<br /> �• P�I�� �E�LDR11�� ��lTE���T�. Wi��� regard �� ar�y o���er mortgag�, dee� ❑f ��ust, se�urity
<br /> �gr�ernen� ❑r ���er li�n dacume��� ���at crea�ed a p�iar� security �n�eres� or encurnbrance on t��e
<br /> Pro�erty, �ranta� ac�r�es:
<br /> ,�. To ma14e a[I pay�ents when due �nd �o p�rfarm ar cornp�y w�-�h alf ca��nan�cs.
<br /> �� Ta p��rnp�ly defiver t� Lender any natices t��a� �ran�or receives fr�m �he hfllder.
<br /> �s �Vfl� to a���w a��y �nadi�icatian or extens�on ��, ��r t❑ �eques� any fu�ure adVances unde�
<br /> any no�e or agreement secure� by the lien do�urr�en� wi�hou� Lender's prio�- wri�ten �or�sen�r.
<br /> �. �L��11I�S �,����1�T` T"(TLE. Gran�or w�[[ pay ali �axes, assessrnen�s, liens, enc�mbranc�s,
<br /> �ease paymen�s, graund ren�s, u�i�i�ies, and o�her �l�arges re�a�ing �o �he Pr�per�y wh�n due.
<br /> Lender may req��ire Grar��o� ta pro�ide �❑ Lende� c�pi�s o� ali no�ices ��a� s��c� �ma���ts are d��e
<br /> and ��e re�e�p�s e�iden�inc� Gran�or's payme���. Gra��t�r Uv��� d�fer�d ti�le �n �he Pr��er�y agains�
<br /> any Glairns ��-�a� woul� �mpair �f�� lien a� �his 5�curi�y ins�rument. �rant�� �gr�es �o assign �o
<br /> Lender, as re�uested by �en�e�-, any �ig����s, �laims or de�enses Gran�or �ay �a�e �c�ains�
<br /> par�ies wf�o s�.app�y labflr �r r�atsr�als �� rnain�ain or ir�pro�� -��� Prap�r�y.
<br /> ��. ��E ��V �o�LE �F� EI���lI1����I��E. Lend�r �ay, at i�s option, declar� �h� e���re bafance ��
<br /> �he Secured C�e1�� ta be ir�-�mediate[y due and payable upan the crea�ian o�, ar con�rac� for tf�e
<br /> �reation ❑f, any lien, encu�k�rance, tr�ns�er o� sale of a[f o� any part of the Property, Th[s righ�
<br /> is sub�ect -�a -�f-�e r�strictions in�pas�d k�y federal [aw, as app�icab�e,
<br /> �'�. '�1��R��T��E� �f�C� F�E��E���lT�T���V�, Gran��r has �I�c right �nd au�hori�y -�� enter �nta
<br /> t��is 5e�uri�y Instrume���t, The e�e�u�ior� anc� del�very o� �his Sec��ri�y lns�rumen� will no� ��ola�e
<br /> any agre�m�nt go��rning �rantor �r �� which Grant�r �s � party,
<br /> ��. P��P���''� �����T'I��, �LT'E��.T��[��, CiV�PE��I��, 11�LU�TI��V �,I�� �PP�A.[5�.�.
<br /> �ran�ar v�ill �ceep �h� Pr�per�y �n gaad cond�tion and malt� all repairs ���a� are reasflna��y
<br /> necessary, Gr�n�a� wi11 not cornmi� or a[[ow any was�e, impa��men�, ❑r de�erio�ati�n o� tl��
<br /> Praperty, �ran�or w��� l�eep ��e Praper�y free o-� no��ous weeds and c�f�asses. Granfi�� agrees
<br /> �ha� the na���r� ❑� the ❑c�upancy and use will �ot substan�ia�ly �h�ng� vv�thou� �ender's prior
<br /> wri��en c���sen�, �rantor wif� �o� permi� ar�y change i�� any I�ce��se, restri�ti�e ca�enant �r
<br /> easement wi�����t �ender's pr�ar wri�ten consen�. �ran�ar wi![ notify Lend�� ❑� a�� demands,
<br /> proceed�ngs, c�aims, �nd actiar�s agains� �ran�ar, ar�d ❑� a��y �oss or darnage �a ���e Pr�per�y,
<br /> �❑ port�an a� the Pr�per�y w�11 be rema�ed, demalished or ma�erially altered wi�f�au�t Lender's
<br /> prior wri�ten �o��sen� e�cep� tha� �ran�ar has t�e r�gh� �o remfl�e i�ems ��f �erson�� prope��y
<br /> �omprisin� � par� of th� Proper�y �ha� b�cflrne worn flr obs�[ete, pro�ided that su��� pers�nal
<br /> prope�ty is �epl�ced wit� �ther pe�sanaf proper�y a� �east �qual in �a[ue �a �he r��l��ed �ersona�
<br /> prape�ty, �free �ram any �itle ret�nt��n de�ice, security ag�eement ❑r other encumbrar�ce. Su���
<br /> rep�acement ❑�f personal prapert� will be deemed subjec� �o �he se�ur�ty in�erest �rea�ed �y ��[s
<br /> 5e�urity Ins�r��m�n�. Grantar will n�t par�i�i�n or su�d�v�de �he Property w�tf�ou� Ler�d�r's �rior
<br /> vvri�t�n �onse���.
<br /> Lend�r �r L�nc�er`s agents may, a� Lender's op�ion, ente� �he Pr�perty a� any reasonable �ime
<br /> an� �r�qu�ncy �or the purpQse ❑� �nsp�c�ing, �a�ua�ing, ❑r appraisi��g ���e Prflper�y, Lender wi1�
<br /> g��e Grantor n��ic� �� ���e time o� or b��are ar� an-si�e inspe��ion, �aluat��n, �r appra�sa� #�r
<br /> an-g��ng du� dilic�ence or fl�her�v�se spec��ying a �eas�nak�le purpflse, Any �nspec�i�r�, va�uat�on
<br /> o� appraisal of the Pro�erty wi[[ be en��re[y �or Ler�der's benefit and Grantor wi!! �n no way rely
<br /> an Ler�de�'s �nsp�ctian, �a�ua�ian or appraisal �flr ��s own purpase, excep� as ❑ti�erwise pra�ir�ed
<br /> by �a�,
<br /> 1�_ ,�L1T'H��IT'� T'� �'E�F�►F��. 1� Gran�tar �ai�s �❑ perforr� any duty ar ar�y �f th� ca�en�n�s
<br /> con�ained in �his Se�uri�y Ins�rumenfi, Lender may, wi�h�u� n��ice, per�or� flr c�use �h�rn �❑ be
<br /> per�orr�ed. Gran�or appoin�s Le��der as a��orney in fa�t �� sign �rant�r's narne or pay any
<br /> amaun� necessary for pe��ormance, L�n�er's right �o per�orm ft�r �ran��r w�11 nat Great� an
<br /> ak�li�atian �o per�forrn, at�d Lende�-`s ����ure �a p�r�orr�� vir�[[ nat prec�ude Le�der ���rr� e�ercising
<br /> any o� Lender's a��er rights under the iaw or ���is �ecurity �nstrumen�, l� �ny c�ns�ruc��an on
<br /> the Pr�perty is d�scont�nued or r�ot carried tin in a reas�nable rnann�r, Lender r�ay talce all s�eps
<br /> necessar� to p���ec� Lender's security interest �n �he P�op�r�y, �ncluding c�mp�et�fln o� �he
<br /> canstruc�ian.
<br /> �4�. A��I�N�'[��1T �F LE���� ��[� ��NT'�� Gran�or irre�ocably ass�gns, grants, con�eys �❑
<br /> Lender as �ddi�iana! securi�y all the ric�h�, �i�le and �n�eresfi in �he �al�flw�ng {Proper�y�,
<br /> �. E�ist�n� or ���ure �eases, suk�leas�s, li�enses, guaran���s and any o�her wr���en ❑r ��rbal
<br /> agreetr�en�s �or t�e use and a��upa��cy o� tf�e Property, incfuding but n�� I�m�ted to any
<br /> ex�ens�ans, renewals, rr��di��catians ar replacerr�en�s ��.eases�.
<br /> �. Ren�s, �ssues and pr��i�s, inc�uding �u� not limited �❑ securi�y depos��s, minirnum ren�s,
<br /> percen�agP ren�s, addi��an�l rents, comm�n area main�e�ance charges� par�4�nc� charc�es, real
<br /> es�at� �ax�s, ❑tf�er �pplicable ��xes, in5urar�ce premium cor�tribu�iflns, [�quidated damag�s
<br /> fallawing de�aul�, �ance![a�ion premiums, "��ss o� ren�s" �nsu�ance, gu�s� �ece�p�s, re�en�.�es,
<br /> �ay�����s, pr��eeds, bonuses, accounts, con�rac� r�ghts, genera� intangibles, and a[[ righ�s
<br /> Ronald D❑��.;11 •�.�.�
<br /> �
<br /> Nebraslca❑�ed Df Trust ]nitials�,��?�
<br /> NEf4CTl'ViBELLfl00D�0���D957�❑�9N Walters ICIuEN�r Financi�l 5�r�ice�r�1996, �D1�Banl�ers Fac��3,,��
<br /> 5ystem���, '��`� �
<br /> s �
<br /> ���.
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