of the creditor ar forfieiture proc�eding and depasits w�#h �
<br /> Lender monies or a surety t�ond far th��redEtor ar#arfeiture pr��eeding, in an amvun�dsiermined by Lendsr, in its
<br /> sole discretion, as being an adequate reser�e ar bond t�r the dispute.
<br /> Breach of�ther Agreemen#. Any breach by Trustor under the�erms of any�ther agraement between Trus#or and
<br /> Lender that is not remediad within any grace period pro�id�d therein, inc�uding w�thaut �imitatian any agreement
<br /> cancerning any indebtedness vr other obli�ation of Trustor tv Le�der, whether exist;ng naw or�ater. '
<br /> Events Affec#ing Guar�nto�. Any of the pre�eding e�ents occu�s with respect ta any guarantor. endvrser� surety.
<br /> or ac�ammvdation party o�any of the Indebtedness �r any gu�rantor, endo�ser, surety. or accomm�dation party
<br /> dies or becomes tncompetent, or re�okes or disputes the validity ❑�, ar I�ability under, any Guaranty at the
<br /> Indebt�dness. '
<br /> .'
<br /> Ad�erss Ghange. A materiat ad�erse change occurs in Trustar's financial candition, or Lender belie�es the
<br /> prospect of payment or perforrnanCe of the lndebtedness is impaired.
<br /> Insecurity, Lender in gaad fai�h belie�es itseff insecure.
<br /> ,
<br /> Right tv Cure. If any default,❑ther than a default in payment, is curable and if Trustor has nvt heen gi�en a noti�e
<br /> of a breach of the same prv�isivn of this�eed vf Trust within the p�ec�ding twelve{12y manths, it may be cu�'ed if
<br /> Trus�or, after Lender sends written notice ta Trustor dernanding cure of su�h default: �1} cures the de#ault within
<br /> twenty {�4} days; or �2y if the cure requires more than twenty {2�y days. immediately initiatas steps wh�ch
<br /> Lender desms in Lender's so�e dis�retivn to be sufficient to cure #he default and thereaf#er �antinues and
<br /> completes a�l reasonabie and necessary steas suificient to produce compliance as soon as reasonab�y prac#ical.
<br /> RI�HTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAULT, tf an E�ent❑f Daf�ult ac�urs under thia ❑ead of Trust� at any time thergaf�er,
<br /> Trustee�r Lender may exerciss any one vr more af the fvllawing rights and remedies: ,
<br /> Acceleration Upvn Default;Addrtional Ramedies. ��any E�►ent of Defauit occurs as per the terms of#he Nvte
<br /> secured hereby, Lender rnay de�lare�Il lndebtedness se�ured by this Deed af Trust tu be due and pay�ble and �
<br /> the same shall thereupon becoma due and payable withvut any presen#men#;demand, protest or natiGe of any
<br /> kind. Thereaiter. L�nder may: �
<br /> {a] Eithsr in person vr hy agent, with or withvut br�nging any action or pro�eeding, ar by a recei�er
<br /> appvint�d by a court and w�thout regard ta the adequa�y n#its se�urity, enter upon and take possessinn
<br /> �f the Praperty,or any part the�evf� in its own narne or in the name�f Trustee, and�o any acts wh�ch it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable to preser�e the�alue, marketability ar rentability af the Praparty,vr part�#
<br /> the Prvperty or interest in the Property; Encrease the income#rom the Property or pratect the security vf
<br /> the Prvperry; and, with or without taking possession.of the Property. sue far �r otherwise cv�lect the
<br /> rents, issues and prafits of the Rrope�ty� including th�s�past dua and unpaid. and apply the same, less
<br /> costs and axpenses vf aperation and caiEeGtian attnrneys`fe�s,to any indebtedness secured b�this Deed
<br /> af Trust. a!� in such order as Lender may determsne. The �ntaring upvn and t�king pvssess�an of the
<br /> Property. the cvlle�tivn of such rents� �ssues �nd prvfits, and the applicat�on thereo# ahall not cure �r
<br /> wai�e any default or nvti�e af defaul#under this Deed of Trust ar invalid�te any act d�na rn raspvnse t�
<br /> su�h default or pursuant#�such natice❑f default; and, notwithstanding the continu�nce in possessian af
<br /> the Praperty or the collection, receipt and applicatian vf rents, issues or prafits, Trustee or Lender shai�
<br /> be entitied to exsrcise e�ery ri�ht pra�ided for in the Not�or the Rela#ed �ocuments or by law upon the
<br /> ❑ccurrence�f any e�ent vf default, including the right tv Qxercise the pvwer of saie; ,
<br /> �bI Commence an action t❑foreclose this Deed a�Trust as a mortg�ge, appoEnt a recei►►er or specifically
<br /> enforce any of the ca�enants herevf; and
<br /> tcf Deli�er to Trustee a written declaration of default and demand�or sale and a written notice of default
<br /> and election tv cause Trus#or's interest in the Praperty tv be so�d.which notice Trustee shsll cause#o h�
<br /> dufy fiied far re�ord in the apprflpriate offices a#the �ounty in which the Property is located;and
<br /> {dy WE#h respe�t to all ar any part of#he Persvnai Praperty, Lender shalf ha��all the rights and remedies
<br /> a#a s�cur�d party under the Nahraska Unifvrm CommercEal Cade.
<br /> Fvre�lvsure by Power vf Sele. !f Lender elects to fivreclose by exercise o�the Power af 5ale herein contained,
<br /> Lender shall natify Trustee and shall depasit w�th Trus#ee�his ❑�ed af Trust and the Nvte and such receipts
<br /> and e�i�ence of expenditur�s made and secured by this❑esd of Trust es Trust�e may require. �
<br /> �a� Upon receip#of such nvtice�rom Lender, Trustae shall causg ta he recordgd, pubtished and delivered
<br /> to Trustar such Nvtice�f❑efault and Noti�e af 5ale as then r�quired by law and by this Deed of Trust. I
<br /> Trustee shall, with�ut demand on Trustvr, after such time as ma� #h�n �e requir�d by law and after
<br /> recordatian vf suGh Nvti�e nf❑efauit and a#ter Natice;vf Sale ha�ing been gi�en ss required by law. s�fl
<br /> the Prvperty at the time and p�a�e vf sale fixed by it in such Notice a� 5ale, e�ther as a whofe. or in
<br /> separate�ots vr parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, �nd in such order as it may determine.
<br /> at public auction t� the highest hidder for cash in lawful money of the United Stetes paya�le at the time �
<br /> of sale. Trustes shall deli�er tv su�h pur�haser ar pur�hasers thereof its good and sufficisnt dged or
<br /> deeds con�eying the property sv sold, but without any cvvenant vr warranty, express or implied, The
<br /> recitals in such deed a�any matt�fs ar facts shall be conclusi�e proort o#the truthfulness thereo#. Any �
<br /> pe�san.including without limit�tion Trustar.Trustee,a�Lender, may purchase at such saie.
<br /> ,
<br /> {b� As may he permitted by law� a�ter deducting al� cvsts. fees and expansss of Trustee and vf this �
<br /> Trust, including�o9ts of��iden�e af title in connectton with sale,Trustee shali apply the proceeds of sele
<br /> to payment a� �if all sums sxpsnded under the terms di this Deed o#Trust or under th�terms of#he Note
<br /> n�t then repaid, including but n�t iimtted t� accrued interest and late charges, tiiy a�l other sums then
<br /> se�ured hereby, �nd �iiif the remainder, if any,ta the persnn or persons legally enti#ted thereto.
<br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by!�w pvstpone sale a#a�!ar any porti�n❑f tha Praperty.
<br /> �temedies Not Exciusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each of�them, shail be entitled to enfores payment and
<br /> t
<br />