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Z�15�5�33 <br /> �EE� �F T�usT <br /> ���ntln u�d} Page � <br /> replacements,and maintenance necessary to presenie its va(ue. <br /> Cvmp[iance VICi�h En�irvnmenta� Laws. Trustor represents and wa�-rants ta Lender that: �'1} During the p�riod of <br /> Trustor's ownership o�the Prap�rty,there��as heen nQ use,generation, manufacture,s�orage,treatment,disposa�, <br /> �elease or threatened r�lease of any Ha�ardvus Substar�c� by any per��n an, under, abau� ❑r�rorn �he Property; <br /> ��} Trus�or has na knawfedge��, or reason to bef ieve�ha�th�re h�s been, except as previously dis�lvsed to and <br /> acknow[edged b� L�nder in wri�ing, �a} any b�ea�h vr violatian of any En�i�-onmen�ai Laws, �b} any use, <br /> generation, manufacture, st�rage, frea�men�, disposal, rel�ase ar�hreatened release a�any Ha�ardaus 5ubstance <br /> an, under, abau� or�rvo�n th� Properky by any priar owners ar �ccupan�s ofi�he Proper�y, vr �c} any a�tual or <br /> threa�er�ed litigatian ar cfaims of any kind by any p�rson �elating t� such ma�ters; and �3} Except as pre�ious[y <br /> discfosed tv and acknaw�edg�d by Lender in wr��ing, 4a} nei�her Tr-us�or nar any#enant,contractar,agen�ar ather <br /> authvri�ed user of the Property shall use, generate, manu�actur�, stare,�reat, dispose vf or re�ease any Ha�a�dous <br /> Substanc�an,under, ab�ut or frQm th�Pr�perty;and tb} any such act�vify sha11 be cvnduG�ed in c�rnpf ianGe with <br /> al� applicab�e federal, sta�e, and Ivcal laws, r�gulatians and ❑rdinan�es, including withou� limita�ian alf <br /> Environmen�al Laws. Trustor authvri�es Lender and its agen�s to enter upon the Praperty ta rnake such <br /> inspections and �ests, at Tru�tvr's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate �o determine �omplian�e of �he <br /> Property with this sectian ❑�the Qeed of Trust. Any inspe�ions ar tests made by Lender sha11 be far Lender's <br /> purpvses only and shall nvt�e construed tfl �reate any respansibility vr fiability art fhe part o�Lender ta Trustor or <br /> �o any ather person. The repr�sentations and warranties confiained herein are based an Trustar's due di��genc�in <br /> investigating the Rr�perky fvr Ha�ardvus SubstanGes. Trus�or hereby �1} releases and wa€�es any future ��aims <br /> against Lender for ind�mnity pr�onfiribu�ion in �he�vent Trus�ar becomes f iable f�r c�eanup ar other cvsts under <br /> any su�h laws; and ��} agrees t�indemn�fy, defend, and hold harmtess Lender against any and a�l c�aims, Ioss�s, <br /> fiabi�ities, damages, penal�ie�,and expenses which Lender may dire�tly vr indirectiy sustain❑r su�fe�'resuiting fram <br /> � breach af this sectian of the Deed vf Tru��or as a cvnsequ�nce of any use, gene�-a�ion, manufacture, s�orage, <br /> disposaf,release vr fhrea�ened refease accurring priar�v Trustor's ownership or interest in th�Praperty,whether Qr <br /> nat the same was or should have been knawn ta Trust�r. The provisions ��f this secti�n vf the De�d of T�ust, <br /> including th�obligatian t❑indernnify and defend,shall sur�iue#he payment�f the indebtedness and the sati�faction <br /> and rec�nveyancs vf the lien af this De�d vf Trus�and shall na�be affected hy Lender's acquisition of any in��rest <br /> in the Property,whe�her by foreciosure❑r v�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, Was#e. Trus�or shall nvt cause, conduct or p�rmit any nu€sance nor corr7mit, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping �f❑r wa�te on ❑r�o the Praperty ar any partion af the Property. Wi�hout limi�ing �he generali�ly of the <br /> f�regfling, Trustar wil[ no�remove, ar gran�ta any other par�y#he right tv remave, any timber, miner-als�including <br /> vil and gas},coal, ciay,s�aria,soil, gra�el or rack product�withau�Lende�'s priar written c�nsent. <br /> Rema�a�vf Impraverr,enfs. Trustor shall not demolish❑r rem�ve any Impravern�nts frvm the Real P�vpe�.y with�ut <br /> �ender's priar wr�tten cons�n�. As a cvnditi�n to fhe rem�val af any�mpr��ements,L.ender may�equire�rustor ta <br /> make arrangements sa#is�actvey t� Lender to replace such Innprov�ments wi�h �mp�o�ernents �� at least equai <br /> ualue. <br /> Lender'$ �igh��o Enter. Lender and Lender°s agen�s �nd representati�es rnay enter upvn th� Real Prope�ty at al! <br /> r��sana��e times to att�nd tn Lender's int�rests �nd �o inspe�t �he Real Property for pu�pos�s af Trusfor`5 <br /> co€riplian�e wi�h the terms and cand�tians af this Deed of Trust. <br /> Compliance wi�h Governrnental Requirements. Tn.rstvr shaf[ pr�mptly �ompEy wi�h a�l �aws, vrdinan�es, and <br /> regulafions, now or hereaft�� in e�Fect, af afl govemrnental authQrities app[icabfe to the use or❑ccupancy a�the <br /> Praperty, inciuding w�thaut limitatian, the Arnericans`11lith ❑isabilities Acf. Trustar may cvntest in gnod faith any <br /> such faw, ordinance, or r�gulat'ron and►nr�thhold compfiance during any prvc�eding, including app�-vpriate appeals, <br /> sa fong as Trustvr has notified Lender in writing prior�a doing so and so fony as, �n Lende�'s�o�e apinion,Lender's <br /> in�erests in the Prvperty are no#jeopardized. Lender may require Trustvr fo pvst adequate securi�y ar a surety <br /> bond,reasonabfy safisfactvey to LencJer,to pr�teGt Lender`s interest. <br /> [3ufy tv Prvfiect. T�ustor ag�ees nei�her�o abandon or leave unatten�ed the Property. Trustor shall dv all o�her <br /> acts, in�ddition to�hose acts set forth abo�e in this se�tian,which�ram�he charac�er and use�f the Prvperky are <br /> reasvnably necessary�o protect and preselve the Property. <br /> TA�ES AN13 L1ENS. The �of�awing proWisians relating t❑ the �axes and liens on the Proper�y are par� af this �eed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trus�ar shall pay when due{and in a�l e�ents priar ta de��nquency}afl faxes,spe�iaf taxes, assessrnents, <br /> charges�including wa�er and sewer},fines and impasitians le�ied against or on account flf�he Proper-ty, and shall <br /> pay when due afl claims�or wark dvne on❑r far services rendered or ma�erial �urnish�d#o�he Property. Trus�or <br /> shaff maintain�he Pmperty free❑f afl fien�haWing priority v�er or equal to the interest of Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, except far the lien of fiaxes and assessrnen�s nat due, �xcept �or �he Existing fnd�btedness referr�d to <br /> belvw,and ex�ept�5 otherwise pr�o�id�d in fhis Deed of Trus�. <br /> Right�o Contest. Trustar may withhold payrnent of any tax, assessrnent, ❑r claim in �annec��an with a gavd faith <br /> dispufe vv�r the obligation tv pay, so Iong as Lender's int�rest in the Prflperty is not jeopardi�ed. lf a�ien arises❑r- <br /> is fifed as a resuff o� n�npaymen�, Trustor shall w��hin ftfteen {'i5} days after the �ien arises or, i�a �ien i��iled, <br /> within fifteen t�[5} days a�ter Trustar has notice of�he filing, secure�he dis�harge af the lien, or i�reques�ed by <br /> Lend�r,depos��wi�h Lender�ash�r a sufficient corpr�rate surety bond or other sBcurity satis�a��vey t❑ Lender in an <br /> amvunt sa��Ficien�fv discharge�he I€en plu�any costs and a#�vrneys'fees, ar�ther charges tha�c�uld accrue as a <br /> result�f a�orecic�sur�or sale under the fien. In any c�ntest,Trustar sha��r�e�end itself and Lender and sha��sa�zsfy <br /> any ad�ers��udgrnen�befvre enforcement against�he F'roperty. Trus�ar shall nam�Lender as an additiona!�bfigee <br /> under any surety band�urnished�n the con�est prac�edings. <br /> E�idenGe of Payment. Trustor shalE upon demand furnish t� Lender satisfactary��idenc�of paymen�c�f the�axes <br /> or assessments and shaCf au�hor�ize�he appropriate ga�ernm�ntal off�ial to deli�er to Lender at an�time a written <br /> sta�ernent�f the taxes and assessments againsfi the Property. <br /> Notice of Constructivn. Trustor sha�� notify Lender a#[eas�fi�keen �'t 5} days before any w�r-k is comrnenced, any <br /> services are�umished,or any mater�aEs are supp�ied fio the Property, if any mechanic's lien, materia�men's lien, ❑r <br /> ather lien could b�asserfed �n accaunt of�he wvrk, services, vr rnaterials. Trustar will up�n request�f Lender <br /> furnish �o Lender advanGe assurances satEsfacfiory ta Lender #hat �rus�ar �an and will pay th� casf �f such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR4PER'T�C DAMAGE INS�JRANCE. The foll�wing pro�isions �-efating to insu�-€ng the Proper�y are a part�f�his Deed of <br /> T ru st. <br /> 11Jlaintenanee �f lnsurance. Trustar shaf� p�-acure and maintain poli�ies of fire �nsur�nCB wl�h standard ex#ended <br /> �o�er'age endorsements on a fair �alue basis for the �ull insurable value cvv�ring ali �mprvvements ❑n the Real <br /> P�`operty �n an am�unt su�'fic[ent t� a�oid appli�a�iqn af any �oinsurance clause, and wi�h a s�andard mor�gagee <br /> clause in fa�os-of Lender. Trustnr shafi a�sv p�'acure and maintain comprehensi�e�eneraf liability insuranc�in su�h <br /> co�erag� amounts a� Lender� rnay request with Trustee and Lender being named as addi�ional insureds fn such <br /> liability Ensurance p�iicies. Add����nally, Trustor sha�� main�ain such other insurance, including hut not �imited to <br /> hazard, busir�ess interruption�and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasanably require. fi'alicies shaff �e written in <br /> form, amoun�s, cover`ages and basis re�svna�fy acceptable ta Lender and issued by a company ❑r companies <br />