<br /> All insurance polic��s requ�red by I.�nder and renevva�s of such policies shall be subj�ct to L�nder's right to
<br /> d�sappro�e such pa�icies, shall in�lude a standard rn�rtgage c�ause, and sha1�name Lender as martgag�e
<br /> andlor as an additi�na���ss payee. Lender shall hav�the righ�ta hold the policies and renewal �er�ificates. �f
<br /> Lender requires, Borrower sha�l promptl�g��re ta Lender a11 rece�pts of paid pr�rniums and renewal n�tices.
<br /> If Borrower ob�ains any f�rm�f insurance�n�era�e, not atherwxse re�u�red�y L�nder, for darnage to, or
<br /> des�ructinn of, �he Praper�y, such palicy shall in��ud�a standard mortgage�lause and sha11 name Lender as
<br /> mor�gagee andlar as an addxt�ona� lass paye�.
<br /> In�he event of loss, Borrawer sha11 giv�promp�notice�a�he insuran�e carrier and Lender. I.ender rnay
<br /> make proof of loss if not made promp�ly b�Borro�uer. Unless Lender an�i Borrawer o�herwise agr�e in
<br /> writ�ng, any insurance proce�ds, whether or not rhe underiy�ng insurance was requ�red by Lender, sha�1 b�
<br /> applied t�restoratian�r r�pair�f the Property, if�he restora�ion or repair i�ecanc�micall�f�asible and
<br /> Lende�r's securi�y is not�essened. During such repair and res�oration perxod, Lender shall have the right to
<br /> hold such in�uran�e pr�ceeds unt�l Lender ha�had an apport.unit�t�insp�c�such Property to ensure�he
<br /> v�ror�has been comple�ed to Lender's satisfa��ian, prov�ded that such inspectian shall be und�r�a�en
<br /> �r�mptl�. Lender may disburse praceeds for the repair�and r�stora�ion�n a�ingle payment ar�n a series�f
<br /> progr�ss payments as the vvork is campl��ed. Un��ss an agre�meri�is rnad�in writing or Applicable Law
<br /> requires interest to be paid on such insu�ran�e proce�ds, I�nd�r sha1�not be r�qu�red�o pa�Borr�wer any
<br /> in��rest or earn�ngs an such pr�ceeds. Fees for publ�c adjus�ers, or other th�rd par�ies, �etained�y B�rrower
<br /> sha�l not be pa�d�u��f the�nsurance prflc�eds and shall�e�h�sol�ob�igatian�f Borrower. �f the res��rati�n
<br /> ar repa�r is not econornica�Iy feasib�e or L�nder's se�urity vvould be Iessened, �he insurance pro�eeds sha11 be
<br /> appli�d�o t�e sums s�cured by th�s S�cur�t��nstrum�n�, whether�r nat then due, w�th the exc�ss, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrawer, Such insurance proceeds shall b�applied �n�he order pr�vxded f�r in Sect�on�.
<br /> Yf Borrower aband�ns�h.e Property, Lender may f�ie, negot�ate and settl�any a�ailable insurance claim and
<br /> reiated n�atters, If Barrower doe�not respand��thin 3�days t�a na�ice from Lender that the i��surance
<br /> carr�er has offer�d to settle a claim, �hen Lend�r may negotiate and set��e the c�a�m. The 3D-day period wi��
<br /> beg�n when the no�ice is g�ven. In eith�r ev�nt, or�f Len�er a�quires�he proper�y under Secti�n 22 or
<br /> ❑th�rw�s�, Barrou�er hereby ass�gns to Lender�a}Barrower's rights t�any insuranc�proceeds in an amount
<br /> nat�o exceed the am�un��unpa�d under the No��or�his Se�urity Znstrument, a�d �b} any other�f
<br /> Borrower's rights (oth�r tha�.the righ�to any refund�f unearned premiurns paid�y Borrower}under al�
<br /> insuran�e pol��ies cavering the Property, insofar as such rights ar�app�ica�1��a the�overage of�he
<br /> Praper�y, Lender may use th�insurance prnc�eds��ther to repair or restore th�Prflper�y flr to pay arnounts
<br /> unpaid under the Note or th�s Securi�y Instrumen�, whether or not then due.
<br /> 6. flccupancy. Borrower shal�occupy, establish, and use the Proper�y as Barro�rer`s principal residence
<br /> within�0 days af�er the ex�cution of this�ecurity �nstrumen�and shall continu�to occupy�he Prop�r��a�
<br /> Borrower's pr�ncipa�residence for at least one�rear after the da�e of accupancy, unless Lender otherwise
<br /> agr�es in writ�ng, wh�ch consent�ha11 not he unreasonably�vithhe�d, ar unless ex�.enua�ing circumstances
<br /> exist which are beyond B�rro�ver's can�ro�.
<br /> 7. Pr�ser�ati�n, Maintenan�� and Protecti�n of the Property; lnspections. Barrawer s�all not destr�y,
<br /> damage or impair the Proper�y, a�low�he Proper��to deteriorate or c�mm�t was�e on�h�Prapert.y. 'L�Vhether
<br /> or not Borrower is re��d�ng in the Prap�rty, Borrow�r shall main�a�n�he Proper�y�n order ta prevent the
<br /> Prap�r�y from deteriara�ing ar decreasing in�aiue du���its c�ndition. Unless it is determined pursuant t�
<br /> Section 5 �ha�repair ar res�aration is not econ�rrucal�y feasible, Borr�wer sha11 pr�rnptly repair the Prap�rty
<br /> if damaged to a�ai�further d�terioratian�r damage. �f�nsuranc�nr c�nd�mnation proce�ds ar�paid in
<br /> connection with damag�to, or the tak�ng of, �he Property, Barrawer sha11 be r��ponsible far repairing or
<br /> restoring th�Proper�y only �f L�nder has re�eas�d praceed�f�r su�h purposes. Lender rna�d�sburse proceeds
<br /> N�BRASKA-Singl��amily-Fannie Ma�IFr�ddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Farrn 3428 11��
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NEf�T 3�2f
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 7 o€'i 7
<br />