<br /> 19, II�TSi1RANCE. Trustor shall keep Property insured against loss b� fire, flaod, theft and ather hazards at�d
<br /> risks reasonably assa�iated with the Property du� to it� type and 1�catian. This insuranc� shall b�maintained
<br /> in the amount� and f�r �he periads that Beneficiary require�. What Beneficiary require� pursuant to the
<br /> preceding two senten�es can change during the term of the 5ecured Debt. Th� insurance carrier prn�iding
<br /> the insurance �hail�e chasen by Tru�tor subjec�ta Beneficiary's appraval, which shall nat be unreasanably
<br /> withheld. If Trustor fails�o maintain the ca�erag�described aba�e, B�neficiary rnay, at Beneficiary's option,
<br /> obtain co�erage �o protect Beneficiary's rights in the Fr�perty ac��rding to the terms of this Security
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shali he acceptable ta Benefic�ary and shal� include a standard "mortgage
<br /> clause" and, where applicab�e, "loss payee c�au�e." Trustar shall immediately notify g�neficiary �f
<br /> cancellation or termination of the insuran�e. B�nefiCiary sha11 have the right ra ho�d the policies and
<br /> renewals. If Ben�ficiary requires, Trustar sha11 immediately giWe to Bene�c�ary a11 receipts af pa�d premiums
<br /> and ren�wal natices. Up�n lass, Trustor shall gi�e immediate notice t� the insuranCe carrier and Ben�ficiary.
<br /> Bencficiary may make proof of Iass if not made immediat�l�r by Tru�tor.
<br /> Unl��s o�herwise agreed in writing, atl insurance proceecis shal� be applied to the restoratifln or repair �f the
<br /> Property or to the Secur�d Debt, whether or n�t �hen due, at Ben�ficiary's �p�ian. Any appl�catian af
<br /> praceeds ta principal sha11 not extend or pflstpan� �he due dat� af the scheduled payment nor chang� the
<br /> amvunt of any payment. Any excess will �ae paid t� the �rau�tvr. If the Praperty is acquired by Benefi�iary,
<br /> Trustor's right ta any �n�urance policies and proceeds resulCing fram c�arnage to the Property before the
<br /> acqu�sition shall pass t�B�neficiary to the extent of the Se�ured I�ebt irnmediately before th�acquisitivn.
<br /> 2U. ESCRUW FQR TA�ES AND YNSURANCE. Unless otherwise pro�ided in a separate agreement, Trustar
<br /> will not be required ta pay ta Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in es�row.
<br /> �1. F�NAN�IAL REP�RTS AND ADDITI�NAL D�CUMENTS. Trustor will pro�ide ta Beneficiary upQn
<br /> request, any financial statement or infarmation Bene�ciary may deem reasonably n�cessary. Trustor agrees ta
<br /> sign, deli��r, and file any additiona� documents ar certifi�ati�ns tha� Beneficiary may consider necessary t�
<br /> perfect, �ontinue, and preserve �rantor's obligation� under this 5�curity Instrument and Ben��ciary's lien
<br /> staCus an Che Prop�rty.
<br /> dutzes under this Security Instrument are j�int and indi�idual. If Trustor signs Chis Security Instrument but
<br /> does not sign an evidence of debt, Trustar does so on�y to mortgage Trustar's interest in the Property to
<br /> secure payment of the 5ecured Debt and Trustar doe� nvt agree ta he personally Iiable vn the Secured Debt. If
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrument secur�s a guaranty between Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustar agree� ta wai�� any
<br /> rights that may prevent Ben�ficiary fram bringing any action or claim a�ainst Trust�r�r any party indebte�
<br /> under the obligation. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any anti-deficiency or one-action lavvs.
<br /> Tru�tar agrees that B�neficiary and any party to this Security InstrumenC may extend, rnodify �r mak� any
<br /> change in �he terms af this 5ecurity Instrument or any e�idence of debt v�ithout Trustvr's cons�nt. Such a
<br /> change wil� not releas� Trustar from the �erms of thi� �ecurity �nstrument. The duties and b�nefits af this
<br /> Security Ins�rument shal�bind and bene��t the suc�essors ana assigns at"i'rust�r ana Benericiary.
<br /> �3. APPLICASLE LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI��T. This Securi�y Instrument is governed by
<br /> the laws of th�jurisdicti�n in which Bene�ciary is located, except to the exten� otherwise re�uired by the
<br /> la�vs vf the �urisdicti�n where the praperty is located. This Se�urity �nstrument is complete and fixlly
<br /> int�grated. This 5ecurity Instrument may not be amended �r modified by �ra� agreernent. Any section in this
<br /> Security Instrum�nt, attachments, or any agreement related to#he 5ecured I3ebt that c�nflicts with ap�licable
<br /> lavv will not be effective, unles� that taw e�pressiy ar impliedly permits the �ariations by written agre�ment.
<br /> If any section �f �his 5ecurity Instrumen� cannot �e enforced accarding ta its t�rms, that sect�on will be
<br /> severed and vvill not affect the enforceabili�y of the remainder vf this Securit� Instrument. Whene�er used,
<br /> the 5ingular shall include the plural and the plural the singular. The captions and headings of�he s�ctions of
<br /> ..r.,,.,..:;.�w.w�r....,raer�G .„. .
<br /> this �ecurit Xnstrument are for cQn�enien�e�n1 �anc��are;not,t�• .;. ��e �v'��te ret or define the terms of�his
<br /> y y ►;�.. µp� � �
<br /> SecurYty Instrument. Time is af the essenc�:in this Secu�'i��=F��s��r�ent.� .
<br /> � � ' • . ... � .. .T
<br /> � ,� •.i
<br /> Z4. SLT��E55QR TRUSTEE. Bene�ci��'�] at�`�ene�'i�ia�`�]'�s"on��tion` matr fromJ tim� �a time remo�e Trustee and
<br /> "`J y `J !' y J
<br /> appoint a suc�essor trustee withau�any other formality than the designati�n in writin�. The succ�ssor trus�ee,
<br /> �vithaut con�eyanc�of the Property, �ha11 su��eed to all the title, pawer an�duti�s conferred upon Trustee by
<br /> this Securi�y Instrurnent and appli�able lav�.
<br /> 25. N�TICE. Unless atherwise required by law, any nfltice shall be gi�en by deli�ering it or by mailing it by
<br /> f�rst class mail �a the apprapriate party'� address on page 1 af �his 5e�urity Instrument, or �o any other
<br /> address designated ir� wri�ing. Nntic� to one trustor w�ll be deemed to b� natice ta aIl �rustor�. Trustar and
<br /> Ben�ficiary hereby request a copy of any notic� of d�fault, and a c�py of any notice of sale th�reunder, be
<br /> mailed ta each party at the address for su�h party s�t farth on page � of�his Securi�y Instrume��t.
<br /> 26. V�AIVERS. Ex�ep� to the e�t�nt prohibited by law, Trustor waives all appraisement and homestead
<br /> exemptian rights reiating to Ch�Pr�perty.
<br /> 5e�urity Instrument-�onsumer-NE R�-�T-NE 21�1�013
<br /> VMP�Ban�ers Systems� VMP-C165�N�y ��302f,DO
<br /> W�Iters Kiuw�r Financiai Ser�ic�s�1 9�4�2011 Page 5 of 6
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