<br /> DEE� �F TRLJ�T
<br /> Loan [Vv: 10'I�88�47 {�ontinued� Page �
<br /> Documen�ts, and {2} �he fiens and security interests cr�ated by this ❑eed of Trust as first and prior liens �n the
<br /> Prop�r�y, whether now owned or hereaf�er acquired �y Trustar. Unless prvhibitsd by law ar Lender agrees to the
<br /> �ontrary in wri�ing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender for all cos'ts and expenses in�urred in cannecti�n vUith the
<br /> matters re�erred�o in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fa�t. If Trustor�ails tv dv any of th�things referred �o in the pre�eding paragraph. L�nder may do so
<br /> fvr and in th� narne nfi Trustar and a�Trustor's expense. Far such purpases, Trustor hereby irre�ocabfy appaints
<br /> Lender as Trustar's attorney-in-fact far the purpose o�making, exe�uting, d�liv�ring, filing, recording, and doing all
<br /> other things as may be nec�ssary ar desirable. �n Lender's sole op�nion, �� a�complish the mat�ers �referred �o in
<br /> the pre�eding paragraph.
<br /> FLJLL PERFDRII�IAiVCE. �f Trustor pays all the Indebtedness, including wi�hou�limit�tion afl fiuture advances, when due,
<br /> and other�►vise per�Forms all the obligativns imposed upon Trustar under this Deed af Trust, Lender shall execute and
<br /> deli�er to Trustee a requ�st for full reconveyance and shail execute and deli�er ta Trustor su3tahle statements of
<br /> terminativn af any �inancing statement an file evidencing Lender's security inter�st in �he Rents and �he Personal
<br /> Property. Any r�can�eyance fee required by law Shall be paid by Trustor, if permitt�d by appli�able law. �
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each of�he followin�, at Lend�r's option. shall �onsti�ute an E�ent of Defaul� under�his De�d
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> Paymen�k Default. Trustor fails�o rnake any payment wh�n due und�r�h�fnd�btedn�ss.
<br /> �ther Defaul�s. Trustor fa�ls ta �omply with or tv per�orm any other terrn� ob�igation, co�enan� or condition
<br /> canfiained in this Deed af Trust or in any of the Related Qo�uments or to c4mply with or t❑ perform any term,
<br /> obligation,co�enant or condition c�n�ained in any ather agreement between Lender and Trustor.
<br /> Cornpliance Default. Failur� to comply with any other t�rm, abligativn, cvWenant nr �onditivn �ontained in this
<br /> ❑eed of Trust,the N��e vr in any o�the R�lated Da�umenfis.
<br /> Default on�ther Paym�n�s. Failure of Trusfor within fhe �ime required by this❑eed af Trust to make any paymen�t
<br /> f�r taxes nr insurance, or any a�her payment necessary�a pre�ent filing of or to effect discharge of any lien.
<br /> False Stat�ments. Any warranty, representati�n or s�atement made vr furnished to Lender by Trusfor ar �n
<br /> Trustor's beha�f under this Deed of Trust vr the Re�ated Documents is false ar misleading in any materia� respect,
<br /> either now or at the time made ar furnished ar becornes fals�or misleading at any tirne thareaf�ker.
<br /> I]efec�i�e Cvllateraliza�ion. This Deed flf Trust ❑r any of the Re[ated Dticum�nts ceases ta be in �ull fvrce and
<br /> effe�t {including �ailure of any collateral do�um�nt t� �reate a valid and �erfec�ed security interest or fieny at any
<br /> time and far any r�asvn.
<br /> �eath❑r Insalv�ncy. The de�th of Trustar,the insol�ency of Trustar, the appointment of a recei�er for any part af
<br /> Trustor's proper�y, any assignmen� for �the benefit of creditors, any type of �redit�r workvut, ar the
<br /> carnmencement af any pro�eeding und�r any banl��uptcy�r insoEvency laws by or agains�Trust�r.
<br /> . Creditor ❑r Forfeiture Prviceedings. Commen�ement a�f foreclosur� or for��iture prviceedings, whether by judi�ia�
<br /> prviceeding, self�help, r�possessian or any other method, by any creditor of Trus�or ar by any goWernmental agency
<br /> against any proper�y securing the Ind�btedness. This includes a garnishment vf any af Trus�tor's a�counts,
<br /> includ�n� d�p�sit accounts, with Lender. Hower�er, this E�ent vf Default shall not apply if there is a good faith
<br /> dispute by Trusfior as to the �alidity or reasonableness of�he claim which is the basis of the creditor or�orf�itur�
<br /> prviceeding and if Trus�or giv�s Lender wr�tten na�ice �f the creditar or fiarfeiture prviceeding and depasits with
<br /> Lend�r mvnies❑r a surety bond far the creditor or farfeitur�pr�ceedinc�, in an am�unt dete�-mined by Lender, in i�s
<br /> sole discretian,as being an adequat�reser�e or b�nd for the dispute.
<br /> Breach af�ther Agreem�nt. Any breach by Trustar under the terms ❑f any other agreement between Trustor and
<br /> Lender �hat is nat remedied within any gra�� perivd provided therein, including wi�hvut limitatian any agreement
<br /> concerning any indebtedness�r other vbliga�tion of Trustor to Lender, whether exis�ing now or later.
<br /> E�ents Affecfiing Guarantor. Any of�he preceding e�ents a�curs with resp��t ta any guarantor, end�rser, surety,
<br /> or accommodation party ot any of the Indebtedness or any guarantor, endorser, surety, vr ac�ommadativn party
<br /> dies vr �ecom�s incompetent. or revok�s �r �k5�7Ll��S the �alid�ty of, or liabi�ity under, any Guaranty of �he
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> Ad►rerse Change. A mat�rial ad�erse change occurs in Trus�a�'s fiinancial candi�ion, vr Lender� believes the
<br /> prospect�f payment or p�rfvrmance of the Indebtedness is irnpaired.
<br /> lnsecurity, Lender in gvod faith belie�es its�lf insecure.
<br /> Existing Indebtednes�. The paymen�of any Ens#a�lment of principal ❑r any int�r�st an th� Exist�ng Indebtedness is
<br /> not made within the time requir�d by the promissory nate evidencing such indebtedness, or a default occurs under
<br /> th� instrument s�curing such indebtedness and is not cured during any applicable gra�e period in such instrument,
<br /> or any suit or other action is comrnenced to forecfase any existing li�n on the Prvperty.
<br /> Right ta Cure. If an�default, other than a defiault in payment, is curable and if Trus�vr has not been gi�en a notice
<br /> at a hreach of the same pro�ision vf this Deed �f Trus�within the preceding twelWe t12� mvnths, it may�e cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender s�nds written notice to Trustor demanding cure of such default: �1} cures�he default within
<br />