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Z�15�51�6 <br /> in�erest fram the dat� of disbursernent a� the same rate assessed o� advances under the �ontrac� and sha�l be <br /> payab�e,with�n�erest,upon notzce from Lender�o Borrow�r requesting payment. <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or i�s agen�may make reasonab�� entr�es upon and ��.spectzons af the Pr�per�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower natice at�he�ime of or pri�r to an inspection spe�ifying�r�as�nab�e cause for th��nspe�tivn. <br /> �ondernnati�n.The praceed�af any award or�Iaim f�r damages,direc�ar consequen�ia�, �.n connec�ian with any <br /> ��ndemna�z�n�r o�her�a�xn�Qf any par�af�he Pr�perty, or for canveyance in l�eu af ca�demna��on, ar�hereby <br /> assigned and shall be pa�d��Lender. <br /> Zn�h� even� af a�o�al�aking of th� Proper�y, the pro�eeds sha�� be appl�ed to the sums secured by�h�s S�curity <br /> Instrument, whether or no� �hen due, v�i�h any excess p�.id ta Borrov�er. In the e�en� of a par��a� taking of�he <br /> Property ir�which the fair mark��va�u�of�he Pra�erty immediately before the �aking is equa�tia ar grea�er than <br /> �he arnaun� of the sums secur�d by thxs Secur��y Instrument immediately before �he tak�ng, unless Barrovc�er and <br /> L�nder oth�rw�se agree�n vvr��ing,�he sums secured�y thi�Security znstrumen�shal�be r�duced by the amount af <br /> �he proceeds multiplied by�the fal�owing fracti�n: �a}the tata�amount af the sums secur�d irnmediate�y bef�re the <br /> �akxng, d�v�ded by �b}the fair marke��ralue af the Pra�er�y irnmediate���efore the taking. Any balanc� sha�� be <br /> paid�a �orrower. In�he even� af a par�ial�aking of the Praper�y in which�he fair marke�va�ue �f�he Proper�y <br /> imrned�a�ely before the�aking zs �ess than�he am�un�of th� surns secured immediately�efore the tak�ng, un�ess <br /> Barra�er and Lender othervvzs�agree in wri�ing or unless Appl�cab�e Law o�hervv��e provides,the proceeds shall <br /> be app�ied ta th�sums secured by�his 5ecur�ty Instrument v�hether or no�the sums ar�th�n due. <br /> �f the Pr�perry is abandoned by Bonrower, or�f, after n�tice by Lender to E3orrov��er tha��he condemnor offers�o <br /> ma�e an award or set��e a claim for damages, Borro�vver fa��s�a respand�o Lender w�thin�he m�nimum number of <br /> days es�a��ished b�App��cable Lav�after th�date the notzce zs given,Lender is authorized to colle��and apply�he <br /> pro�eeds, at its op�ion, e�ther ta restora�on or repair af th� Property ar �o �he sums s�cured �y �h�s Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rumen�,wheth�r or n���hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower o�herwis�agree in wri�zng, any appli�atian of pro�eeds�o prxncipal sha�l no�extend <br /> or p�s�pone�he due da��of the payments due under the Con�ra���r change the arn�un�of such paymen�s. <br /> Barrnwer Nat Released; For�earance By Lender Na� a �Vai�er. Ex�ens�an �f �he ��m� for paymen� ar <br /> modifica�zon af amar��.zati�n �f�he sums secured by�his 5ecur�ty �nstxument gran�ed by Lende�r ta Borrov�er ar <br /> an� successor zn in�eres� of B�rrower shall nat aperate �o reiease �he l��.biiity of the origix�a� Borrower or <br /> Borrow�r's success�rs �n �n�eres�. Lender shal�not be r�yuxred�Q comurnence proceedings agains�any successar in <br /> in��res�or refuse�o ex�end�im�for paymen�or otherwYse modify amar��zation of�he sums secured b�this 5ecurity <br /> �ns�rumen� by reasan tif any demand made b� �he origina� Borro�ver or Barrower's successors in zn�erest. Any <br /> fo�rbearanc� by Lender�n e�erc�sing any r�ght or rem�dy shall no�be a wai�er of or preclude the exercise of any <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Succ�ssors and Assigns Bound; Jo�n� and SQveral Liab����y; Accomrn�dation SignQrs. Th� covenants and <br /> a�reemen�s af�his Securi�ty�ns�rum�n�shal�bind and benef�the successars and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> subj ect to the provisians of section �x��ed Transfer of the Pr�per�y or a Benefic�al IntQrest in Barrawer. <br /> Borrov��er's covenants and agreements sha�l be join�and sev�ra�.Any person who coMs�gns�his Se�ur���nstrumen� <br /> bu� has na persona� liability u�ader th� Con�ract �"A�commoda�ion S�gner"}: �a� is co-signznb this S��uri�y <br /> In�trument on�y �o mor�gage, gran� and cnnvey that Accomrnoda�i�n Signer's in�erest in �he Proper�y under th� <br /> �errns of the Security Instrumen�; �h� is nat persana��y ob��ga�ed to pa� the sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> Insi:rumen�;an.d��}agrees�hat Lender and any��her B�rrawer may agree�o e��end,madify, fo�rbear or ma�e any <br /> a�c�mmoda�iflns�uith regard to�he terms of this�ecurity�nstrument�r�he Can�rac�withou��hat Accammodat�on <br /> S�gn�r's�ansent. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he loan secured by �h�s Secur�� Instrument is suh�ec� �o a �aw whz�h sets maximum l�an <br /> charges, and�ha�law is f nally�nterpreted so�ha��h��nterest or other Ioan charges cnl�ected or�o be callected�n <br /> c�nnection w��h the �oan e�c�ed the permitted �imi�s, th�n: �a} an� such ��an charge sha�1 be reduc�d by �he <br /> amoun�nece�sary ta reduce the charbe�o the permitted��mi�s anc��b} any sums alr�ady coll�c�ed fram B�rrovv�r <br /> which exce�ded p�rmitt�d limits will be refur�ded to Barravver. Lender rnay choase �o mak� this refurzd by <br /> �reducir�g�he princzpal o�ed under�he C�n�ra��or by making a direct paym�n�ta Borrower. If a refund redu�es <br /> prin��pal,th�reduction w�il be trea�ed as a par�ia�prepayment under t�e Can�rac�. <br /> Not�ce�. Any natice to Borrower pr�v�ded for xn this Security �nstrum�n� �hall be gi�en b� delzvering i� or by <br /> mailing it by first class mai�un�ess Applzcable Law requ�res use af another methad.The na��ce shall��directed to <br /> the Pro�ert�Address ar an� a�her address Barrower desi�nates by natice�o Lender. Borrower agrees t�prov�d� <br /> Lender vv��h Borro�ver's mfls�curren�ma��ing address, as ��may change fr�rn time-toWt�me. Any notice to Lend�r <br /> sha11 be gxven by f�rs�class mail to Lend�r's address s�ated herein or any a�her addres�Lender designates by no��ce <br /> to Barrower.Arxy no�ice provided for in thzs Security�nstrumen�shaI�be deemed t�have be�n given t� Borrower <br /> ar Lender when gi�ren as pro��ded in�his paragraph. <br /> Gaverning Law;Se�erab��ity.This Security�ns�rumen�shal�be g�verned by federa�law and the laws af�h�sta�e <br /> of Nehraska. In�the even��ha� any provision or clause of�his Securi� Zns�rument or�he Con�ract canflicts w��h <br /> App���able Law, such canf�ict sha�� no�affect n�her provis�ons af th�� 5ecurity Instrument or�h� Cantract which <br /> can be given effect v��thaut trie conflzc�in.g pro�ision. Ta th�s end the pra�is��ns of this 5ecurity�nstr�umen�and the <br /> Con�rac�are de�lared�a be severable. <br /> Borrnwer's Capy.Borrav�er sha�l be gxven one cflp�of this Security�ns�rumen�. <br /> Cc�2pQ4-2Q14 Carnplian�e Systems,Inc.FDb�-253�-2413L2.1�,1.895 <br /> Consur�rer Real Estate-Security Instrur,nent DLZfl3d Pa�e 3 of 5 www.carnplian� <br />