<br /> �3EEC3 �F TRUST
<br /> �Corltirlued� Page 6
<br /> N�TI�ES. Any notice r�quir�d �a be gi�en under�his Deed of Trust, including v►►ithout fimi���tion any notice o#default
<br /> and any natice afi sale �f�all be giUen in writing, and shall be ef�e�ti�e when actually deli�er�d, when ac�ually rec�ived
<br /> by te�e�a�s�mile �unless�atherwise required by lawy, when deposited with�nativnally recagniz�d vvernigh�courier,vr, if
<br /> mailed, when d�pa�i�ed in the lJnited 5tates rnail, as first ciass, certified or regis�ered ma�[ postag� pr�paid, directed#o
<br /> �he addr�sses sho►nrn n��r the beginning of this Deed of Trust. Af I cvpies of noti�es of foreGl�sure frt�m the holder af
<br /> any fien which has privrity v�er this Deed of Trust sha�l tae sent to Lender's addr�ss, as shQwn near the heginning flf
<br /> th�s Deed vf Trust. Any person �ay �hange his or her addr�ss �vr notices under this Deed af T�ust by gi�ing '�ormal
<br /> writt�n notice tv th� o��er persan vr persons, specifying that �h� purpose of th� n�tice i:� tv chang� the person's
<br /> addr�ss. Fvr nvtice pur�ases, Tr�stor agrees ta keep Lender informed at�II tim�s of Trus#or`� current address. lJnless
<br /> otheruvise provided ar required �y law, if there is more than one Trustor, an� noti�e given b� L�nder tv any Trustvr is
<br /> deemed t�be nvtice gi�en to all T�ustars. It will be Tru�t�r's��sponsibili�y ta te11 the others o�the notice from Lender.
<br /> M�SCELLANEC]U5 PR�VISIDNS. The fol�avving mis�ellaneous prav�sions are a part o�this Deed of Tru:�t:
<br /> Am�ndments. What is written in this Deed of Trust and in the Related Dvcuments is Trustar's �ntire agreern�nt
<br /> with Lender concerning the matters ca�ered by this f7eed�f Trust. To he effecti�e, any change ar�mendrnent to
<br /> this ❑eed of Trust�ust be in writing and must be signed by wh�e�er will b� baund vr❑k�ligated by the change�r
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Gaptian Headings. Captian headings in this Deed a�Trust are for convenience purposes only �nd are not tv �e
<br /> used to interpret or�i��in�th�pr�visions of this Deed vf Trust,
<br /> Merger. There sha�l be n❑ merger of the�nteres�❑r estate created#ay this Deed❑f Trust with an��other interes�vr
<br /> estate in the Prop�r�y at any time held by or for the benefit of Lender in any �apacity, v►r�thvut�h�written consen#
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Gv�erning Law. T�is ❑aed vf Trust will be go�erned by fgdaral law► applicable tn Len��r and. to�h� extent not
<br /> preem�#ad by'�ed�ral law,the laws �f th�State vf N�hraska withou�regard to��s conflic�s of IaH�pra�isivns. ThiS
<br /> Deed af Trust has E��en acce@ted by Lender in th�5ta#e af Nehraska.
<br /> Ghai�e of Venue. If th�r� is a lawsuit, Trustar agrees upon Lend�r's request to submit ��o the jurisdic�ion of th�
<br /> courts o�Hall Coun�y, State of Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and Sev�ral L�ahfli�y. A�! ak�liga�ion� af Trust�r under this ❑eed of Trust shall be jaint and se��ral, and all
<br /> refer�nces �v Trust�r shall mean each and e�ery Trusto�. This rneans that each Trustor s�gning he�aw is
<br /> respansible�vr all ob�igatians in this Deed af Trust.
<br /> No'IJVa�ver by Lerad�.�r. Trus���understands Lender vv��l not give up any c�f Lender's rights und�r this Deed of Trust
<br /> unless Lender da�s sv in ►rvriting. The �act that Lender de�ays ❑r vmits to ex�rcise an� right w►ill �vt mean �hat
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. 1� Lender doe� agree in writing to give up an� of Lend�r's r��l���s, that d�es nat
<br /> mean �rust�r will not h��e �o compfy wi�h the oth�r proWisions of this Deed of Trust. Trustor alsv understands
<br /> that i� Lender da�s consent ta a request, that doe� nat me�n tha� Trustor will n�t ha��: tv y�t L�nder'S C�nS�n�
<br /> again if the s�tuation happens again, Trustvr further understands that jus��e�aus�Lende=-consen�ts t�one vr more
<br /> of Trustor's requests, that dves nat me�n Lender wi(f be required t� cansent�o any �fi Trustvr';� future requests.
<br /> Trus�vr v►iai�es pr�s�ntment,demand for payment, protest, and notice of disht�nor.
<br /> Se�erability. if a court find� tha# any prav�sion o�this �e�d of Trust is not �alid or should nv� be en�orced, that
<br /> fact by i�seif wif[ no�mean that the rest of this ❑eed vf Trust will na� be�al�d Qr enfor�ed. TherPfore, a �vur�vvill
<br /> enforce�he�est of the pro�is��ns of this Deed❑f Trust e�en if a prv�isian af th�s Deed af Trust rna��e found�a�e
<br /> in�alid ar unenforceable.
<br /> Successars and i4s�ign5. Subject to any limi�atians s�ated in this Deed of Trust an trans�er of�f"rustvr's in�erest,
<br /> this Deed of Trust �hall k�e i�inding upon and inure to the benefi�of the parfiies, their s�ccessor,� and assigns. If
<br /> ownership❑f the Pr�perty becames�es�ed in a persan ather than Trustor, Lender, without notic�ta Trus#or, rnay
<br /> deal with Trusfi�r's auGcessors wi�h re�erence t❑this De�d vf Trust and the Indebtedness by way of forbearance or
<br /> extension withaut releasing Trustor from the�bligati�ns of this Deed a�Trus�or liability under the Ind�btedness.
<br /> Time is of the Ess�n�e. Tirne is❑f the ess�nce in the perfvrmance Qf thi� �eed of Trust.
<br /> Wai►►�r of Homes���d Exem��ion. Trust�r hereby r�leases and wai�es aI� righ�s and �enefi�s c�f the hamestead
<br /> exemp�ion la►rvs o��:he State of fVebraska as ta all Indehtedness secured by this Deed af Tr�st.
<br /> DEFINITf�NS. The folla�rving words shall ha�e th�following rneanings when used in this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Ben�ficiary" rr�eans Exchange Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrc�wer. �he wvr+� "Borrov4rer" rn�ans EDWARD L GAPPA �nd KELLY A GAPPA and in�ludes�Il ca-signers and
<br /> �o-mal�ers signing the Credit Agreement and afl their successo�s and assigns.
<br /> Credi#p►greemen�. The words "Credi�Agreement" mean the credit agr�ement da�ed Ju[>> �9, 2fl15, with credit
<br /> limit vf $��.5��7.4Q firam Trustar �o Lend�r, tage�h�r ►nrith alE renewaf� of, �xten�ians of, rnvdif'r�a�ions ��,
<br /> �e#�inancings of, con�oiida�ions of, and subs�itu�ions for the prornissary nv�te or agreement. N�T1�:E"�"�TRUST�R:
<br /> Deed af Trust, The wards "[]eed of Trust" mean �his De�d vf Trust among Trustvr, L�nder, �nd Trustee, and
<br /> includes wi�haut fimitation aIl assi�nmen�t and secu�ity interes� pra�isions r�lating �a t�� Persanal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En►►irvr�mental La�n►a. The �vords "En�iranmen�al Laws" mean any and aii state, f�deral ar�d lacal statutes,
<br /> regulat�ans and �rdinances re�ating �o the prvte�tian of human heal�h ar the en�ironment, in�ludin� uvithaut
<br /> limi�a��ion the Camp�rehensi�� EnWir�nmenta� Response, �ompensatian, and Liab�li�y Act o� 198a, �s a�n�nded, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. 5ection 96C3�, et se�. �"'CERCLA'°�, th� Superfund Amendments and Reauthari�ati�n A�t�f �98�, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99�499 t"SARA"�,the H�zardaus Materiais Transpor�a�ian Ac�, 49 U.S.C. 5e�tian �8a1,et sE.q., th� R�svur�e
<br /> Canser�atifln and Recv�ery Ac�, 42 L].S.C. Sec�ion 690�, et seq., or vther appficable s�at� �r federal laws, ruf�s,
<br /> or regulations ad�p��d pursuant there�o.
<br /> E�e�t o#Defauit. The words "E�ent afi De�auit" mean any vf the eWents af de�au�t se�fiarth in thi;►❑eed vf Trust in
<br /> the e��nts a�defaul��section�f this Qeed❑�Trust.
<br /> Exis�ing indeb�tedr�e�s. The �vards "'Existing lndebtedness" mean the �nde�t�dness descyibed in 1:he Existing Liens
<br /> pro�is�on o�this�e�d v�Trus�.
<br /> Hazard�us Suhstar�Ges. Th� words "Haaardvu� �ubstances" mean rr�a�erials that, b��ause ��� their quanti�y,
<br /> concentrat'ron or physicaf, chemi�a! or infeGtivus charact�ristics, ma� c�use or pase a pr+�sen�or po�ential hazard
<br /> to human health ar the enuir�nment when imprap�rly used, treated, stared, disposed v�, �enera�ed, manufactured,
<br /> transpvrted ar❑thsrwise handled. The words "Hazardous Substanc�s" are used �n their►�ery broadest sense and
<br /> in�fude wi�hout limi�ta#ivn any and all ha�ardous or tox�C suhstances, ma�erials ar was�e as de��ined by or listed
<br /> under the EnvironrnPn#al Laws. The�errtl "Hazardous Substances" als� in�ludes, ►n►ithou� limi�afian, petraleurn and
<br /> p�trofeum by-produ�ts or any fraction�hereaf and asbestas.
<br /> Irnp�o�emenrts. Tf�e wo�d "Irnpro�ements" means ali exis�ing and fu�ure impravements, bu�fc��ngs, structures,
<br /> mobile hames affix�d an th� Real Property, faciii�ies, additions, repla�ements and other �onstru�tion on the R�a�
<br />