<br /> 9. DiTE �1�1 �ALE �R EN�UMBRANCE. B�neficiary may, at its optian, declar� the ent�re ba.lan�e of the
<br /> Secured Debt to�e immediat�iy due and payable upon the�reatian af, transfer or sale af all ar-any part af the
<br /> Property. This right is subjec�to the res�rictions imp�sed by federa� la�v�IZ C.F.R. 591}, as applicab��. This
<br /> ca�enant shail run wi�h the Propert�r and sha11 remain in effect unti� the S�cured Deb� i�paid in full and this
<br /> Se�urity Instrument is released.
<br /> 1�. PR�PERTY C��DITI�I�, ALTERATI�NS AND�NSPE�TI�N. Trustar wi�1 k�ep the Pr�perty in goad
<br /> condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Trustor sha11 n�t commit or a11ow any waste,
<br /> impairment, ar deter�oration af the Property, Trustar wi11 keep the Praperty free of noxiaus weeds and
<br /> grasses. Trustar agr��s that the natur� of the occupancy and use wi�1 nQt substantially change without
<br /> Beneficiary's prior�vritt�n consent. Trustor wi�1 not permi�any change in any Iic�nse, restrictiWe co�enant or
<br /> easement withvut Beneficiary's prior written consent. Trustor will notif� Bene�ciary of a11 demands,
<br /> proceedings, claims, and actions against Trustor, and of any loss Qr damage to the Property.
<br /> B�neficiary or Benefi�iary's agents may, at Beneficiary's option, �nter the Praperty a�any reasanable time for
<br /> �he purpose of inspe�ting the Property. Seneficiary �ha11 gi�e Trus�or notic� at the tirne of or b�fore an
<br /> inspect�on spe�ifying a reasonable purpase for the inspection. Any inspecti�n of th�Property sha11 be entir�ly
<br /> for Beneficiar�'s benefit and Trustor will in no way rely on Beneficiary's inspe�tian.
<br /> 11. AUTH�RITY T� PERF�RM. If Trustor fail� to perform any duty flr any �f the ca�enants contained in
<br /> this Security Znstrument, Benefi�iary rnay, without n�tice, perfarm ar �ause th�m to be perf�rmed. Tru�tar
<br /> appaints Seneficiary as attorney in fact to sign Trustor'� name or pay any amount necessary for perfarmance.
<br /> B�neficiary's right to p�rfarm far Trustor sha11 not create an obligation to perfarm, and S�neficiary's failure
<br /> ta perf�rm will not pre�lud� Beneficiary from exercising any af Bene�iciary's other rights under the law ar
<br /> this Securi�y Instrument. If any �onstruction on the Property is discantinued ar not carried an in a reasonable
<br /> manner, Beneficiary ma� take a�l sCeps n��essary ro pratect Beneficiary's security interest in the Prvperty,
<br /> including comp�etion�f the constructian.
<br /> 12. ASSIGI�MENT�F LEASES AND RENTS. Trustor irre�acabiy ass�gns, gran�s and con�eys, to Trustee, in
<br /> trust for the benefit af Benefi�iary as additivna� secur�ty all the right, title and interest in the fvllawing (all
<br /> referred �v as Property�: exis�ing or future 1�ases, subleascs, lic�nses, guaranties and any other written ar
<br /> ��rbal agreements for th� use and oc�upan�y af th� Property, inciuding an� �xtensions, rene►wa1s,
<br /> modif�cations or replacements (a11 ref�rr�d to as Leases}; and rents, 155Li�S and profits (all ref�rred to as
<br /> Rents�, In the e�ent any item 1ist�d as Leases or Rents is determined to be persanal property, this �ssignmen�
<br /> will also be regarded as a security agreernen�. Trustor wi11 pramptly pro�ide Sene��iary with copies of the
<br /> Leas�s and wi11 certify these Lease� axe true and �arrect copies. The existing L�ases will be prv�ided �n
<br /> executian of the Assignmen�, and a�� future Leases and any ather infarmation with r�spe��t�th�se Leases wi11
<br /> be pra�ided immediately after they are executed. Trustar may �aliect, receive, enjoy and use the Rents sv
<br /> lang as Trust�r is not in d�fau�t.
<br /> Up�n default, Trust�r vvi11 r�ceiWe any Rents in �rust for Beneficiary and wi11 n�t comming�e the Rents with
<br /> any oth�r funds. Trustar agr�es that this Security Instrument is immediat��y effe�tive bet�v�en Trustor and
<br /> Ben�ficiary and effective as to third par�ies on th� recording of thi5 Assignment. As �ong as this Assignment
<br /> is in effect, Trustar warrants and represents�hat no d�fault exists und�r the Leases, and the parties subject to
<br /> the Leases ha�e not�ialated any applicable law on leases, lt�enses anci 1andlords and tenants.
<br /> 13. LEAS�H�LDS; C�ND�MII�IIUMS; PLA�FNED Ul�TIT DEVEL(]PMEi�TS. Trustor agrees ta comply
<br /> with the pra�isians of any lease if this Securiry Instrument is on a leaseho�d. If the Praperty in�ludes a unit in
<br /> a candaminium or a planned unit de�elopm�nt, TrustQr will perform all of Trus�or's dutie� under the
<br /> co�enants, by-lavvs, or regulatians of the�ond�miniurn or planned unit de�elapment.
<br /> 14. DEFAULT. Trustor wi�1 be in default if any party abligated on the 5�cured Debt fails to make payment when
<br /> due. Trustor wiil be in default if a breach �ccurs under the term� of this 5ecurity Instrument or any ather
<br /> dacument execut�d f�r the purpase�f creating, securing or guaranty�ng the Secured L7ebt. A gvod faith beli�f
<br /> by Beneficiary that Beneficiary at any time is insecure with resp�ct ta any person ar entity obligated an the
<br /> Secured Debt❑r that the prospect af any payment ar the vaiue of�he Pr�perty is impair�d shall als�canstitu�e
<br /> an e�ent�f defaul�.
<br /> 15. REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. In �ome instanc��, f�deral and sta�e lav� will r�quire Ben�ficiary ta pra��de
<br /> Trustar with na�ic� of the right ta cure or ather nati�es and may es�ablish time schedules for fore�losure
<br /> actions. 5ubject to these limitations, if any, Benefic�ary may accelerate the Secured Debt and foreclase this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument in a manner pro�vided by law if Trustar is in defau�t.
<br /> At the opt�an of B�neficiar�, all or any part af th� agre�d fees and charges, ac�rued interest and principa�
<br /> shall become immediately due and payable, af�er giving natice if required by �aw, upon the occurren�e of a
<br /> default or anytime thereafter. �n addi�ian, Beneficiary sha1� be entitled ta all the remedies pra�ided by law,
<br /> the t�rms of the S�cured Debt, this Security Instrument and any related dn�uments, in�lu�in� without
<br /> limitation, the power to sell the Propert�.
<br /> Security Instrumen#-Cvnsum�r-NE RE-�T-NE 211l�Q13
<br /> VMP�Bankers 5ystemsT� VMP-C1 fi5�NE� ti 3Q2J.�0
<br /> Walters Kiuw�r Financial S�r�ices�1994,2�1 1 Page 3 of fi
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