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_ � rn <br /> � rn � � � <br /> � rn� � � � <br /> v � �� � Cn �rn R] rn <br /> cn � �a Grn3 � C� Q � � <br /> � - �� Q C �� Cr CDn <br /> � � �� � � �rn Q � <br /> � � 'C3� � � �� � CI] <br /> � rn� rn �� � � <br /> � rn� � � �� � � <br /> - ° � � <br /> � �� � r� <br /> , r�� �.�. rn <br /> � o rn � � Z <br /> �� � � � <br /> � � <br /> I <br /> WHEN RE��R�ED MQ�L T�: , <br /> Ex�hange Bank <br /> Gl-Allen Dri�e Branch <br /> 1 Z44 A�ten Dr <br /> P�Bax 57�3 <br /> Grand Is�and.NE 688�� FOR REC4RDER`S U5E�NLY <br /> � �,,„_�,�..�...��_�.,�„�_�,,,�...��„�.,.,�,.,,,�,,, �,,,.,��_,_��.�,.���.��,��.� „_,.�.��.�.,,,��_���,�,.��..,.��.�_���,�,.� ���.._�.,.� <br /> C�NSTRU�T#�N DEED �F TRUST <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST IS A �DNSTRUCT��N SE�URITY AGREEMENT <br /> �IIIITHlN THE MEANING �F THE NEBRASICA G�NSTRU�TI�N LiEiV ACT <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST is dated August 4, ��15, among RH�QDS ENTERPR�SES INC, A <br /> Nebraska �vrpor�t�on �"Trustar"�; Exchange Bank. whos� address �s Gi - Atlen Drive Bran�h, <br /> '!2�4 Al�en Dr, P� Box 5793. Crand Island. NE �88�2 [rsferred ta hslow svm�times as <br /> "Lend�r" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"}; and Exchange Bank , whase address is P� Box ' <br /> 5793. Grand �sland. NE C�BD� {referred to below as "Trustee"�. <br /> CaNVEYANCE AIVD GRANT. For�aluab���onsidera#ion. Trustar can�eys to Trustee in trust,WITH PaWER�F SALE. <br /> for the bene�t of Lender as Seneficiary, ail of Trus�tor's rtght, titis, and interest in and �o Che follvwing described real <br /> property, together with all existing or subsequ�ntly erec#ed vr affixsd buiidings, imprv�ements and ��xtures; at� � <br /> easements. rights of way, and appurienances; ail water, water rights and ditch rights �in�luding stock in utili#�es wi#h <br /> ditch of irrigation �tghts�; and all other rights, rayaltias, and prafits relatin to the real prvpert�r� including withvut <br /> limitation ai� minerals, ❑il, gas� geathermai and similar rnatters, �the "Rea� �roperty"} IQC�t�d in Hall Coun , <br /> tY <br /> State af Nebraska: <br /> Lats Sixteen �'I 6� and Se�enteen �17� in 5anta Qnita Estates Subdi►►isi�n in the �ity of <br /> Grand Is�and. Hal1 �vunty, Nebraska . . <br /> The Rea� Property ar its address is cvmmonly knawn as 7 927 Santa Anita Dri�e and 1933 ' <br /> Santa Anita Dri��, Gr�nd �siand, NE 688�3. <br /> CR�SS-C�LLATERALlZATI�N. In addition to the Note, this Deed of Trust secures ail o#�ligations, debts and liabilities� <br /> plus interest therean� ❑f Trustar to Lender. or any ane or m�rs vf them� as well as alI claims by Lender against Trustor <br /> or any one ar mvre of them, whether now exis#ing or her$after arising, whether related or unrelated t❑ the purpose vf <br /> xhe Note, wheth�r �oluntary nr ntherwise, wheth�r due vr no� due, direct or indirect, determined ar undetermined, <br /> absvlute Qr contingent. liquidated or unliquidated. whether Trustor may be iia�le indi�idually or jointly with others. <br /> whethe�obligated as guarentar, surety, accammoda�ion party�r v#herwise. and whether recv�ery upvn such amounts <br /> may be or hereafter may become barred by eny statute o��imitations,and whether the ab��gation to rep�y such smounts ' <br /> may be ar hereafter may becoma atherwise unenforceable. <br /> FUTU�E ADVANCES. In additian to the Note.#his Dsed o�Trust secures a#i future advances m�de by Lend�r t❑Trustvr ` <br /> wh�ther or nat the advances are madg pursuant to a �omrnitment. Specifically, without lim�tation, this Deed o�Trust <br /> secures, in addit�on to the amaunts specified in the Note� ali future amounts Lender in its discretivn may ��an to <br /> Trustvr.togethet with all interest the�eon. <br /> Trustvr presently assigns to Lender talsv knawn as Beneficiary in this Deed ❑f Trust� al� af Trustor's righ#, ti#le, and <br /> interest in and �a a�l prssent and future �eases af the Prvperty and atf Rents from the Prop�rty. !n addition, Trustor <br /> grants ta Lander a lJniform C�mmercial Cade security interest in the Persana�Prvperty and Rents. <br /> . <br /> TH[S DEED�F TRUST,INCLUDING THE ASSI�NIVIElVT�F RENTS AND THE SE�UR�TV�NTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSQNAL PR�PERTY, 15 GIVEN Ta SE�URE �Aj PAYMENT DF THE IAIDEBTEDNESS AND �By PERFQRMANCE aF <br /> ANY AND ALL UgLE�iATiQNS UNDER THE NQTE, THE FiELATED CfDCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED �F TRUST. THiS <br /> DEED �F TRUST, INCLU�tN� THE ASSICNNlENT DF RENTS AND THE SE�UR�TY INTEREST tN THE �ENTS AND <br /> PERSONAL PRDPERTY. 15 ALS� QIVEN TQ SECURE ANY AlVD ALL OF TRUST�R'S n6LI�ATI�NS UNQER THAT <br /> CERTAIN C�NSTRUCTIaN L�AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN TRUST�R AN� LEN�ER DF EVEN DATE HEREWITH. ANY <br /> EVElI�T QF DEFI4ULT UNDER THE CQNSTRlJCT1�N L�AN AGREEMENT, �R ANY �F THE RELATED D�ClJMENTS <br /> REFERRED T� THE�tE�N, SHALL ALSQ BE AN EVENT �F DEFAULT UN�ER TH1S DEED �F TRUST. TH�S DEEa QF <br /> TRUST iS G1VEN AND AGCEPTED DN THE FQLLQWtNG TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�AMANCE. Except as othe+'wise pro�ided in �his Qeed vf Trust, Trustvr shall pay tn Lender all � <br /> amounts secured by this ❑eed of Trust as they hecorne dus, and shall strict#y and in a timely manner per#orm a�l of <br /> Trustar's obit�ations under the Note.this❑eed vf Trust, and the Related Documents. <br /> C�NSTRUCTIaN M�RTGAGE. This Desd af Trus# is a "cvnst�uctivn mortgage" for the purpvses of S�ctivns 9-334 <br /> and �A-3D9 of the Uniform Commercia�Code, as those sections ha�e been adapted by the Stat�❑f Nebraska. <br /> PD55ESS�aN AND MAINTENANGE ❑F THE PR�PERTY. Trustvr agrees that Trustar`s possession and use af #he <br /> Prvperty shall be gv�erned by the following pro�isivns: <br /> Possession and Use. Untit the occurrence of an E�ent of Default, Trustor rnay {1 j remain in possgssion and <br /> contral of the Property; t�} use,vperate ar rnanage the Property;and [3� collect thg Rents from the Praperty. <br /> Duty #a Maintain. Trustor sha�! maintain the Property in tenantable candition and prvmp�ly pert�rm all �epa�rs, � <br /> replac�ments,and ma+ntenanca ngcessary to preser�e its�alue. <br /> f <br />