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��15�5�91 <br /> a�ainst Lender shall re�ie�e�orrawer from making payments due under�he�ote and this Security �ns�rumen� or <br /> perforinin��he co�enants and agreements s�cured by thi�Security 7ns��urnent. <br /> �.Applfcation of Paym�n�s or Fr�ceec�s.Excep�as a�herwis�descr�bed in this Sec�zon?,a�I pa�rnen�s acce��ed <br /> and applied b�Lender sha�li be ap��ied in the fallowin�arder af�r�ority:�a}in�erest due und�r the Nafe;�b�p�incipa�due <br /> under th���te;�c}amounts due under Se��ion 3.Such paymen�s shal�b�applied�a eac�P�r��dz�Paymen��n�he a�rd�r <br /> in�hich i�became du�.An�remainin�amounts shall be ap�lied firs�t�1a�e ch�ges,second�o any�th�r arr��unt�du� <br /> under this Security�nstrument,an.d then to reduce the princ�pa�balance of�he No�e. <br /> �.f Lender rec�ives a payrnen�frorn B�orrower f�x a delinqu�nt Periodic Paym�rit�hich�ncludes a sufific���t arnount <br /> ta pay any�ate charge due,the payment may be appl�ed to the delinqu�nt payment a.�d the late charge.�f more than one <br /> �'eriodic Payment is outs�and�ng,Lender may apply any pa�men�reGeived from Borrovver to�he xepaym��t of�he <br /> Perxadic Paym�n�s�f,and to th��xtent that,each pa�men�car��e pazd in ful�.Ta the ex�en�tha�an�excess ea��sts af�er <br /> the payment is applied t�the fu��pa�ment of one ar mare Per�odic Fa�men�s,su�h excess may be applied�o any�ate <br /> char�es due.Voluntary prepa�men�s�hal�l�e applied firs�to an�prepaymen�charges and�hen as�d�scrzbed in the Not�. <br /> An��appli�ati�n af payments,insurance pr�ceeds,or Misc�Ilaneous Pxoceeds�a principal due under th�Note shall <br /> not e�.tend ar pastpone the due date,o�r change�he amount,of the Periadic Paymerats. <br /> 3,�un�s for�scrvw Items.B�rr�we�r sha�i pay to Lender an the day�'�riodic Paymen�s are due und�r�he�o�e, <br /> unti��h��I4te is�a�id in fu1i,a�um�the"Funds"}ta pravide f�r payment�f amaunts due for:�a}taxes a�7�ass�ssm�nts <br /> and a�her ��ems which can attain p�iarity over�xis Securi�y Tns�ru�nen� as a Iien or �ncumbrance on�he Prop�r�; <br /> �b}�easehold payments or ground r�nts on�he Property,if any;�c}premiun�s fox any and aII insuran�e required by Lend�r <br /> under Sec�i�n S;and(d}M�rtga�e�nsurance pr�miu�ms,ifany,or any sums payable by Borrov�er to Lender in lieu af�the <br /> payme�t�f Ma�-��age�nsurarice pre�x�.iurns �n acc4rdanc��vith the provisivns of�ec�ion I�,These i�ems are called <br /> "Escrow Iterns."A� origination or at any �ime during �he term �f the Loan, Lend�r may require tha� Cornmurzity <br /> As�ociation Dues,F�e�,a�d Assessmen�s,if�.ny,be escrflwed by Borrov��er,aa�d�uch dues,fees�.n.d assessments shall be <br /> an E�cro�v rtem. Borro�er�hall promptly fumish to I�ender all natices of am�unts to be paid under�hi� SeG�ion. <br /> Sorr�vver shall pay Lender the Funds for�s��ro�v�t�ms unl�ss L�nder�ai�es BQrrotiver's��I��a�ion to pay�he Funds for <br /> any or a�l Escr��v 7�ems.Lende�r may v�ai�e�orrow�r's abliga�i�n#4 pay t��ender Funds far any or alI E�crow Items a� <br /> any ti�ne.Any su�h waiver may anly be in writing.�n th�even�of such wa��er,�orrour�r shali pay dir�ctly,when and <br /> where�aayabte,the amaunts due for any Es�row Ytems f�r wh�ch payment of Funds has h��n waived by Lender an.d,if <br /> ��ndc�r requ�re�, shaIl fu�-nish�a L��der r�ceipts �vid�ncrn�such pa�rnen��rithzn su�h tim�p�riod as Lender may <br /> r�quire.Borrower's abli�atYon to mak�such paymen�s�nd to pravide receipts shall for a��purpases be deem�d to b�a <br /> ca�eriant and a�reement c¢ntazned i.n�his Securi�y�ns�rument,�s thz phrase"covenant and a�xeement"ts used in Section <br /> �.If Barra�er�s��li�a�ed to pay Escraw��ems direc��ya pursuan�to a wai�er,and SQrrower fails�o pay the amoun�du� <br /> for an Es�cro�v I��m,Lender may exercise�ts r�ghts under Se��ion 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be <br /> obl��a.�ed unde���c��Qn 9�o re�a.y�o Lender a�ay such amaunt.Lend�r rnay re�oke the�vaiver as��an�ar a��Escro�v <br /> ��ems a�any�ime by a n4�i�e g��en�n accordance�rith�ecti�n 15 and,upon such re�oGa�ian,Borrow�r sha��pay�o <br /> Lende�r all Furids,ar�d in such amoun��,tha�are�hen x�qu�red un�.er this Sec�ion 3. <br /> Lender rnay,at any time,co�Iec�a,nd ho�d Funds in an amoun��a}suffiGient�o�ermi��►endex to apply the Funds a� <br /> the time specifed unde�r RESP�,and���no��n e�c�ed the maximum am�un�a lender can r�quire un�er RESPA.Len�er <br /> shall es�imat�the a�oun��f Funds�u�on�he basis of current data and reas�nable estima��s�f expenditur�s af fix� <br /> Esc�raw Itexns or o�herw�se in acc�rdance with Ap�licabie La�nr. <br /> T'he Funds shal�be held in an insti�u.�iQn vvhos�d��aosits are insured by a federa.l agenc�,ins�rum���ality,ar en�it� <br /> �includin�Lender,if Lender�s an ins�itu�i4n vvhase deposits are so�nsured}or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender <br /> shall a�p1y�he Fund�to pay the Escraw Ytems n�later�han the�ime s�aecifi�d under I�SYA.Lend�r�hall n�t ch�rge <br /> Ba�-ravv�r for holding and a�ply�n�the Fund�,annually anal�zing the escr�w acc�un�,or verifying th�Escr�vir Ztiems, <br /> unless Lend�r pays�orrower i��te�rest on the�und�and Ap�iicable Law permi�s Lende�-t�rnak�s�ch a charge,Un�ess an <br /> agreernent is made in writing orAppliGable Law requir�s interest to be paid Qn the�'unds,Lender shali not b�requi�ed�o <br /> pa�Borra�rer a.ny interest ar earnings on�he Funds,Borrow�r and Lender�a�n agree in wr���ng,hav�re�ver,tha�interes� <br /> NEBRASI�A-5ingle Family-Fanni�MaelFr�ddi�Mac�NIF�RM tNSTRUMENT with i�ERS �orrn 342� 71Q7 <br /> Page 4 of 13 ,.���� <br /> �o�,�nc. �arr�w�r��}lnitia[s � <br />