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<br /> WHEN RE�C�RDED M�41L T�:
<br /> F�rst Nativnal E3ank of amaha
<br /> �ranch#a 7'D -Grand Island Branch
<br /> S'�O Ali�n Dr
<br /> Grand Island NE fi 8 8 D 3 F�Ft l�E�D�i�E�°S USE�NLV
<br /> F�r� �
<br /> t l��t� r�
<br /> � �I ��n�
<br /> �` 58�-80�31�D�5�`
<br /> A��I�NMENT �F RENTS
<br /> THIS ASSI�NME[VT 4F RENTS da��d J�afy 3'�, ��'15, �s made and exeGuted between ❑a-Ly
<br /> Prape��ti�s� LLC, whose address is �5'�� 5 L�cust St, Grand [s�and, NE �8S[l3 �ref�rred ta
<br /> belnw as "�rantt�r"} and Firs� Nafianal Bank of �maha, whase ad�r�ss is 81 O I�Ilen D r, Grand
<br /> lsland, NE �8843 �referred ta h�1�w as "C.ender"}.
<br /> ASS�G N M ENT_ For�aluab�e considera�i�n, Grantor h�reby assig�s, gran�s a continuing security
<br /> in�e�es� in, and con��ys to L�nder all of G rantar's rig h�, �it1e, and interesf rn and tQ the Rents
<br /> fram the folt�wYng descri�ed Praperty locat�d 'rn Hal1 Coun�y �aun�y, State af Nebraska:
<br /> Lo�s Qne 41}x and Twa ��}7 Block Thir�y-Nine �39}, �riginal T�wn, now C�ty of Grand island,
<br /> Ha�l Cou nty, Ne�raska
<br /> The Pr�per�y or i�s address is �ommonly kn�wn as 37�, �8t�, 38� & 3$f N �JI�'alnui� and 4'13 iN
<br /> �th �St, �rand Island, NE GB��'1.
<br /> PAYMENT A,ND PERFpRM�4iV�E, Except as�therwis�pro�ided in this Assignrnent vr�ny Related Documents, Gran�vr
<br /> shali pay ta Lender all amounts se�ur�d by this Assignment as they becvme due, and shali strictly p�r€arrn a�l ❑�
<br /> Gran�or's ob[igations under th�s Assignmen�. Unless and until Lender exercises its r�ght�o collec�the Rents as provided
<br /> below and so long as th�re is na�iefiault under this Assignment, Grantflr rna}� remain in possession and control af and
<br /> apera��and manage the Property and�vllect fhe Rents,pro�ided tha��he gran#ing of�he right tv co�lect the Ren�s shall
<br /> n�t constitute Lender's�onsent ta the use��cash�aflateraf in a bankruptcy proceeding_
<br /> GF�AIVT��"5 REPRESENTATIDNS AND�ARRANT[ES. G�antar v3rarrants�ha�:
<br /> �wnership. Granto�is entit�ed to rece���the Rents firee and clear af atl rights, [vans, liens, eneurnbrances, and
<br /> Glaims except as disclosed��and accepted by Lender in w�iting.
<br /> Right to Assign, Grantvr has the full right, pawer and authority t❑ enter inta this Assignrnent and tv assign and
<br /> con�ey�he Rents#o Lender.
<br /> Na Prior Assignmen�. Grantor has no� pre�ivusly assigned or �anuey�d the Rents to any other p�rsan by any
<br /> in�firument now�n f�r�e.
<br /> No Further Transfer. Grantv�-wi]I nat sell, assign,encurnbar,ar vthen,vise dispvs�o�any vf Gran�or's rights in the
<br /> Ren#s except�as prouided�n this Assignrnent.
<br /> LENDER'S R1GHT TO RECEIVE AND C�L�ECT RENTS. Lender shall have th� right at any time, and e�en �hough no
<br /> default shafl ha�e occurred under this Ass�gnment, to �ollect and rec�i�e the Ren�s. Far this purpase, L�nder is hereby
<br /> gEven and granted the following rights,pawers and authority:
<br /> Na#iCe to Tenan�s. Lender may send notices fio any and all tenants af the Praperty advising them of �h is
<br /> Assignment and directing aIl Rents ta be pa€d directly to L�nder or Lender's agent.
<br /> En�er�he Proper�y. Lender may enter upon and#ake possessEvn af the Praper#y; demand, collect and recei�e from
<br /> th� tenan�s ar from any o�her persons ��able there�ar, all of the Ren�s; institute and carry on al� fega� proceedings
<br /> n�cessary for the pro#ect�an of the Proper�y, inc�uding such pro�e�dings as may be necessary tn recover
<br /> passessian af the Property;coflect the Rents and remove any tenant❑r tenants or o�her persans from the Property.
<br /> Maintain the Pro�aerty. Lender may enter upon the Praperiy to main�ain the Property and keep the same in repair;
<br /> �o pay the casts th�reaf and o€a�l senri�es of a�i emplavees, inc�uding their equipment,and of all continuing Gosfs
<br /> and expenses of rnaintaining the Praperty�n proper repair and�ondition,and also tv pay all tax�s,assessments and
<br /> wa�er utilities,and�he premiums on fire and ofher insuranGe e�f�cfed by Lender on#he Property.
<br />