<br /> ��15�5�55
<br /> 2. CDNVEYANCE. Fo� good and �aluab�e Gonsiderati�n, the receipt and sufficien�y oF which is
<br /> ackn�wledge�, and tv s�cure the S�cured Debt (deFined b�lvw� and Trustor's perfflrmance under
<br /> this Security Instrument, Trust�r irre�ocabEy grants, con�eys an�i sells to Tru�tee, in trust fvr the
<br /> benefit af Beneficiary, with pvwer vf sale, the follawing described p�'vp�rty:
<br /> 5ee attached Exhibit"A"
<br /> The prvperty i s located i n .H�!�4�,���NTY............................. at ....,.........,........,......................
<br /> (�vunty)
<br /> 3�;I;!,STATE.ST,,,GRAND.ISLAND................................................., Nebraska �$8�3;�3��...,..
<br /> . (Address� {City] �ZIP Code}
<br /> Tvg�ther with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, rni«eral rights, vil and gas rights, all
<br /> water and riparian rights, ditches, and wate�r sto�k and all existing and future imp�o��ments,
<br /> structures, fixtures, and �eplacements that may nvw, or at any time in the future, be part�f the
<br /> real estate described aba�e �all referred tv as "Prop�rty"}.
<br /> 3. MA�IMUM�BLYGATI�N LIMIT. The tatal principal amaunt secured t�y this 5ecurity �nstrurnent
<br /> at any�ne time shall nat exceed $ .����$���Q...........,.....�.....••••••�.••�•• . This limitativn �f amount
<br /> daes nat include interest and �th�r fees and char�ges �alidly made pursuant ta this Security
<br /> Inst�ument. Also, this limitation does nvt apply ta ad�ances mad� under the terrns of this SeCurity
<br /> Instrument to pr�tect B�nefi�iary's security and to perfflrm any vf th�cv��nants �ontained in this
<br /> 5e�urity Instrument.
<br /> 9. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE AI��AI110E5. The term "Secured Qebt" is d�fined as foll�ws:
<br /> A. Debt incurre�! under the terrns of ail promissvey note�s}, Gontract(s}, gua�antyt�es} ar vther
<br /> eW�dence vf debt described helow and all their extensivns, renewals, modificat�ans or
<br /> substitutions. �ou must spec�fically identify the debt�s} s�cured and you shou�d include the �nal maturity
<br /> date of such debt�s).}
<br /> Borrower�s}:JAMES ELLI�
<br /> PrtncipallMaximum Line Amount: 35,��4.��
<br /> Maturity Qate: D61'1712�45 -
<br /> Note Da#e: ��12512��5
<br /> B. All future ad�ances fram Seneficiary tv Trustor�r other futu�e abligations of Trustor ta
<br /> Beneficiary under any promissory nate, �ontract, guaranty, ar other evidence of det�t executed
<br /> hy Trustvr in fa�or of Benefi�iary after this Security Instrurnent whether ar nvt this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument is speciFically referenced. If mvre than one p�rson sEgns this Security Instrument,
<br /> each Trustar agrees that this Security �nstrument wil� secure all future ad�anc�s and future
<br /> a�[igativns that are gi�en to or incurred by any ane ❑r more Trustar, or any❑ne �r more
<br /> Trustar and others. Afl future ad�ances and ather futur� obl�gations are secured by this
<br /> Security lnstrurnent e�en thau�h all vr part may nat yet t�e ad�anced. A�I future ad�ances and
<br /> vther future ❑bligati�ns are secured as if rnade an the date of this Security Inst�ument.
<br /> Nvthing in this Secur�ty lnstrument shalf c�nstitute a cvmmitment ta make additional ar future
<br /> loans or ad�ances �n any amaunt. Any such �ammitment must k�e agreed to in a separate
<br /> writi ng
<br /> �,AI[ other �bligations Trust�r ow�s to B�neficiary, whi�h may later arise, ta the extent n�t
<br /> prohil�ited by law, includEng, k�ut nvt limited to, liabilities for��erdrafts re�ating ta any depvsit
<br /> account agreem�nt k�etween Trustar and Beneficiary.
<br /> ❑.All additional sums ad�anced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuring, preser�ing vr
<br /> atherwise prvtecting the Prape�ty and its �alue and any ather sums ad�anc�d and expenses
<br /> inGurred by Beneficia�y under the te�ms vf this Security Instrument.
<br /> �P�9��of 7}
<br /> 4 W Iters Kluwer Finan�ial Services-Bankers 5 stems* Form US6QCP-DT-NE i lllfil2��� ��
<br /> _199 o Y
<br />